Justice HS Student Services - 3/12/2025

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This Week's Topics

Important Dates

Thursday, March 20 - Parent University - 5:30-8:30pm (Rescheduled Date)

Friday, March 28 - Quarter 3 Ends - Regular Bell Schedule

April 14-18 - Spring Break

April TBA - Courses for SY25-26 Change Request - More info to come

Wednesday, April 23 - Junior Parent College Night - 6:00-8:00pm

Quarter Two Report Card Information

Quarter 2 Report Cards are located under "Documents" in ParentVUE/StudentVUE.

To access the report card:

  1. Log into ParentVUE or log into StudentVUE
  2. In the menu on the left hand side, select "Documents"
  3. Once in "Documents", you will see "Justice HS_Q2 Report Card_SY24-25"
  4. Click on the file and it will open to review

Do you need a paper copy?

To request a paper copy to be mailed home, please submit this Quarter Two Report Card Paper Copy Request Google Form. You can submit a request for up to three children who attend Justice High School. If you have four or more children who attend Justice High School, you will need to submit the request twice.

Weekly Progress Reports - Are You Receiving Them?

FCPS sends automatic weekly progress reports for each class for Middle and High School students. However, parents/guardians must OPT-IN to the receive them. Here are directions on how to activate them:

  1. Parent/Guardian must have a ParentVUE account (if you still need a ParentVUE account please scroll below for information on how to activate this account)
  2. Log into your ParentVUE and click on "My Account"
  3. Confirm that you have an email address listed under "Primary Email Address"
  4. Continue scrolling on that page to find "Notify me with my child's gradebook scores"
    • Choose which day you want to receive all the progress reports

For screenshots on how to find the information on a desktop and a mobile phone (the ParentVUE app is slightly different), please click here.

Academic Advising Timeline

It is that time of year when we are getting ready to choose our schedule for School Year 2025-2026! Please see below for our timeline (subject to change).

Please note that students will have an opportunity to change course request in April. We need to time review and finalize courses before additional changes can be made. Please stay tuned!

The same information below is also posted on Justice's website --> Academic Advising as well as Schoology --> Course List --> Student Services --> Academic Advising Upcoming School Year 2025-2026. Slide decks and other information will be posted on the public website and Schoology.

The Academic Advising individual student meetings are done through English (11th grade) and Health/PE classes (10th and 9th grade). Please see the schedule so your student knows when their class is meeting with counselors so that they make sure to attend this class! (The schedule is subject to change and any changes will be uploaded to Justice's public website and Schoology)

  • Friday, January 10, 2025
  • Monday, January 13, 2025
    • Academic Advising Begins for Rising 12th Graders (current Grade 11)
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 11th Graders (current Grade 10)
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
    • Rising 10th Grade (current freshmen) Course Selection Google Form DUE at 3pm (Parents/Students have access to submit form
    • Rising 9th Grade Curriculum Night (current Grade 8)
      • Optional Electives Fair - 5:30-6:25pm - Cafeteria
      • Welcome and Logistics - 6:30pm - Auditorium
      • Course Sessions (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) - 6:35pm-8:30pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (start date scheduled to change)
    • Academic Advising Beings for Rising 10th Graders (current Grade 9)
  • Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (Extended from Fri, 2/14)
  • Friday, March 7, 2025
    • All course requests must be submitted at this time
  • April 2025 - Date TBA
    • Students will be allowed to make changes to their course request via Google Form. More information to come!

Schedule Change Policy

As a reminder, to support students in settling into a consistent class schedule, please see the timeline for schedule changes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Starting September 23, 2024 - February 27, 2025:
    • No Elective Change Requests
    • All Academic Level Change Requests must complete the Academic Improvement Plan that involves a parent/teacher/student conference.
    • If, after the Academic Improvement Plan, the student still wishes to move forward with the academic level change, the request will be reviewed by a committee. Approval is not guaranteed and is based on seat availability in the requested course.
  • November 5, 2024: Last day to drop a course without it going on the student’s transcript as a Withdrawal Pass (WP) or a Withdrawal Fail (WF). This is an FCPS regulation. 
  • February 28, 2025: No schedule changes will be permitted after this time.

Class of 2025 - Official Transcript Request Form

All 2-year/4-year college/universities and Military Academies need your Official Transcript as part of the application.

