 February 15, 2024 - Vol. 6, No. 28
The grant will help address teacher shortages by removing cost barriers and providing quality teacher preparation. Participants who aspire to become teachers are paired with a strong mentor.
 This ad supports SPARK, the Education Foundation for PWCS.
The heartbeat of the boardroom
It is School Board Clerk Appreciation Week! Thank you for your efforts in serving School Board members, administrators, school staff, students, and the community!
PWCS World Languages
The World Languages Program is seeking bilingual (Spanish/English) parents or guardians who are willing to serve on committees reviewing secondary instructional resources for Spanish and/or Spanish for Fluent Speakers. Respond by February 23. Read More>>
Upcoming Events for PWCS Families
Tuesday, February 20
🔸 Learn how PWCS' Gifted Education and Talent Development program works, and how students are identified. Register Here >>
🔸 Scholarship searches - Information about scholarship resources - Webinar
Thursday, February 22
🔸 REVIVE - Informing families about opioid abuse - Webinar
Saturday, February 24
🔸 Parents as Partners in Special Education - Learn More and Register for Conference
It's Random Acts of Kindness Week in PWCS
In our schools across the division, students and staff are making kindness the norm
Read more about the Kindness Matters campaign, school resources and activities for students and families.