Media Contact: Leah Kosin, Assistant Public Information Officer 703-771-2781
Snow Removal Reminders for Town of Leesburg Residents
Leesburg, VA (December 14, 2020) – With eight to twelve inches of snow in the forecast for Wednesday, Town officials remind residents and businesses about Town policies for handling snow, sleet, ice and other wintry precipitation.
Snow Emergency Routes. A snow emergency is declared when enough snow, sleet or other icy precipitation has accumulated, or is predicted to accumulate, on Town roadways to warrant plowing. When a snow emergency is in effect, all vehicles must be removed from streets designated as Snow Emergency Routes. Any vehicle not removed from the designated streets when a snow emergency is in effect will be towed at the owner’s expense. Snow Emergency Routes are:
- King Street, from the Union Cemetery to Country Club Drive
- Loudoun Street, from Liberty Street to Harrison Street
- Market Street, from Fairview Street to the Route 7/15 Bypass
Please see the Snow Emergency Routes map on the Town website.
Snow removal from Town streets. The Town of Leesburg is responsible for snow removal from public streets throughout Town. Snow removal on private streets, parking courts, and privately-owned parking lots is the responsibility of the HOA or property owner. For more information about who clears snow from specific streets, see the interactive map on the Town website at
On Tuesday evening, Town crews will apply brine to Town roadways to aid in snow removal. Plowing operations will begin immediately once snow reaches an accumulation of two inches on roadways. Snow Emergency Routes and other primary roads will be cleared first, followed by secondary streets and subdivision roads. Town crews will work 12-hour shifts, 24 hours a day, as long as necessary to restore safe access for vehicles. Streets may not be cleared to bare pavement or curb-to-curb. Until plowing is completed, residents are urged not to use streets unless absolutely necessary.
In advance of a snowfall, residents can assist in the efficiency of snow removal operations by removing all vehicles, trailers, basketball hoops, trash cans and other items from roadways in order to provide snow plows with maximum space for snow removal operations.
Snow removal from sidewalks. Property owners or occupants, both residential and commercial, are required to remove snow from public sidewalks adjoining their properties within 24 hours of a snowfall. As temperatures are forecast to remain near or below freezing for the remainder of the week, property owners are encouraged to remove snow before ice forms. If ice has formed and cannot be removed, it should be covered with sand, kitty litter or similar substance that will allow safe passage for pedestrians. Snow from sidewalks, driveways and parking areas must not be pushed into the street or other Town right-of-way.
Town crews will remove snow from sidewalks adjoining Town-owned or maintained properties.
Trash collection. Patriot is planning to collect trash on Wednesday. However, if the weather becomes unsafe for their trucks and staff, they will halt collections. If collections are halted, the remainder of Wednesday’s collection area will be completed on Thursday. Thursday collection for southwest Leesburg and Meadowbrook Farms will occur as scheduled.
For more information about the Town’s snow removal operations, please visit