The FY24 Budget season is here!
On December 5, 2022 the City Manager will present the Leadership Team’s proposed FY24 municipal budget to the City Council. The Council will then spend two months vetting this proposal, making changes, and ultimately approving what will go to the voters on Town Meeting Day. Below is the schedule of budget presentations. We encourage the community to attend these Council meetings, participate virtually, or watch the presentations afterwards. We’d love to hear from you!
December 5th
- Overall City budget and Administration (City Manager, Clerk, Physical Plant, Tax/Assessing, IT, Legal, Planning & Zoning, and Finance) budget.
- Holly Rees will present our Recreation and Parks budget.
- Jennifer Murray will present the Library budget.
- Also this night the Council will hold a Public Hearing on a potential Tax Increment Financing bond vote.
December 19th
- Tom DiPietro will present the Public Works Department budget.
- Ilona Blanchard will present the Community Development budget.
- Also this night the Council will consider putting a bond vote on the ballot for improvements to the Bartlett Bay Wasterwater Treatment Facility.
January 3rd
- Fire Chief Steven Locke will present the Fire and Emergency Medical Services budget.
- Police Chief Shawn Burke will present the Police, Dispatch, and Community Justice Center budget.
- Also this night the Council will discuss the overall budget.
January 17th
- The Council will hold a Public Hearing on the FY24 Proposed budget and consider what to move forward to the voters on Town Meeting Day.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Illuminate Vermont!
Warm mittens wrapped around hot drinks, music on the main stage, and twinkling white lights set the scene on Market Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Stroll the open air market and dance by the main stage, or grab a cocktail and warm up inside. Vermont artisans will showcase perfect holiday gifts from culinary treats to handcrafted treasures.
The South Burlington Police have recorded sharp increases in a number of crime categories 2020 – 2022. The data presented is fiscal year June to July. Two recent stolen vehicles were involved in serious crashes within the city, specifically, a stolen car from Burlington fled from officers and crashed into a Tanglewood Drive home on 11/02/2022. Last week, on 11/22/2022 a stolen truck crashed into another vehicle on Dorset St. at Market St. Both incidents resulted in injuries, serious property damage, and highlight the dangers this stolen vehicle trend are presenting to the public.
Winter Parking Ban
December 1 - April 1, 2023
Midnight to 8:00 AM every day. The ban is in effect, regardless of weather conditions. Tickets and or a tow could result from failure to comply. To help our drivers, please remove all obstacles from streets, including portable basketball hoops. Residents must plan for alternate parking from December 1 thru April 1 if they normally park on a city street or right of way.
Click Here for more Winter Maintenance Reminders
Planning Commission Seeking Volunteer!
The Commission is a seven-member board responsible for planning for the community’s future. This includes preparing and updating the City’s long range Comprehensive Plan, the City’s Land Development Regulations, and undertaking various studies.
Seeking Volunteers for Illuminate Vermont!
Seeking volunteers for Illuminate Vermont! Sign up now to be part of a brand new winter event in the heart of South Burlington’s new downtown – Illuminate Vermont
Monday December 5th - 9:00PM
The City Council will hold a public hearing on two amendments to the City’s Land Development Regulations at their meeting on Monday, December 5th, 9 pm. The amendments would re-align zoning districts along Shelburne Road and add allowed uses in the Commercial 2 and Commercial 1-Auto District to make them more consistent with the Commercial 1 – Residential 15 District.
For More Information click here for the Project Page
On December 5 at 8:30 PM, the City Council would like to hear from the public any thoughts or comments regarding placing a question on the upcoming town meeting day ballot to ask voters if they would approve TIF District financing for the remaining TIF District projects.
December 4 | 10am-12pm | Red Rocks Park
Join a Petra Cliffs Nature Educator on a tour of Red Rocks Park in South Burlington. From wolf trees to glacial erratics, and from well trod hiking trails to fern-filled cliff sides, Red Rocks Park is a stellar example of the interesting geology and ecology found right here in South Burlington. This program will talk about the natural history of the area as well as how to identify trees. Tree ID in winter is extra tricky without the aid of the leaves so learn tree ID using bark, twigs, and growth form to identify.
Click here to register.
Help us “get the wheels rolling” on an updated bikeshare service! Complete our 5-minute, anonymous survey by December 9th for a chance to win one of two $50 gift cards
Looking for a full and or part-time job? The City of South Burlington is looking to hire great people to join our team.
CLICK HERE for our most current openings. We have several!
School District Events & News
School Board Meetings
December 7,2022 | 7:00PM
Regular Meeting
Agenda and participation info on the District website under Announcements
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