Dear Pesticide Applicator or Distributor,
EPA issued an Emergency Order that immediately suspends all registrations of products containing the active ingredient dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA), also marketed under the trade name Dacthal.
What this means for applicators: Effective immediately, do not use any pesticide products containing DCPA. Do not use the remaining stock. Return the existing DCPA stock or contact WSDA’s Waste Pesticide Program to dispose of it at one of our collection events.
Upcoming Pesticide Collection Events:
August 26-29 – SW WA Region
September 16-17 - Walla Walla
September 18-19 - Pasco and Tri-Cities
October 14-17 - Yakima and Prosser
What this means for distributors: Effective immediately, no person in any state may distribute, sell, offer for sale, hold for sale, ship, deliver for shipment, or receive and (having so received) deliver or offer to deliver to any person any pesticide product containing DCPA. However, EPA will allow the distribution of products with the ultimate purpose of returning DCPA to the registrant.
For more information on this topic: EPA Issues Emergency Order to Stop Use of Pesticide Dacthal to Address Serious Health Risk | US EPA