This Native Growth Protection Area provides wildlife habitat and maintains water quality.
 Native Growth Area Protects Wildlife and Water Quality
It's been several months since the roadwork part of the 128th St. project was completed, but landscaping crews have returned to the area to finish rebuilding the Native Growth Protection Area on the northwest corner of 128th St. and 3rd Ave.
Three logs have been placed in strategic locations to facilitate wildlife habitat, and several varieties of native growth vegetation have been planted. When the area is complete, it will provide wildlife habitat and increase storm water infiltration, improving water quality and stream flow management.
Information about the 128th Street project is online at www.communitytransit.org/128th.

 Construction Begins on Canyon Park Driver Restroom
The Swift Green Line construction project includes building a new restroom for bus drivers at Canyon Park Park & Ride.
The current restroom is outdated and sits very close to the roadway.
Demolition and construction will occasionally require closing one ADA parking space on an as-needed basis. Notice will be posted in advance of closing the space.
Information about the Swift Green Line stations is online at www.communitytransit.org/SwiftStations.

 How Do We Keep All of These Buses Running?
Keeping Community Transit's fleet of nearly 1,000 buses, vans and support vehicles running smoothly requires a crew of 57 journey-level diesel mechanics, 4 apprentice-level diesel mechanics and 23 other staff in the maintenance shop... and we need more!
Maintenance Instructor Jayen Hass keeps our award-winning mechanics at the top of their game, and will be our featured guest on the December edition of Community Transit Live.
Join us at noon on Dec. 18 to hear Jayen talk about what it takes to become a mechanic for Community Transit.
View previous webcasts, provide feedback or submit questions at www.communitytransit.org/CTLive.

 Construction Includes Four Areas, Several Stages
The Swift Green Line will run between the Canyon Park Park & Ride in Bothell and the Seaway Transit Center, which is currently under construction near the Boeing Everett plant.
Swift Green Line buses will serve 34 stations at 16 intersections and two terminals every 10 minutes weekdays, and every 20 minutes nights and weekends.
Community Transit is building the stations in stages: underground utility work, concrete platforms, and finally the station structures.
Construction began in Area 1, the northernmost part of the route, and will generally move east and south, resulting in each station being visited several times in 2018.
Swift stations will provide weather protection, seating, adequate lighting, real-time next bus signs, and a rider information kiosk. ORCA smart card readers and ticket vending machines will provide quick and easy ways for riders to pay their fare before boarding a Swift bus.
The Swift Green Line will connect with the Swift Blue Line at Hwy 99 & Airport Rd., establishing Snohomish County’s first high-capacity transit network. The network will eventually include more Swift lines and Link light rail.
The Swift Green Line will begin service in spring 2019.