Join us for the FY24 City Budget Public Hearing on January 17th at 7:00!
On December 5, 2022 I presented the proposed FY24 City Budget to the City Council. Over the last month, the Department Heads presented their individual budgets to the Council. On behalf of the Council and City’s Leadership Team, please join us on January 17th at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium at 180 Market Street for a Public Hearing on the proposed FY24 City Budget. All materials related to this proposed budget are available here:
With the development of the FY24 Budget, the Leadership Team focused on ensuring that we are meeting the service expectations of our residents and businesses as we continue to strategically grow. Specifically, this proposed FY24 Budget achieves several key community goals:
- Investing in the maintenance of our parks and open spaces
- Investing in our public safety by restoring a funded police officer and transitioning back to having a Deputy Police Chief
- Investing in our Fire/EMS service provision by restoring a 30th firefighter/EMT and staffing a second ambulance staring in January 2024
- Investing in incremental growth in our Capital Improvement Plan to ensure we are keeping up with needed deferred maintenance in our streets, paths, sidewalks, parks, fleet, and facilities
- Investing in data handling and GIS capacity at the City to ensure we are making data-driven decisions for our community
To both continue core operations as they currently stand and to make these targeted investments to restore services, the proposed FY24 Budget results in a 5.75% or $.0268 tax rate increase. The average condo owner would see a $78.50 increase in the annual costs and the average single family homeowner would see an increase of $117.12.
Additionally, the City Council approved placing two bond votes on the Town Meeting Day ballot. If approved, these two bonds will not impact the property tax rate. They are:
- $15,086,430 to fund the final four Tax Increment Financing projects to include the Garden Street and Williston Road intersection, Williston Road Streetscape, the East West Crossing (bike and pedestrian bridge over I89, and the City Center Park Phase II
- $33,833,000 to fund improvements at the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility, Airport Parkway Wastewater Treatment Facility, and replace four pump stations
We’d appreciate hearing your feedback on these proposed investments at the January 17th Public Hearing at 7:00 PM. You can participate in person in the Auditorium at 180 Market Street or virtually:
Please join meeting:
Dial in: +1 (224) 501-3412 Access Code: 699-586-277
And, as always, you can contact me, Jessie Baker, at or the City Council at Here’s to a wonderful and exciting 2023 in South Burlington!
Big Thank You to Our Election Workers!
With 2022 in our rear view mirror and 2023 ahead of us, I wanted to thank everyone who helped at any of the many elections that the city held this past year. We’ve all heard that it takes a village to raise a child, well it takes a lot of caring, committed, democracy minded individuals to hold an election. From those who came into our office prior to election to help us with a lot of early ballots, assisted in any of our early ballot pre-processing events, helped us bring ballots to senior facilities, and most importantly, to all those who gave their time on election day.
I would also like to take this time to publicly thank my staff, Deb, Pam, and Alyssa. They don’t always get the attention they deserve for all the fine work they do for this City, but they are the backbone of the office.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I couldn’t do it without all of you.
Happy New Year to everyone.
Donna Kinville
South Burlington City Clerk
SB Police
Receives Awards
Pictured here at the Vermont Police Academy commencement are South Burlington Police employees (left to right); Cpl. Williamson, Lt. Bataille, Ofc. Kandra, Sgt. Mulcahy, and Lt. Jager.
On December 16th, 2022 Officer Nicholas Kandra graduated from the Vermont Police Academy. Officer Kandra received the Director’s Award which is an award given to one recruit who consistently displayed excellence in all aspects of training during the Vermont Police Academy. Additionally, Lt. Chris Bataille was presented with the Rod Pulisfer Instructor’s Award. Lt. Bataille was selected by the 114th Basic Academy class as the instructor who displayed professionalism, discipline, and expertise in the subject matter he taught – Criminal Law.
Looking to make a difference in your community? Now accepting petitions for South Burlington City Council, School Board and Water Commissioner.
South Burlington School Board
- 1 - 2-Year Term
- 1 - 3-Year Term
City Council
- 1 - 2-Year Term
- 1 - 3-Year Term
Water Commissioner
The Development Review Board recently approved an outpatient surgical center on Tilley Drive consisting of eight operating rooms. The facility anticipates serving approximately 7,900 surgical cases per year and was designed to accommodate an additional four operating rooms if needed in the future.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM to consider amendments to the Land Development Regulations. This amendment would
- Modification of the Class II wetlands buffer boundary in some residential areas
- Streamline administrative permitting process
- Remove permitted, human-made steep slopes from regulation as steep slopes
Public Meeting
Join us on Wednesday January 11th at 6:00 PM in-person or virtually to learn about potential lighting on the Kennedy Drive Shared Use Path and provide your input on what you’d like to see here!
Proposed Amendments
Impact Fee Ordinance
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Monday, January 23, 2023 at 6:30 PM, the City Council will hold a public hearing and second reading, on possible amendments to the City’s Impact Fee Ordinance. These amendments include establishing a School Impact Fee.
Winter Parking Ban
December 1 - April 1, 2023
Midnight to 8:00 AM every day. The ban is in effect, regardless of weather conditions. Tickets and or a tow could result from failure to comply. To help our drivers, please remove all obstacles from streets, including portable basketball hoops. Residents must plan for alternate parking from December 1 thru April 1 if they normally park on a city street or right of way.
Click Here for more Winter Maintenance Reminders
Looking for a full and or part-time job? The City of South Burlington is looking to hire great people to join our team.
CLICK HERE for our most current openings. We have several!
School District Events & News
School Board Meetings
January 11 | 6:00PM
Budget Meeting
Agenda and participation info on the District website under Announcements
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