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Fairfax County Public Schools
Family Academy
We are happy to introduce the new FCPS Family Academy, a one-stop shop for resources, tools, and learning opportunities for families.
The Family Academy offers in-person and virtual classes, workshops, webinars, and programs for families in our learning catalog.
Listed below are numerous opportunities for families to register. Choose the opportunity and find information about dates, times, locations, and registration information.
See what opportunities are offered this month.
Want to learn more about Lexia® Core5 & Lexia® PowerUp?
Join Lexia® Learning for a parent information night to learn how FCPS is using Lexia® Core5 and Lexia® PowerUp in classrooms across the district to support students' Literacy growth.
ABA Family Training: Teaching Self-Help and Independent Skills
Participants will learn how to teach self-help, living, and social skills to increase their child’s independence.
Calming the Chaos: Teaching Emotional Regulation to Twice Exceptional (2e) Students Webinar
Join Dr. Oladimeji as she supports families to understand the unique emotional regulation challenges of Twice Exceptional (2e) students.
March 25 10-11:30 a.m. Virtual Register here
Getting to Know FCPS: A Family Orientation (GTK)
This interactive seminar provides information about the Fairfax County school system. The orientations are presented in Arabic, English, Korean and Spanish. Scroll through the Family Academy Catalog to GTK to register for dates this month.
For more information, please visit FCPS Family Academy.
To connect with Family Academy, please email FamilyEngament@fcps.edu