Stone Families,
Signs of spring have arrived! Warmer weather is here this week. Our time has sprung forward. We are ready for this new season. We are excited to see what the spring holds for our students.
Let's have a great week Panthers,
Sonya Williams
We Want Your Feedback!
On Monday, March 24, parents and guardians of Stone Middle School will receive an email with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and provides an opportunity to share anonymous feedback about our school’s leadership and environment.
Topics covered in the survey include:
Instructional leadership
School climate
Management (human resources and organizational)
Communication and community relations
Culturally responsive and equitable leadership
The questionnaire will be open March 24 – April 4 and will be collected online. Keep an eye out for an email from and take a few minutes to complete it.
Your input is valuable and helps shape the future of our school. Thank you for your time and feedback!
VDH Immunization Packets for Rising 7th Graders
FCPS is required by the Code of VA to provide information on human papillomavirus (HPV) and the human papillomavirus vaccine to the parents and guardians of all rising 7th grade students. The Rising 7th Grade Newsletter Message, available in the Immunization Toolkit, should be shared with parents and guardians via school newsletters prior to Spring Break. Similar information will also be distributed via eNotify beginning in March.
Integrated Reading and Writing SOL for 8th Graders
On Thursday, March 20th, 8th graders will be taking their Integrated Reading and Writing SOL from 7:30-9:45 a.m. Please help your child come well rested, fueled, and on time in order to do their best on this state assessment. Students will need their fully charged computer and charger. The charger should be coming to school daily with your student. Thank you!
Image for Save the Date IRW
 As we celebrate arts in our schools, our choir, orchestra and band programs are participating in their state assessement. Wish them good luck.
Our Symphonic Band had the incredible opportunity to work with Brian Balmages, the composer of the piece, Heart of Gold. His visit was an inspiring experience for our musicians as they learned firsthand from the composer himself. The students were very excited to meet him and he was gracious enough to stay around after class and autograph their music.
Developing a Strong Academic Foundation, Curiosity, and Joy for Learning
The FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget invests in academic growth and excellence for each and every student, which is one of the priorities of the FCPS Strategic Plan.
A strong start for every student is Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan. Pre-K classrooms are making a difference in our community. In this video, we explore the importance of bringing children under the age of five together, regardless of abilities.
Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Advertised Budget. View the Budget Development Calendar to stay up to date and learn about opportunities to provide feedback to Fairfax County and FCPS.
💬 Share Your Input on the County Budget
The Fairfax County government presented its Fiscal Year 2026 Advertised Budget Plan to the Board of Supervisors on February 18. The community is invited to share feedback through an online survey, email, phone calls, or by attending Budget Town Hall meetings.
 PTSA Fundraiser Night THIS WEEK!!!!
PTSA General Membership Meeting scheduled for Tuesday March 11th at 7pm in the Library and via Zoom. Guest Speaker: FCPS Substance Abuse Counselor
Hope to see you there.
District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:
- A Strong Academic Foundation
- 70th Annual Regional Science Fair
- New Breakfast Options
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving the weekly newsletter, sign up today.
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