Summer Is Here!
This quarterly newsletter from the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) is designed to keep those working with Washington's children, youth, and families informed of all of the great work pertaining to Professional Development.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, DCYF paused the in-person/hands-on component required for CPR training during 2021.
This is no longer applicable and the in-person/hands-on component required for CPR training must be completed to meet the CPR requirements.
Learn what steps you need to take for your existing and new staff.
Do you work in a Montessori program? Do you ever wonder how your Montessori certificate, credential, or diploma can meet your licensing education requirement?
In partnership with the Pacific Northwest Montessori Association and Montessori representatives at the national level, our Professional Development team has developed a resource for you! Based on questions that we have received, this FAQ guide includes information on:
- How Montessori certificates, credentials, and diplomas can meet job role education requirements
- How Montessori education and training can award you in-service training hours, and
- How to meet the Child Care Basics training requirement
Check out this guide. If you have any questions, please email:
DCYF is working on developing Staff Qualification requirements and a set of competencies for Family Support Professionals.
About the Competencies
Professional competencies will outline the essential knowledge, skills and abilities, and they will be used to create professional learning pathways through training, higher education, and relationship-based professional development.
Get Involved!
- We will be recruiting family support professionals and recipients of services to learn more about this role to help draft the competencies.
- In the fall we will launch a Family Support Competencies Workgroup.
- There will be opportunities to review and provide feedback on the products that are developed by the workgroup.
Stay tuned for more on this. We'll be announcing ways to get involved via our newsletter (subscribe here) and our website!
“Dual language learning is absolutely important to teach compassion, respect, and awareness of other cultures. Exposure to other cultures expands one’s perspective.” -Quote from a family living in central WA.
Thanks to the efforts of providers, partners, stakeholders, tribal representatives, and other professionals, the first iteration of the Dual Language Standards is complete!
"Thank you for the partnership and collaboration throughout this process. This group has taught me a lot and this is a great work coming together” (Advisory Group Member)
Washington is the 10th state to join the WIDA (World- Class Instructional Design and Assessment) Early Years Consortium! The WIDA Consortium is a national partnership between states dedicated to equitable educational opportunities for multilingual learners.
A partnership with WIDA provides DCYF access to tools, resources, and services designed to support the unique needs of young multilingual children in early care and education settings.
Tune into our July's Dual Language Designation Webinar to learn more about WIDA and our DL efforts. Tuesday, July 26 at 6 p.m. | Register Here
Welcome Yolanda!
Welcome Yolanda Arellano to the Professional Development team! Yolanda will now be supporting the Dual Language work!
Yolanda worked as the Bilingual Program Coordinator for Yakima County Elections for 11 years, supporting bilingual access to civic engagement and education.
Connect & Make Your Voice Count!
If you are interested in participating in the ongoing Dual Language advisory group that informs this work, please email Athena Jimenez-Manalo directly.
The PD Team is committed to providing a variety of engagement efforts around our work. To learn about our efforts, visit our Engagement Efforts webpage. |
As directed by the Fair Start for Kids Act (FSKA), the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families is launching a comprehensive effort to grow trauma-informed and healing-centered supports for early childhood professionals.
To build protective factors among Washington kids, the 2021 Legislation directed DCYF to provide new trauma-informed supports for eligible providers.
FSKA trauma-informed supports will be made available for certified, licensed, and license-exempt providers, Early Childhood Education and Assistance (ECEAP) Program staff, and Early Achievers coaches.
To identify needed trauma-informed supports DCYF is using the Liberatory Design framework as a model for collaborating with providers, asking them what types of trauma-informed supports would be most helpful. DCYF has also convened a technical advisory group comprised of subject matter experts to guide the work.
Why Trauma-Informed Care is a Priority
- Trauma yields vast human, institutional, and financial costs.
- People with serious early adversities often experience state systems, including child welfare, justice, and public and behavioral health.
- In Washington, nearly one in three individuals experiences at least three potentially traumatic adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
- The impacts of colonization and systemic racism leave children of color particularly affected by early adversities.
What DCYF is doing with FSKA
- Through the partner consultation process, DCYF will establish compensation for individual staff who acquire trauma-informed knowledge, skills, and education.
- DCYF is also working to establish trauma-informed professional competencies that may be used to identify skills of an individual or professional learning development needs.
- In partnership with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the University of Washington’s Haring Center and Cultivate Learning, DCYF will launch updated Pyramid Model birth-3 training, which provides a framework for early childhood professionals to grow social emotional development.
- DCYF will expand developmental screening training and tools
- A Trauma-Informed and Healing-Centered Fundamentals training will be developed and added to Child Care Basics that is required of all early learning professionals.
