Dear PWCS Community,
As we close for the winter break, I would like to take a moment to thank all our students, staff, and families for their extraordinary efforts during 2020. This has been a year unlike any other for all of us. This may be a difficult year to find opportunities to celebrate, however, in moments of trial we most often discover heroes.
This year we are blessed to have many heroes in PWCS, especially our extraordinary food services team that provided millions of meals during the pandemic without any interruption. I appreciate our special education teachers, English learner teachers, and related service providers and bus drivers, who have been working in-person since September four days a week with our most vulnerable learners. I am also thankful for all our teachers who made remarkable transformations to learning online through the rapid transition to remote and concurrent instruction. This effort has been led by our special educators as well as our pre-K, kindergarten, and first-grade teachers. I must also mention all our school-based and central administrators and our highly skilled support staff, including our custodians, counselors, nurses, front office staff, and many others who have worked tirelessly since March to support our students, teachers, and families in countless ways.
We are also blessed to have a diverse and supportive community that worked together to support friends, neighbors, and strangers through this difficult period. And we celebrate our students, who through it all have not wavered in their remarkable resiliency and adaptability to new ways of learning, collaborating, and connecting.
It is my fervent hope that every employee, student, and family in PWCS has a restful winter break and best wishes for a brighter 2021.
 Dr. Steve Walts Superintendent of Schools
Learn more about SwimKids This ad supports SPARK, the Education Foundation for PWCS.
Patriot High School students collect hundreds of toys for local homeless shelter
A “Drive-By, Drop-Off" hosted by students in Patriot High School's Key Club and National Honor Society helped collect hundreds of toys and gift cards to go to the homeless families served by Northern Virginia Family Services Campus. Read more.
Rosa Parks Elementary School hosts contactless food collection and Santa visit
In an effort to stay connected to families during these difficult times, Rosa Parks Elementary School’s Parent Teacher Organization hosted a drive-by Santa visit and food-drive. Read more.
SPARK, the PWCS education foundation, provides meals to families for the holidays
SPARK worked with NBC4 and Uptown Alley to help supply families with Thanksgiving meals. Read more.
Minnieville Elementary School brightens spirits with light display for students and community
 Students and their families were treated to a special drive-thru festival of lights at Minnieville Elementary School. Teachers and staff were there to greet families with a wave and cheer, and Santa made a special visit as well.
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Winter Break observed December 21 through January 3
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday season and a Happy New Year! Look for the next edition of The Scoop the week of January 4, 2021.