Part One: All seniors must have the Consent to Share Transcript to Colleges on file in order for us to send your transcripts to 2-year/4-year college/universities, Military Academies, and Scholarships. If you've already signed the form, no need to sign again. Please return completed forms to Ms. Bond in Student Services.

Part Two: You must submit an Official Transcript Request for EACH college/university and indicate whether we need to upload the transcript to a college portal, Common Application, Coalition Application, or email/mail directly to the College Admissions Office.

Class of 2025 - Reminder to Add Recommender to Common App

Seniors who are using the Common Application must remember to add your School Counselor and Teacher to the portal in order for the School Counselor and Teacher to submit their Letter of Recommendation. PLEASE ensure that their email address is correct.

If your School Counselor and Teacher are not added to your portal, they are unable to upload any documentation to your application. This will cause you to receive emails stating that documents haven't been received.

  • How-to-Invite-Recommenders-on-Common-and-Coalition-Apps.pdf
  • How to Add Teachers to Common Application
  • Georgetown University Application Portal
    • Within the application portal, it will ask you to provide the names/email address of your School Counselor and Teachers submitting Letters of Recommendation.
    • If you entered in the email correctly, Georgetown will automatically send them an email with the link on how to upload their documents.
    • If you are applying to Georgetown University and you have submitted your application, please double-check with your School Counselor and Teachers they have received Georgetown's email.

Discover NOVA Open House Events

Northern Virginia Community College Logo

NOVA Dual Enrollment and Outreach & Recruitment team is hosting Discover NOVA – Open House events for prospective and current dual enrollment students and their families. These events will showcase academic programs, student support resources, and how to maximize dual enrollment credits—plus, attendees will get to tour the campuses!

Students can choose from any of the following campus events:

  • Alexandria Campus — March 13,  4-7 PM
  • Annandale Campus — March 27, 4-7 PM
  • Woodbridge Campus — April 3, 4-7 PM
  • Manassas Campus — April 24, 4-7 PM

Registration is now open: https://forms.gle/eHR2q5CnnN7AzKVy8.

Students who attend will be entered to win a $500 NOVA scholarship (Nontransferable; must be used at NOVA in Fall 2025)!

FAFSA Form SY2025-26 Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email appointments@CollegeAccessFairfax.org.

Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application

VASA logo

The VASA Application is now open! The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application is the alternative state application available for Virginia students who are ineligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). These students include Virginians who have certain nonimmigrant visa statuses, are undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid.

Class of 2025/2026 - Interested In College Athletics?

Are you interested in playing college athletics at Division 1 or Division 2 schools? Have you created an account at the NCAA Eligibility Center? Are you confused about how to get recruited?

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Harvey, Justice's NCAA Eligibility Lead, and he can support you and your parents as you navigate this process! You can also email Mr. Harvey with questions as well - wrharvey@fcps.edu.


Class of 2026: College Access Fairfax: Financial Aid Sessions for Military Families

College Access Fairfax will hold two virtual presentations on Financial Aid Information for Military Families (focus on current Juniors). Join them for a session presented by the Lead Financial Education and Military Benefits liaison from Navy Mutual Aid Association.

Topic to be covered:

Sessions will be held on:

To attend, simply click on the link for the desired session.

Parent University Q3: If You Dream It, You Can Build It

Justice High School's Quarter 3 Parent University “If You Dream It, You Can Build It” on Wednesday, March 5th from 6PM - 8PM in the Justice Cafeteria.

Doors will open at 5:30PM for our free catered dinner, from Duccini's Pizza and salad.

“If You Dream It, You Can Build It” will be led by our dedicated School Counselors and Social Workers who will guide families through topics relating to your student's Emotion Regulation and Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Responsible Decision-Making.

Come for dinner, raffle prizes, and SEL! See you there!

Q3 ParentU Flyer (English)

Q3 ParentU Flyer (Spanish)

Prom Dress Shop

Prom Dress Shop

The annual Prom Dress Shop opens for the season on Friday, March 7, at Centreville High School. Any area student — not just those from Fairfax County Public Schools — who do not have the funds to purchase a prom dress may choose from hundreds of new dresses donated by Macy’s. Learn more and see shop hours

The annual Prom Dress Shop opens for the season on Friday, March 7, at Centreville High School. Any area student — not just those from Fairfax County Public Schools — who do not have the funds to purchase a prom dress may choose from hundreds of new dresses donated by Macy’s. Learn more and see shop hours

2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fair

Board of Supervisor Pat Herrity is teaming up with Fairfax County Times Newspapers, Fairfax County Public Schools, as well as local chambers and organizations to bring our community two Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs and Career-Building Workshops. These events focus on students and young job seekers looking for a variety of employment opportunities; full time, after-school, seasonal positions, internship opportunities, and volunteer positions.