For more information on DCYF’s efforts to grow trauma-informed supports, connect with Jess Mayrer.
Want to learn about incorporating outdoor nature-based learning into your ECE programs?
Join the Farm to ECE Community of Practice call Taking Farm to ECE Outdoors to explore the intersections of Outdoor Nature-Based learning and Farm to ECE. There are two upcoming sessions, one in July and another in October.
Hear from presenters who have experience facilitating nature based activities and leave with resources to start your own!
Side Note: Did you know that DCYF recently published Washington State Nature-Based Learning Competencies: Supplement for Early Care and Education Professionals?
The PD team will be taking a closer look at this document during August's Nature-Based Learning Competencies webinar. Tuesday, Aug. 16 at 6 p.m. Register Here.
The Professional Development team would like to congratulate Ninder Gill, one of our State-Approved Trainers and close partner, for being selected by the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity to receive the Equity and Social Justice award for Mentorship!
One of only three awards given nationally, the honor recognizes Ninder’s excellent contributions as a mentor. The three categories for the award are Mentorship, Scholarship and Change Agent.
Ninder is a full-time faculty at North Seattle’s Early Childhood Education program where she focuses her time on the language immersion cohorts. Her primary audience are early learning providers, with a focus on family, and child care programs.
In true, mentorship style, Ninder works tirelessly to build the early learning workforce by not only teaching and mentoring, but by providing opportunities in higher education as well.
The award was presented during a ceremony at NCORE’s General Session, Thursday, June 1.
"It's way more than becoming a teacher, it’s a lifeline for you, and your parents…” says Dr. White about My Brothers Teacher (MBT).
Dr. White is the Director of My Brothers Teacher at the University of Washington and part-time professor at North Seattle College.
MBT is a program with two main goals:
- To diversify the early learning workforce in Seattle.
- To support post-secondary opportunities in the field of education for Black and Brown males in Seattle.
MBT seeks to diversify the early learning workforce by recruiting male high school Black and Brown students from the Greater Seattle area to complete college coursework in early childhood education at North Seattle College (NSC) and provides funded summer internships in Seattle’s early learning programs.
Beyond the Basics...
When interviewing Dr. White, it became apparent this program goes beyond its diversity efforts... "We go beyond the basics, and really help students navigate an educational system that was not built for students of color" says White.
This program looks at young BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) youth in a holistic manner, and has a deep emphasis on relationship-building, coaching and mentoring young students as they navigate some of their biggest decisions. "MBT fills out all of those gaps, getting BIPOC students into college and helping them navigate these things..."
The program's success is made possible thanks to the dedication of program staff, Elane Jones and Clare Juico, Project Manager's for MBT (pictured with Dr. White, top left corner).
History In the Making
Dr. White began his doctorate at the University of Washington in 2017. While attending a conference in New York to help decide on his dissertation topic, he found himself in a session focused on Black male teachers "my mind just blew up—we can research ourselves?!” says White.
That's when Dr. White knew he wanted to focus his doctoral research on Black teachers, but the lack of representation in Washington state made it difficult... so he decided to change that.
Fast forward to today, the program has launched two cohorts with 94% of students going to college.
Current MBT fellows attending North Seattle College are on a full academic scholarship and one fellow from the first cohort earned a full academic scholarship to a Historically Black College and University in Texas.
"Teaching is a progression—there’s a latter when you leave the classroom...” says Dr. White.
We couldn't agree more!
To learn more information about MBT visit Cultivate Learnings website, My Brothers Teacher.
We are excited to announce the implementation of a new Learning Management System (LMS) coming soon for early learning providers!
DCYF’s 'New Training Site' (which will be renamed later), will be a place for child care providers to find ALL training and complete online training.
What does this mean?
DCYFs New Training Site will replace the current LMS,
Child care providers will be able to find training that is available AND complete online trainings on DCYFs New Training site when it launches in the new year, 2023.
Training organizations will now be able to manage their State-Approved Trainers in the New Training site.
Trainers will access the New Training Site to list training, track completions, manage rosters, and connect to their training organization. It is also how new trainers can become state-approved trainers.
When Will this Change Happen?
DCYF’s New Training Site will launch in the new year, in early 2023.
Why A New Training Site?
We are excited to launch a new LMS system that will be easier to use in order to meet the needs of our growing and diverse workforce.
DCYF’s New Training Site will have features that will help our learners, training organizations and trainers’ access and navigate with ease. Some key features include:
- Language customization
- Automated alerts and notifications
- Easily search for training by topic, location, and more!
