Gator Bytes: News and General Information for Kings Glen ES
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Para leer este boletin en otros idiomas, visite nuestro sitio web.
A Message from Principal Ritter
Greetings Gator Families,
Our next 3-hour early release is Monday, March 10th. We will follow the same afterschool plan you selected for the previous early release days. If you have a change to your dismissal plan for this early release, please email no later than 12 noon on Friday, March 7th. We appreciate the dedicated time the early releases allow for staff planning, engaging in professional learning, and to collaboration among staff.
Daylight Savings Begins Sunday, March 9th!!
Don't forget to move your clocks forward one hour on Sunday, March 9th!
Kings Jesters 'Shrek, Jr.' Tickets On Sale Now!
Show Dates April 8th, 9th, and 10th
The Kings Jesters will be performing Shrek, Jr., The Musical on Tuesday April 8th, Wednesday April 9th and Thursday, April 10th! Tickets are $5 each, and can be purchased via MySchoolBucks (Kings Glen students only), cash, or check payable to Kings Glen ES. If paying by cash/check, please place in envelope with your student's name and teacher. Seating is limited, so be sure to get your tickets soon!
April Is Month of the Military Child
April is the Month of the Military Child, a time to honor and celebrate the resilience, courage, and contributions of FCPS military-connected children.
To show our support, FCPS will celebrate Purple Up! Day on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. Please note that this date has been adjusted to align with our spring break schedule. On this day, school staff and students are encouraged to wear purple, symbolizing unity and support for military families across all service branches.
Purple-Up! Day T-Shirts Available for Purchase
FCPS Purple Up! t-shirts are available for purchase until Friday, March 7, 2025, through Custom Ink.
The shirts highlight our gratitude and appreciation for our over 13,500 military-connected students and their families. #PurpleUpFCPS!
For more information and/or to connect with FCPS resources, email us at
Join Us for Kings Glen STEAM Night!!
Wednesday, March 19, 6-7:30pm
Come to STEAM Night for a fun-filled event for the whole family! There will be student project displays, hands-on activities, robotics demonstrations, a student art gallery, KEVA plank building, estimation stations, and more! We are looking for volunteers to help with the event. If you are able to support, please reach out to Lisa Rode. We look forward to seeing you there!
Preorder Your 2024-25 Yearbook!!
Deadline to Preorder is Friday, April 11th
The 2024-25 Yearbook sales are open now! The price of a yearbook is $16. Secure your copy by placing your preorder through one of the following options:
Battle of the Branches Hovercraft Games
Friday, April 25
BRING IT ON!!! Seeking all families for the Kings Glen Hovercraft Battle Of the Branches! Prepare for an electrifying event ~ the Battle of the Branches Hovercraft Games! Assemble your team of 2-6 military-connected members and gear up to compete in an exhilarating challenge. (Register here!)
Join us on April 25 from 1830 to 2000 in the Kings Glen gym.
Your mission? Collect as many items as possible while navigating the gym on hovercrafts that were built and tested by KG students in SACC.
- Join us for an evening of thrills, teamwork, and friendly rivalry you won't soon forget! Which branch will WIN…?
- New this year - Sign up to decorate / redesign the hovercraft!
Prepare for a Summer of Learning and Fun
Registration will be available soon for summer camps offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students. Career and Technical Education (CTE) camps and Institute for the Arts (IFTA) camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools. Registration begins for these programs on Monday, March 10, and ends Friday, June 6.
Tech Adventure Camp (TAC) is a week-long exploratory camp designed to allow current K-5 students to explore activities in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), culinary arts, health, trades, and business and marketing areas. Watch this video about CTE camps.
E-IFTA is a weekly arts camp for students in grades 2-5 who love to sing, dance, act, perform, make, and create. Students take part in four daily classes related to dance, music, theater, and visual art. They work with FCPS fine arts teachers who create fun and engaging classes.
For more information, see the Summer Learning page. Additional information will be posted on the Summer Learning page as details become available.
The Role of Boundaries in Teen Development
Friday, April 25th, 10-11:30 A.M.
Join Dr. Jain as she supporting families to understand the importance of Boundaries, model healthy boundaries, and navigate social and digital boundaries. (Register here)
Class Input for the 2025-2026 School Year
Deadline April 28
As we begin planning for the upcoming school year, our staff collaborates regarding student placements. A variety of factors such as student personalities, friendships, and academic abilities are considered as we create our new classes. Other factors impacting the decision-making process of student class assignments are new student enrollments and teachers moving to a new assignment.
Families may assist in this process by sharing insights in our optional Input Survey. Please note the following when providing information. We do not accept requests for specific teachers for the upcoming grade placement. We do our best to create a positive learning year for your child.
