The Home Visiting team is excited to announce the 2022 Spring Expansion Funding Opportunity. Documents for this funding can be found here in this email and on the DCYF Home Visiting webpage. These documents include:
Letter of Intent (LOI) Form: Due March 11, 2022 at 12 p.m. (note, all applicants intending to apply must submit a Letter of Intent by this deadline)
Application Form: Due April 4, 2022 at 12 p.m. PST
Budget Template (submitted with Application Form): Due April 4, 2022 at 12 p.m. PST
Guidance (application & budget instructions; key dates)
Bidder’s Webinar on Wednesday, March 2, from 2 to 4 p.m. (highly recommended):
Join Meeting: Meeting access code: 2465 673 5645 Meeting password: UdaMVcE3J38 Join by mobile device: +13608103022,,24656735645## US Toll
This Funding Opportunity is intended to increase the number of families served by the HVSA by approximately 300 through a competitive award process. Total funding available is up to $2.1 million. Applications may not exceed $300,000 per proposal.
Eligible Models: The 9 voluntary home visiting models currently in the HVSA: Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) delivering services via an in-home modality; Early Head Start Home-Based Program; Early Steps to School Success; Family Spirit; Nurse-Family Partnership; Outreach Doula; Parents as Teachers; ParentChild+; Steps Towards Effective Enjoyable Parenting.
Eligible Home Visiting Programs: Currently funded by DCYF/HVSA and/or other funding sources and must have been fully operational for a minimum of 12 months as of January 1, 2022.
Priority Populations and Service Areas: While applications proposing additional or other populations will be accepted, this funding opportunity will prioritize funding for programs proposing to expand for the following:
- American Indian/Alaska Native
- Black/African American
- Pacific Islander
- Hispanic
- Immigrants and refugees
- Rural and remote/frontier communities that currently have no or minimal access to home visiting services
- One or more of the priority 61 school locales (identified in the Guidance document)
- Federally recognized Tribes in Washington State
Please share this announcement with any home visiting program sites in your region – thank you
for doing so!
- The Home Visiting Team