Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the middle school.
Calendar Reminders
See the complete school year calendar.
 Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history.Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids.
Robinson PTSO's "This is For You!"
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Questions? Contact Sandy Glotfelty
From Robinson's Family Liaison
2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs
Looking for a job, internship, or volunteer opportunity? Don't miss the Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs!
For the past eight years, Fairfax County, in partnership with Fairfax County Public Schools and many community organizations, has hosted successful job fairs for teens. This year, the fairs offer two opportunities for students to connect with local employers and explore career options.
What to Expect:
- Meet with local businesses: Find full-time, after-school, seasonal, and volunteer positions.
- Explore internships: Gain valuable experience and build your resume.
- Attend career-building workshops: Learn resume writing and interview skills.
- Free for all Fairfax County Teens: Student registration is completely free!
2025 Fair Schedule:
- Saturday, March 8th, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: West Springfield High School
- Saturday, March 15th, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: Chantilly High School
Register here Student registration
Ferias de Empleo para Adolescentes del Condado de Fairfax 2025
¿Buscas un empleo, una pasantía o una oportunidad de voluntariado? ¡No te pierdas las Ferias de Empleo para Adolescentes del Condado de Fairfax! Durante los últimos ocho años, el Condado de Fairfax, en colaboración con las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Fairfax y muchas organizaciones comunitarias, ha organizado ferias de empleo exitosas para adolescentes. Este año, las ferias ofrecen dos oportunidades para que los estudiantes se conecten con empleadores locales y exploren opciones de carrera.
Qué esperar:
- Conocer empresas locales: Encuentra puestos de tiempo completo, después de la escuela, de temporada y de voluntariado.
- Explorar pasantías: Obtén experiencia valiosa y construye tu currículum.
- Asistir a talleres de desarrollo profesional: Aprende a redactar currículums y habilidades para entrevistas.
- Gratis para todos los adolescentes del Condado de Fairfax: ¡La inscripción de estudiantes es completamente gratuita!
Calendario de las Ferias 2025:
- Sábado, 8 de marzo, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: West Springfield High School
- Sábado, 15 de marzo, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: Chantilly High School
Inscríbete aquí Student registration
Varsity Tutors-Online Tutoring Services at No Cost
To support student learning, Fairfax County is now providing all students with free access to online tutoring, live instructional classes, essay editing services, and various study materials through a partnership with Varsity Tutors. Learn more about: online tutoring with Varsity Tutors
MS Spring Track
Is your child interested in Spring Track? Please fill out the Spring Track Registration Form. All forms are due to the Sub-school 8 office by Monday, March 24th.
MS Clubs & Activities Program
Important Program Information:
- The After-School Registration form is required for ALL Robinson Middle School students (regardless of intent to participate).
- Late buses run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and depart Robinson around 4:45 PM.
- Check out the 3rd Quarter Calendar. Please remember that activities are added throughout the year.
- Students will sign up on their grade level Schoology each late bus day they wish to attend. The sign-up is posted around 9:30 am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
- Check out our Program Preview for additional information.
For questions regarding the After-School program, please email Courtney Molle.
Cheer Club - Cheer club starts on Monday, March 10th with Coach Holdren. Reach out to Coach Holdren with any questions you may have.
Girls Volleyball - Girls Volleyball will start on Wednesday, March 12th. Sign up on the Wednesday morning schoology post.
 Technology Youth Empowerment (TYE) - TYE meets on Wednesdays after-school in room E210. Students can sign up here.
Chess Club - Chess will meets in Room A211. Spaces are limited! Students should sign up on the morning schoology post.
Football Conditioning - Football conditioning meets on Mondays and Thursdays with Coach Arena. Students must fill out a permission slip to attend. The forms can be turned into Sub-School 8 or to Coach Arena. Students should meet in the gym after-school.
 Color Guard - Color Guard meets on Wednesdays after-school in the main hall.
 Dungeons & Dragons - Dungeons and Dragons meets on Mondays in the blue cafeteria! Students should sign up on the morning schoology post.
Anime Club - Anime Club meets on Mondays in Room B226.
Artistic Nail Club -Students will have the chance to be artistic and creative in nail designs. Artistic Nail Club meets on Mondays after-school.
Battle of the Books - A club where students will make new friends, have fun reading new books, and test their book knowledge and teamwork by participating in a county-wide battle. Commitment is necessary. The next meeting is on Monday, March 10th.
Improv Club - Is your child interested in Improvisational Comedy? They should join the Improv Club in D106. Late buses will be available. No experience necessary. Join the MS Improv Schoology Group with the code 9ZDH-R564-2H5JX to stay up to date on all things MS Improv.
Lego Robotics - Meets Wednesdays After School in Room A211.
Mock Trial Club - Would you like your child to learn how to craft a winning argument? Are they interested in learning about the legal profession? Do they like storytelling or public speaking? They should attend Mock Trial Club every Thursday from 3:00-4:30 in A-211! Sponsored by Ms. O’Brien and Mrs. Hauser.
Quizbowl - Does your child like testing their knowledge in Academic Subjects? If so, they should check out Quiz Bowl, a Jeopardy!-style game in which teams compete to answer questions, ranging in subject from literature and science to history and pop culture. Quizbowl is co-ed!
  Thank you to Robinson’s families for sending in new card games for our students! We appreciate your generosity and support.
As we look toward spring, students keep an eye on the Library Schoology site for additional opportunities to enjoy our games during RAISE.
~ Robinson’s Librarians
Social Work Spotlight
Kristen Licciardo, LCSW (MS)
Resources for Immigrants in Fairfax County
Click here for the flyer links.
Important updates and resources from the student services department.
The Student Services staff is here to help you in any way we can. Please note that students cannot leave class or lunch to see their counselor without an appointment and a pass. If they need assistance, we encourage them to email our Student Services staff to request an appointment. If there is an emergency, their teacher will call the subschool office for assistance.
7th grade counselors by student last name:
A-La – Ms. Kirwan
Le-Z – Ms. Hall
8th grade counselors by student last name:
A-La – Mr. Herendeen
Le-Z – Ms. Lyons
School Psychologist – Erika King (
School Social Worker – Kristen Licciardo (
Registrar and Student Information Assistant – Melanie Knowlton (
Family Liaison - Carla Quiroga-Anello (
Director of Student Services – Katy Frank (
Please reach out to any of us if you have any questions.
Important Dates
March 28 - End of Quarter 3
March 31 - Eid (Holiday)
April 1 - Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
April 14-18 - Spring Break (Holidays)
Helpful Resources
RMS Administration
Carly Zook: 7th Grade Principal |
Malicia Braxton: 8th Grade Principal |
Katy Frank: Director, Student Services |
Courtney Molle: After-School Program Specialist |