Pomp and unusual circumstances — Celebrating PWCS grads with drive-thru diploma pick-ups
In a senior year marked by many firsts, members of the Class of 2020 capped off their year with another first: drive-thru graduation events.
C.D. Hylton High School Class of 2020 - Diploma Pick-Up
Charles J. Colgan Sr. High School Class of 2020 - Diploma Pick-Up
Forest Park High School Class of 2020 - Diploma Pick-Up
Gar-Field High School Class of 2020 - Diploma Pick-Up
Potomac High School Class of 2020 - Diploma Pick-Up
Pictorial of diploma pick-up events at Battlefield, Freedom, Osbourn Park, Patriot, Stonewall Jackson and Woodbridge High Schools
Learn more about SwimKids This ad supports SPARK, the Education Foundation for PWCS.
A letter from 2016 PWCS graduates to the Class of 2020
"We didn’t get the ending that we thought we would, but we still crossed the finish line." In this letter to the PWCS Class of 2020, six 2016 PWCS graduates, now Class of 2020 college and university graduates, share their thoughts and words of encouragement.
Read Letter
Students appointed to School Board for 2020-21 school year
Rising seniors Ben Kim and Caroline Silvera will serve as non-voting student representatives on the PWCS School Board, and Ashley Menjivar was selected as alternate. Read more |
SPARK scholarships awarded to PWCS graduates
Congratulations to the graduating seniors who received scholarships from SPARK, the education foundation for PWCS. Read more |
Freedom High School teacher and performer uses musical talent to help families and community
Travis Tucker, a teacher at Freedom High School and talented musician, had an innovative and charitable plan to use his musical ability during the statewide shutdown due to the coronavirus. Read more |
Schools promoting positive climates in PWCS recognized by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Twenty-six PWCS schools were honored for fostering the No Place for Hate® message of respect and inclusion throughout their schools and communities. Read more |
School Board meets with Board of County Supervisors to discuss return to school
To-go meals available throughout summer at 22 school sites
Give your suggestion on renaming Stonewall Middle and Stonewall Jackson High Schools at an upcoming virtual community meeting
Joe Murgo named new principal of "Potomac Shores" Middle School
Mike Nicely named new principal of Stonewall Middle School
School Board approves resolution condemning racism, Division shares resources for talking with children
School Board recognizes June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month
Prince William County School Board approves sustainability initiative
Student Health Reminders for 2020-21 School Year
Concussion training for 2020-21 school year will be online for all student athletes
Parents are encouraged to proceed with well-child physicals and immunizations for school enrollment
Requirement of tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine for rising seventh-grade students
HPV vaccine optional for students before entering sixth grade
Talk about "distance" learning! Antietam Elementary School students chat with astronauts at the International Space Station
Read more about Antietam Elementary students out-of-this-world experience
Middle School here they come!
Curbside celebrations held for PWCS fifth graders as they move on to middle school
The bus loops at many elementary schools across the Division became make-shift stages for fifth-grade promotion celebrations this year. Accompanied by their families, students arrived in vehicles, many of them decorated, to the delight of their cheering principals, teachers and school staff. There were a few tears shed as this milestone was marked, and our awesome fifth graders are on their way to middle school.
Watch video highlights from drive-thru fifth-grade promotion ceremonies at Haymarket, Henderson, Marshall, Mary Williams, and McAuliffe Elementary Schools