Attend the Ceremonial Swearing-In of the Mayor and City Council, Jan. 14
The public is cordially invited to the ceremonial swearing-in of the City of Fairfax Mayor and City Council at 6 p.m. Jan. 14 in the Council Chamber in Fairfax City Hall.
A reception will follow the ceremony at 6:30 p.m.; please RSVP via email. The city council meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.
Council Reporter for the Jan. 7 Meeting
 Pictured from left to right: Mayor Catherine Read and City Councilmembers Anthony Amos, Billy Bates, Stacy Hall, Stacey Hardy-Chandler, Rachel McQuillen, and Thomas Peterson. Learn more about the councilmembers and school board members.
The Jan. 7 meeting of the city council was an orientation for new councilmembers. The meeting was not televised. The orientation included the following topics:
- Discussion of city council policies, procedures, meeting processes, and council committees
- Discussion of regional boards and commissions and city boards and commissions process
- Departmental orientation
- Introductory discussion on council goals
Closed Meeting to Discuss Personnel Matters
Approved, unanimously, with regard to the current vacancy in the city manager position, the city council moved that the city proceed to retain the services of an executive search firm to provide one or more recommendations for an individual to serve as acting city manager. Such individual would serve until a permanent city manager is appointed.
The city council will determine, at an appropriate time, the process for selecting a new permanent city manager.
Until such time as a new acting city manager is appointed, the city council affirmed that Melanie R. Zipp will serve as acting city manager, as provided by City Code.
A city council retreat will be held 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Jan. 11 in the police department training room. View the agenda.
A city council meeting is slated for Jan. 14. View the agenda (subject to change).
Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday nights in City Hall. Watch meetings live on Channel 12 (COX/Verizon) and online, or catch a replay at 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Please Use Winter Salt Sparingly
 The Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin wants you be aware of the negative impacts of using too much winter salt. Salt corrodes infrastructure (bridges, roads, pipes, etc.), harms aquatic wildlife, and pollutes our drinking water. According to ICPRB, "Chloride levels in the Potomac River [a main source of the area's drinking water] have increased 10-fold in the past 80 years." Learn more during Winter Salt Awareness Week, Jan. 27-31.
Free Concert! Harbor String Quartet at Sherwood Center, Jan. 10
The first Bonita Lestina Old Hall Performance Series concert, slated for 8 p.m. Jan. 10 at the Sherwood Center, features The Harbor String Quartet. The group will present "Sea Interludes," a concert featuring a variety of water-themed musical pieces. Join us for a magical, musical evening in Fairfax City!
Selections include favorites by Rimsky-Korsakov, Schubert, Copland, Vivaldi, Handel, along with traditional favorites, including "Oh, Shenandoah."
Presented by the City of Fairfax Commission on the Arts. This project was supported, in part, by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.