- Blended and collaborative learning options, including integration with Zoom
- Centralized learning materials and eLearning content library
- LMS integrations with other DCYF applications to increase productivity and data consistency
- Flexible reporting and analytics
- Better overall navigation and accessibility for the user
- Directors/program administrators will be able to assign or register staff for training
- Easier way to take attendance at in-person trainings
Next Steps
We’re taking a user-centered approach to help transition to the new LMS.
During each step of the way, we will be working closely with those who will be using this new system to learn from our users to offer the best support.
We’ve created a dedicated webpage to provide updates on this work. We're excited to venture into this new journey of learning, and excited to bring you along!
The PD team is committed to having the public and stakeholders engage and contribute to our work.
Currently, our team has multiple opportunities to get involved in around:
- PACE (Provider Access to a Community Equivalent)
- Multilingual/Dual Language in Early Learning
- State-Approved Training Program
Visit PD's Engagement Efforts webpage to learn how to get involved in different work areas for the team. We'd love to hear your voice!
We have a jam-packed series that includes MERIT Updates, Dual Language, Outdoor Nature-Based Competencies, and Staff Qualification Options. Don't miss out!
August: Nature-Based Learning Competencies. Register Here
September: Staff Qualifications Refresher - Know Your Options. Register Here
Additional details below...
In 2021, DCYF became the first agency in the nation to license outdoor, nature-based (ONB) child care programs.
ONB programs offer early learning services to children in outdoor natural space and teach children a nature-based curriculum.
ONB professionals must have specialized knowledge and skills in order to offer a safe, high-quality outdoor learning experience.
The recently published Washington State Nature-Based Learning Competencies: Supplement for Early Care and Education Professionals is a tool for professionals who provide this type of care.
During this live webinar, we'll take a closer look at the ONB Competencies! Join us and learn more about this exciting venture.
Tuesday, Aug. 16 | 6 p.m.
The publication is available in the DCYF publication library in English, Spanish, and Somali.
You know that feeling you get when you know where you're going? You may not know how to get there, but you're excited to you know your path? Well, we want to help you get there with this refresher webinar!
Join us as we discuss the multiple options, known as 'equivalents,' for meeting the educational requirements. We'll discuss the following options in detail:
Wednesday, Sept. 21 | 6 p.m.
Webinars are recorded and live on our Webinars webpage.
If you cannot find the webinar you're looking for, we're most likely working to record and upload. We appreciate your patience.
If you have questions about a specific webinar, email Marlene White.
Are you a trainer or are you curious to learn more about Washington's State-Approved Training program? The latest Growing the Workforce Newsletter is geared toward State-Approved Trainers.
A complete list of the Growing the Workforce Newsletters can be found on DCYF's Newsletters webpage:
DCYF knows the value of education and works diligently to partner with the higher education community to design and provide various educational programs and scholarships to support the early learning workforce. To keep updated on these programs and other education resources, visit:
Congrats to North Seattle's Class of 2022 ECE Grads!
"I have been part of this beautiful mission of helping with the development of early-age children for a year and a half, and the truth is that I have not regretted it for a single second." - Margarita, ECE Program Grad
Thanks to the Early Achievers scholarship, this dedicated class of of Spanish speaking students have graduated with their Initial Certificate in Early Education from North Seattle College's ECE program, Spanish Cohorts.
"Obtaining this certificate makes me believe that I can achieve many more things, and it also helps me motivate myself to continue studying. Feeling those desires of wanting to learn more is so nice! Especially because I feel sure that I will be doing an excellent job with the children since they are very important to me." - Johana, ECE Program Grad
Read more of the student's testimonies here:
Did you know that North Seattle College offers ECE degree programs in multiple languages?
Share With Us!
Have you received the Early Achievers grant and want to share your story? Send your story to our ECE Education Specialist, Sharene Leek, to be featured in the next newsletter.
The application is now open, and will close at 11:59 p.m. on August 16, 2022.
The Fair Start for Kids Act, passed by the Washington State Legislature in 2021, directs DCYF to distribute funds to support inclusive and culturally and linguistically specific early learning and early childhood and parent support programs across the state.
The funds are distributed through the Early Childhood Equity Grant. Do you have questions or need assistance applying? Email
Don't miss the latest updates related to training and PD. Bookmark the PD webpage!
Growing the Workforce is a resource for all individuals who are in the business of delivering professional learning supports to the early learning workforce.
The PD Newsletter is designed to keep Washington's early learning community informed of all of the great work pertaining to Professional Development.
A complete list of newsletters can be found on our Newsletters page.
DCYF Secretary Ross Hunter shares monthly messages to provide updates and news about the work of the agency. Read his latest messages below and click here to subscribe.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact DCYF's Office of Communications.