![School Food and Nutrition Services provides more than one million curbside pickup meals since school closure last March](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/VAEDUPWCPS/2020/09/3690228/3211539/onemillionmealsscoopvideo2_crop.jpg) Number Served: 1,000,000
School Food and Nutrition Services provided more than one million curbside pickup meals since school closure last March
School Food and Nutrition Services has been providing free breakfasts and lunches to students since schools closed on March 14. A milestone one million meals served was reached recently, thanks to the dedication of our Food Services employees.
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Our incredible team continues to provide curbside food service to ALL students this school year.
“Twice a week we’re offering a grocery supplement,” explains Adam Russo,director of school food and nutrition services. “Families can get 14-24 meals at a time to supplement their grocery bill.”
Kits are FREE to all children 18 years and under.
Service times: Mondays and Thursdays from 12-6 p.m.
Full details and list of locations
Learn more about SwimKids This ad supports SPARK, the Education Foundation for PWCS.
Submit your Return to Learn Packet today
Emergency Cards, annual acknowledgements, and forms are now electronic
![Return to Learn Packet Now Electronic](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/VAEDUPWCPS/2020/09/3666052/3201799/081220-r2l-packet-instagram-600-x-600_crop.png) |
This year, PWCS is providing emergency cards and required forms to be completed online via the Return to Learn Packet, now available in ParentVUE.
Instructions for completing 2020-21 Return to Learn Packet (PDF)
It is extremely important that all families complete the Return to Learn Packet by September 18. The information you provide will allow school staff to have the most up-to-date contact information and ensure the safety of your student this school year.
![School Division named a top employer in Virginia on Forbes’ 2020 list of Best Employers](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/VAEDUPWCPS/2020/09/3690065/091420-pwcs-top-employer-pwcs-banner_original.jpg) Forbes named PWCS as the top School Division in the state to work for and the 11th best employer overall in the state of Virginia. Read more
Good News
Saunders Middle School students and staff remember 9/11
![Saunders Middle School students and staff remember 9/11](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/VAEDUPWCPS/2020/09/3690082/3211540/091120-saunders-911-flags-ig2_crop.jpg) |
See how Saunders Middle School continued their annual remembrance of September 11, 2001, through class discussion and the traditional lining of American flags along Spriggs Road. Read more |
PWCS student set to launch project into space
![PWCS student set to launch project into space](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/VAEDUPWCPS/2020/09/3686332/3211541/091420-forest-park-space-project-600x600_crop.jpg) |
Forest Park High School and Governor’s School @ Innovation Park student Eleanor Sigrest won the 2020 Design/Build/Launch competition held by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in partnership with Blue Origins. The competition provides a high school student or team with the opportunity to send an experiment into space on Blue Origin’s New Shepard Rocket in 2021. Read more |
PWCS retains title as top heart hero in Virginia
![PWCS retains title as top heart hero in Virginia](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/VAEDUPWCPS/2020/09/3691246/3211542/091620-pwcs-aha-instagram-2_crop.png) |
PWCS reigns number one in the state as the top school division for participation and promotion of heart health with the American Heart Association. Read more |
Parents may opt for college entrance testing scores to NOT appear on the student transcript
![Parents may opt out of college entrance testing scores appearing the student transcript.](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/VAEDUPWCPS/2020/09/3693339/3212036/091620-test-score-opt-out-nl-542-x-342_crop.png) |
The Virginia Department of Education “Regulations Governing Secondary School Transcripts” mandates that local divisions include a student’s test record, to include at least the highest score earned, on college performance-related standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT on the student’s secondary school transcript. Parents, guardians, or others having legal control or charge of a child may elect in writing to have their child’s test record excluded from the student transcript (opt out). Read more |
Adults: learn English, get your GED®, become career ready
Learn more about the National External Diploma Program at upcoming information sessions
Adult education classes can help you prepare to take the citizenship test
Give your suggestion on naming “Potomac Shores” Middle School at virtual community meeting on September 24
Participate in a presentation and public comment period about plans for future cleanup activities at the former Manassas Air Force Communications Facility
Miles apart, but close together
![Miles apart...Close Together](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/VAEDUPWCPS/2020/09/3690053/3211543/miles-apartscoopvideo_crop.jpg) Beyond the brick and mortar, our PWCS teachers, staff, students, and families are all working together to bridge the distance and make virtual learning the best it can be.
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