Past fairs have provided thousands of teenagers the opportunity to get in front of employers and for our employers to find talented Fairfax County students to fill their positions. Last year, we had over 1,500 students and roughly 100 businesses participate. The fairs are open to all teens in Fairfax County looking for employment, volunteer opportunities, or tips on building their resume.

For more information and to view the full schedule, please visit the event webpage.

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - West Springfield High School

  • 1 - 3 p.m. (with final workshops ending at 3:30 p.m.)

Academy Day 2025

Senator Mark Warner invites high school and middle school students, their parents or guardians, and school counselors to Academy Day 2025. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes.

In addition, students will be able to meet with officials from all five academies as well as representatives from the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board, Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Richmond, ROTC programs at the University of Virginia, the United States Marine Corps, the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, and the Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin University. Staff from Virginia Congressional offices will be available to answer questions regarding the application procedures for congressional nominations.

Save the Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: University of Mary Washington, Dodd Auditorium in George Washington Hall, 1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

To ensure you receive it and the registration link for the event, please email academy_noms@warner.senate.gov. For more information on the Academy Nomination Process, please visit www.warner.senate.gov.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Food for Neighbors logo

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

The Power of Play in Parenting

Join the next free Virtual Parent Café sponsored by Fairfax County Department of Family Services, Tuesday, Apr. 8, 6:30 to 8 p.m. to discuss “The Power of Play in Parenting.” Play is the language of children and as parents we can increase our connection with children by joining them in it. Children of all ages experience greater confidence, fewer behavioral issues, and improved mental health when caregivers use the power of play in their daily interactions with them. Join us for this presentation by Greater Richmond SCAN to learn more about the importance of play and how to incorporate it in your interactions with your children.

Any Fairfax County parents or guardians with children ages 0-18 years old can join in through MS Teams at https://bit.ly/4bzJYpP. For more information or to preregister, email or call 703-324-7720.

Preparing for Tough Conversations With Teens

Discussing tough topics like fentanyl and other drugs can feel challenging — no matter how close you are with your child. Explain to your teen that it’s important to learn about fentanyl so they know what to do if a friend overdoses. Prepare in advance with the tips below:

  • Set the stage. Choose a casual environment that’s free from distractions. Talk while driving, taking a walk, or doing chores together. 
  • Make it a two-way discussion. Ask open-ended questions. 
  • Stay patient and reserve judgment. 
  • Check in with your child early and often. 

Visit our website for more information on how to Become Unskippable with your teens.

Schoology Groups

Each Class has a group in Schoology with posts pertinent information specific to that class. Please see below for the access code to join.

Class of 2025: XKMH-SPHF-9C4GZ

Class of 2026: QXWJ-NPF2-6WHHG

Class of 2027: XDTX-PD42-RPN2G

Class of 2028: NR9N-89TD-8WQQC

Still Need ParentVUE Access?

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account.

Technical support for using ParentVUE is available for:

  1. Go to the ParentVUE Login screen and select the icon that you need
    • Change Username - You forgot your username or you want to change it
    • Change Password - You know your password but you want to change it
    • Forgot Password - You can't remember your password
    • Activate Account - You have received an Activation Key and you're ready to create your account
  2. None of the above apply
    1. Go to the Parent Support Request ticket
    2. Select SIS Parent in the Application dropdown menu
    3. Under "Issue Description", type the issue/error that you're receiving. Please try to be specific.
  3. Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).

Student Forms moved to Parental Digital Consent (PDC) Available 

Paperless Opt-Outs Available! Families can log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. 

Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:

  • School Counseling Opt-Out
  • Digital Resources Consent
  • SEL Screener Opt-Out
  • Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
  • Denial of Access to Military Recruiters 
  • Family Life Education Opt-Out
  • SOL Retest Permission
  • Hazel Health
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
  • SOS Screener Opt-Out
  • Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
  • Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as:

  • Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE. They must also provide consent for their student to access therapy services. 

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911