February 10, 2022 - Vol. 4, No. 30
CTE courses prepare students to takeoff in the aviation industry
Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes allow students to gain valuable knowledge and skills that prepare them for the workforce and post-secondary studies. In honor of CTE Month, observed each February, learn more about Aviation Maintenance I and II. These classes, offered at Unity Reed and Woodbridge High Schools, are giving students a glimpse into the aviation industry as they learn how to maintain aircraft. Read more.
This ad supports SPARK, the Education Foundation for PWCS.
Arthur Lockamy - Porter Traditional School
School Counselor Arthur Lockamy knows the importance of creating meaningful connections with his students at Porter Traditional School. Along with academic and career-path guidance, Lockamy works to support and grow students' social and emotional wellness. Learn more about Lockamy's personal journey to becoming a school counselor.
Geulia Boddie - Patriot High School
As a college and career counselor, Geulia Boddie has been helping students create and follow through on their post-secondary plans for many years. Boddie focuses on aiding students find their way after graduation, whether they are first-generation college goers, students with special needs, or students who are focused on military, trade, or career schools.
Taija Harris - Benton Middle School
Once a week, Benton Middle School Counselor Taija Harris trades her work day outfit for workout clothes to host morning movement workshops. These sessions help students increase their endorphins, release some energy, and have a little fun before heading to class. Harris hopes that students who attend the workshops leave with a positive attitude and are able to focus better throughout the school day.
School Counseling Team - C.D. Hylton High School
Counselors at Hylton High School organized a curriculum fair, giving students the opportunity to explore the many options available as they schedule courses for the next school year. From electives to AP classes, counselors guide students on their paths to college, military service, and careers.
Olympic Gold Medalist Benita Fitzgerald-Mosley visits Fitzgerald Elementary School
Fitzgerald Elementary School’s girls’ basketball club recently welcomed Olympic Gold Medalist Benita Fitzgerald-Mosley who talked with students about setting goals. Read more.
Brain Games: Sixth graders take a close look at biology
Antietam Elementary School gifted teacher, Kathy Lamont, along with Jenna Conner-Harris and co-teacher Susan Guidry, both gifted teachers at Lake Ridge Middle School, put their heads together to bring a brain dissection lesson to more than 100 sixth graders. Read more.
The School Board will hold a public hearing on the Superintendent’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023 at 6 p.m. on February 16, followed by a regular public meeting at 7 p.m.
The Prince William Health District (PWHD) is holding COVID-19 vaccination clinics at PWCS buildings; Vaccine available for those ages 5 and older.
Register for Parents as Partners: Building Bridges Between Home, School, and Community conference on Saturday, February 26.
PWCS will hold a community meeting at Fred Lynn Middle School at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 28 to share information about a proposed new elementary school in the Woodbridge area.
Graduating seniors — apply now for 2022 SPARK scholarships.
Freedom High School hosts new CTE courses for students interested in health occupations
Two new Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, Medical Coding and Billing and Pharmacy Technician, are preparing students for a health occupation. Students participate in learning, training, and earning certifications, which later allow them to apply for select jobs in the medical field.
Students and families are invited to join PWCS and the Virginia Department of Education next week in promoting Virginia Kindness Week, February 14-20, 2022. The Science of Kindness has shown that by participating in acts of kindness, one can feel an increased sense of well-being, belonging, and an overall decrease in stress. Teaching children to act in kind ways has proven to improve self-esteem, increase peer acceptance, and concentration. Join us in practicing and celebrating kindness not only next week, but all year round. Visit our webpage for kindness activities and resources.