Please provide your input by submitting the Kings Glen Parent Input Form as it will ensure we have your request. Please do not email your child's teacher additional information.
Completion of the form is optional and the deadline for any correspondence is Monday, April 28th.
Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28
Thanks to a new program from the Virginia Department of Education, students who are fasting during the school day between February 28 and March 28 can now take school meal kits home at the end of the day.
Families will need to fill out a weekly Fasting Meals Request Form for their child or children to receive school meal kits. A separate form must be filled out for each week and each student.
To receive meal kits for Friday, February 28, and the week of March 3, please submit the first request form by Monday, February 24. Visit the FNS webpage for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.
7th Grader Immunization Requirements
Parents of rising 7th graders will receive an email child(ren)'s immunizations. The Code of Virginia, requires all students to be immunized against certain communicable diseases. All students entering 7th grade are required to receive one dose of each of the following immunizations prior to the beginning of school: Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis booster (Tdap), Meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Additional information regarding compliance will be in the letter.
FCPS Cares
FCPS Cares is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story so we can all acknowledge the good work of our amazing Kings Glen staff members.

The PTA has put together the slate of afterschool activities for the spring. Kings Park will offer robotics, zumba, karate golf, music ensemble, and chess. Kings Glen will offer minecraft programming, run fit kits, Girls on the Run, drama club, and piano. Fliers with details and registration information have come home, and all the information is posted on our website, including links to register. Sign-up today! Scholarships available - please reach out to your school counselors.
KINGS GLEN ONLY: Our annual Kings Glen PTA Glow Dance is happening THIS Friday, March 7th from 6:30-8PM. Note that this is for Kings Glen students only. Pre-register and sign-up to volunteer!
InCourage will be hosting another Parents Night Out Spirit Night on Friday, March 14th from 6:30-8:30PM. Pizza will be provided; $35/child. Register at
Our annual Baskets & Bingo is coming up on Friday, March 21st at Lake Braddock SS. This family fun event will feature FREE bingo, and themed baskets that will be raffled off. If you have any questions, please email Own a local business and want to donate to our event? Please reach out to Sarah at
The PTA Board is looking for a new VP, Events to join us for the 2025-2026 school year. Please reach out if you’re interested in learning more!
We will be hosting our “Ready, Tech, Go!” Workshop on Thursday, April 3rd, from 6:30-8PM at KPES. This event is provided through funding from the National PTA, and will feature FREE childcare and a light dinner. Please pre-register so we know to expect you. The event, targeted at parents/caregivers of elementary aged students, will foster peer-to-peer discussion reflection on various aspects of screen readiness. More information is on our website.
Our latest PTA newsletter is out. Check it out!
Mar. 7: PTA Glow Dance (Kings Glen Students Only)
Mar. 7: Deadline to Order Purple Up! Tshirts (See Above)
Mar. 9: Daylight Savings Begins (Move Clocks Forward One Hour)
Mar. 10: 3-Hour Early Release Monday (Dismissal at 12:25 p.m.)
Mar. 12: Middle School Transition Fair (6:30 p.m. at Luther Jackson MS)
Mar. 14: PTA InCourage Parents Night Out (See Above)
Mar. 19: STEAM Night at Kings Glen (6-7:30 p.m.)
Mar. 21: PTA Baskets & Bingo (at Lake Braddock SS)
Mar. 28: Quarter 3 Ends
Apr. 1: Teacher Workday (No School for Students)
Apr. 3: Grade 5 Integrated Reading/Writing SOL
Apr. 3: PTA "Ready, Tech, Go!" Workshop at Kings Park ES (See Above)
Apr. 8-10: Kings Jesters 'Shrek, Jr. The Musical' Show Nights (See Above)
Apr. 14-18: Spring Break
Apr. 21: 3-Hour Early Release Monday (Dismissal at 12:25 p.m.)
Apr. 25: Kings Glen Battle of the Branches Hovercraft Games (See Above)
Apr. 25: The Role of Boundaries for Teenager Development (See Above)
Apr. 28: Deadline for Parent Input Form for SY2025-26 (See Above)
May 6: Grade 5 Reading SOL
May 7: Grade 6 Reading SOL
May 8: Grade 4 Reading SOL
May 12: 3-Hour Early Release Monday (Dismissal at 12:25 p.m.)
May 13: Grade 5 Math SOL
May 14: Grade 6 Math SOL
May 15: Grade 4 Math SOL
May 16: Grade 5 Science SOL
May 26: Memorial Day Holiday (School Closed)
June 6: Field Day at Kings Glen
June 9: 6th Grade Promotion Ceremony