Glasgow Middle School- March 12, 2025; 6th Edition

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Calendar Student Services

Save the Dates!

-May 1 Heritage Night at Glasgow MS (More information coming soon!)

-GMS 2025 Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessments!  Please prioritize your student’s attendance so they can take the SOL.

*Wednesday, April 30 Science SOL 8th grade

*Wednesday, May 7 Reading SOL 6th, 7th and 8th grades

*Wednesday, May 14 Math SOL 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

Symphonic and Chamber Orchestras

Symphonic and Chamber Orchestras

Congrats to our Symphonic and Chamber Orchestras for their performance at the District X Orchestra Assessment at Sandburg Middle School! Our Symphonic Orchestra received an overall rating of II - Excellent and our Chamber Orchestra received an overall rating of I - Superior with a rating of I from all four judges, which is the highest rating you can achieve.  In addition to playing well on the stage and in the sightreading room, you would be very proud of our Panthers.  Not only were they were professional the whole time, but also incredibly positive, managing to have fun together behind the scenes during a stressful time.  We are extremely proud of their accomplishments so far this year and we're looking forward to even more great things to come from our music department.

Congrats to both of Glasgow's Advanced Chorus classes for receiving Superior Ratings at this year's middle school district 10 choral assessment! We are so proud of your hard work and musicianship!

music students

music students

music students

Justice Pyramid Art Show!

Please stop by and see the 50 students from GMS being highlighted in the Justice Pyramid Art Show!

art show

Looking for work? Safety and Security at GMS

Did you know?   Cameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 of our school buses, to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”). Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Thursday, May 8.

We appreciate our law enforcement partners for working with us to improve road safety and reduce accidents. More information about the stop arm cameras and all of the ways that we work with our county partners to keep students safe on their way to and from school can be found on this webpage.

We encourage you to share this information with your families, friends, and neighbors so that we can all work as a community to keep our students safe. Together all things are possible!

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) office is once again planning engaging summer enrichment programs for students! For our current kindergarten to 5th grade students, we have Tech Adventure Camp. For our current 6th to 11th grade students, we have CTE Summer Academy.

tech camptech camp

summer camp
summer camp