Permit Resources Hub
This notice is to inform you of the launch of the Permit Resources Hub on the City of Fairfax website. Visitors to the website can apply for permits, access essential forms, contact staff, and get step-by-step guidance about development processes.
The Permit Resources Hub provides flowcharts, how-to guides, and other new information to assist in understanding City procedures and successfully navigating the permitting process, including:
- Permit Portal link and how-to guides for general navigation, account setup, and other functions, such as resubmission and payment
- Flowcharts and How-To-Apply guides for common application types
- Permit & Application Library with helpful information, links, and contacts for many of the permits, applications, and programs the City offers
- Permit FAQs to help understand when certain permits are and are not required
- Inspections information for various inspections required throughout the development process and how-to guides for scheduling/requesting these inspections
- Links to permit fees schedules
- Contact information and organization charts for City staff
- Industry Meeting page dedicated to the City’s annual Development Industry Meetings, with information and materials for upcoming and past meetings
For questions, please contact the City of Fairfax Development Review Ombudsman (571-546-5115).