Making sense of home learning
Check out this link for a breakdown of the Continuity of Learning Plan. Read more
Learn more about SwimKids This ad supports SPARK, the Education Foundation for PWCS.
Virtual Earth Week celebration - April 20-24
Join us in celebrating Earth Week starting this Monday. The School Division’s Energy Management and Sustainability Team (EMAST) is providing optional, daily, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) related activities that focus on exploring the environment and sustainability while at home.
Check out the calendar of activities on EMAST’s webpage. Stay tuned to PWCS’ social media for daily posts about activities and share your photos or videos. Remember to tag @PWCSEnergyTeam and include #PWCSVirtualEarthWeek.
April is Month of the Military Child
Prince William County has over 6,000 military-connected students enrolled in our school across the division. Join us in celebrating them and their families all next week.
Monday, April 20: Military Branch Monday Wear gear showing off your family's branch of service
Tuesday, April 21: Red, White, and Blue day Wear your red, white, and blue
Wednesday, April 22: Purple Up Day! Wear the color purple in support of military-connected students
Thursday, April 23: Throwback Thursday Show us where you’ve lived or traveled
Friday, April 24: Family Friday Engage in a special activity with your military family member
Look for posts on PWCS social media and make sure to use hashtag #PurpleUpPWCS and tag @PWCSMilKids (Twitter only) and @PWCSNews when you share.
* These stories feature a learning activity or recognition that took place prior to school closures due to COVID-19.
* Foreign Language Week Poster Contest Winners
Results are in from the School Division’s National Foreign Language Week poster contest for middle and high school students. Read more
* Local high school students receive Agnes L. Colgan Community Service Award
Malak Elsherbiny, a sophomore at Charles J. Colgan Sr. High School, and Shan Lateef, a junior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST), were among those honored as recipients of the Prince William Chamber of Commerce Agnes L. Colgan Community Service Award in Arts & Education. Read more |
Apply to attend the PWCS Preschool Program for the 2020-21 school year
As a reminder, School Board Chairman to present Fiscal Year 2021 Budget to Board of County Supervisors April 16
Reminder: The Office of the Ombudsman is working remotely (via email, telephone, and video conferencing) to assist any employee, parent, student, or community member with a Division-related concern. The Office of the Ombudsman provides confidential, informal, and impartial assistance in identifying options to resolve issues and concerns. Email: Phone: 571-245-0336
NOTE: The Office of the Ombudsman does NOT serve as an agent of notice to PWCS. The only exceptions to confidentiality are: risk of serious harm and the ombuds is a mandated reporter.
Self-advocate Dr. Kerry Magro offers free webinar for families in honor of World Autism Month
* Westridge Elementary kicks off One School, One Book with a human hamster race
 Read more about Westridge Elementary's fun and creative project to encourage reading.