Deadline to Appeal Assessed Value of Real Estate Extended to May 2
City of Fairfax property owners have been granted an additional 30 days to file an administrative review of their real estate’s assessed value. The new deadline to file an appeal with the City of Fairfax Real Estate Assessment Office is May 2.
The deadline was moved to allow property owners more time to gather necessary information and documentation and to consult with professionals in the appraisal industry to make informed decisions about their assessed values.
The administrative review is the first-level appeal in which property owners can work directly with their respective appraiser. The basis for appeal is whether the property’s assessed value is higher than market value and/or the assessed value is not equitable with comparable properties.
Completed applications may be submitted via email to or delivered to the Office of Real Estate Assessments at 10455 Armstrong St., Room 238, Fairfax, Va., 22030. (The application is attached to this message.)
A second-level appeal to the Board of Equalization may be submitted no later than June 30.
For additional information, please visit the city’s website, or call 703-385-7840.