PWCS wishes you a very happy holiday
In this season of thankfulness, we are grateful for our amazing staff, our engaged students, our supportive families, and our wonderful community. Watch Video
Learn more about SwimKids This ad supports SPARK, the Education Foundation for PWCS.
Travel advisory information to know for this holiday season
All members of the PWCS community who are considering travel for an upcoming holiday are asked to read information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about important considerations before deciding to travel for Thanksgiving and information from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) about social gatherings and holiday celebrations.
View these five tips to help all students, staff, and family members make informed decisions about their travel plans.
Updates to Governor Northam's public health executive orders; what it means for PWCS
Governor Ralph S. Northam announced new statewide measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. The measures limit public and private social gatherings to 25 individuals. However, the social gathering limit does not apply to instructional educational settings, including classrooms, buses, cafeterias, and recess. Currently, PWCS will continue with the current plan phased-in return to school buildings.
Revisions have been made to PWCS regulation on face covering
Governor Northam's new measures also include the expansion of the existing mask mandate to require children age 5 and older to wear a face covering in indoor public settings. This does apply to children over 5 in public schools, as is developmentally appropriate.
Exceptions are made for students with medical conditions or disabilities for whom wearing a mask would pose a threat to their health or safety. Exceptions are also made for those communicating with the hearing impaired. Additionally, students may remove masks when eating, drinking, or exercising. Teachers will continue to work with their administrators to make plans to utilize spaces for lunch that allow students to eat as comfortably as possible.
Please read Regulation 275-2, "Emergency Face Covering Requirements"
PWCS plans to move forward with the upcoming high school sports season as permitted by the Virginia High School League. Due to the Governor’s restriction on gathering size, PWCS will not have in-person spectators during competitions. We will be offering on-demand live streaming of games via a contracted service for a small fee.
Read more about PWCS plans for resuming high school athletics and live streaming of competitions.
Stay up to date on health metrics in the region and in PWCS. The COVID-19 Dashboard provides the latest information on reported cases, transmission rates in the area, as well as "CDC Indicators for Dynamic School Decision-Making." |
The Prince William County School Board has launched a search for a new superintendent and wants to know your thoughts.
Please share your feedback by completing this survey and through participating in scheduled community meetings.
Staff and community members may submit questions or concerns about the implementation of the PWCS Health Plan and other health mitigation strategies in school buildings, 24 hours a day, by sending an email to This email will be monitored by staff members poised to provide an answer. If a concern is shared about a specific school, a staff member will reach out to the building principal for more information.
Reminder: First grade returns to school buildings after Thanksgiving holiday
Reminder to complete survey on virtual instruction by November 30
Cybersecurity competition now open for high school students (PDF)
Nominations open for Second Annual Presidential Cybersecurity Education Award for educators (PDF)
School Board to meet on Wednesday, December 2
Prince William County Government is offering free COVID-19 testing
PWCS school social workers contribute to "Hope Bags" initiative
When human trafficking survivors are recovered, they often do not have many (or any) personal belongings and are wearing the same clothing they wore when trafficked. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children established the "Hope Bag" collection years ago and encourages local communities to continue this effort.
Hope Bags are simple cinch sacks or backpacks that contain basic clothing and hygiene items as well as snacks. The supplies allow survivors to shower and change into clean clothes after they are recovered.
PWCS school social workers reached out to individual schools, friends, and family members to collect donations for the Hope Bags. The collaborative effort with the Virginia Trafficking Response Coordinator and the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services garnered an overwhelming response from the community. The donated supplies filled Hope Bags for federal and local law enforcement, child advocacy centers and other agencies to distribute to human trafficking survivors. Thank you school social workers and all those who contributed.