Stone Honor Roll Ceremony
On Friday, we celebrated students who earned All A’s for Quarter 2, with the help of our magnificent PTA! We had four student leaders from Westfield High School as our guest speakers followed by a donut celebration. All students should have received a bracelet and certificate. You can view the recording of the ceremony here with this Passcode: =#7nNG88j7
Students who earned AB Honor Roll should have received a certificate as well. Congratulations to all of our students for a successful 2nd Quarter. Here are a few photos of the event!
 Virginia Tech Summer Opportunities
Virginia Tech (VT) is offering several summer opportunities for Middle Schoolers. These are excellent programs full of learning & hands on activities, fun & enrichment. Because of the great feedback we have received in the past from some of our students that attended these programs, we would like our Stone families, to be aware of these opportunities in case you and your student are interested.
There are 4 programs that apply to our students, one held at the local Arlington, VA campus, and the other three held at their main campus, in Blacksburg, VA. Kids participating at the Blacksburg campus are able to reside at the university during the time of the program and apply for room & board, for the duration of the camp. The programs that have a registration fee offer full & partial scholarships for both the program as well as for room & board are available (on a first come first serve basis). This year, VT is also trying to secure transportation from this area, for students that are signing up for the programs at their Blacksburg, VA campus.
Please read about the programs and contact VT, using the links attached if you have any questions about the programs, or feel free to call me and will be happy to guide you.
Thank you,
Denisse Stein, Stone MS Family Liaison
Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28, 2025
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has exciting news for students and families! Thanks to a new program from the Virginia Department of Education, FCPS students who are fasting during the school day between February 28 and March 28, 2025 can now take school meal kits home at the end of the day.
School meal kits will provide complete, healthy meals that include protein, fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk, and whole grains—just like the meals served at school. The food will be kept cold so it stays fresh, and you can heat it at home. The meals are made to fit different food preferences.
These meal kits will be charged to student meal accounts based on their usual meal eligibility status. Meaning if a student regularly qualifies for meals at no cost, the Student Fasting Meal Kits will be at no cost. If a student is paid status for breakfast and lunch, their student account will charged a breakfast and lunch.
Here's how it works:
- Parents/Guardians: Fill out a Fasting Meals Request Form below for each week your child will pick up school meal kits.
- Student Pick-up: Students can pick up one breakfast meal kit and one lunch meal kit at the end of the school day.
- Who can get a meal kit? Any student who is fasting can get a meal kit. If a student gets lunch or breakfast at school, they can't get a meal kit that day. Only students can pick up the meal kits – no adults.
- When? These meal kits are only available from February 28 to March 28, 2025 at the end of the school day.
Parents/Guardians: Please fill out the following forms if you would like your fasting student(s) to receive school meal kits at the end of the school day to take home. A separate form must be filled out for each week and each student.
Complete this formfor February 28-March 7
Stone Girls All-Star Volleyball Team
Tryouts start MondayTryouts will begin on Monday, Feb. 25 during the B-session of the after-school program (3:25pm). Students will be required to wear sneakers and any additional volleyball gear that you may have. This will be a week-long tryout and while students aren’t required to attend every day, it’s strongly encouraged that you come out and be seen! This year’s season will be coached by members of the Westfield HS varsity team with assistance by the varsity coaching squad. We look forward to seeing you come out and good luck! The boys all-star team tryouts will begin the following week.
Please mark your calendars for March 13, 2025, 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Our Stone MS PTSA is hosting a fundraiser night at Chick-fil-A Chantilly (near Dulles Expo Center). Funds earned support various programs at Stone MS for students and staff. |
Middle School Transition Fair
Future Planning for Elementary and Middle School Students in Special Education
For families, caregivers, and educators of students receiving special education services.
March 12, 2025 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Luther Jackson Middle School 3020 Gallows Road Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Join Career and Transition Services (CTS) to learn about planning for life in and after high school!
It’s never too early or too late to start preparing for your future. We want to help you start planning for a successful transition from school to life as a young adult. Ensuring postsecondary success of our students with disabilities is dependent on what is known as transition planning. Please join CTS and other support service personnel for an evening focused on planning for the future.
You will have the opportunity to meet and ask questions of representatives from CTS programs and services for students with disabilities, as well as learn about short and long-term postsecondary supports, employment, postsecondary education considerations, Supported Decision Making, and student self-determination as an evidence-based predictor of post school success.
This event also includes two speakers who will discuss IEP transition planning, special education services, and postsecondary options for younger students as they navigate FCPS and plan for their future. A questions/answer session will follow.
Click here to register: http://bit.ly/3Cjke4b
FCPS Staff who register in MyPDE will receive 2 recertification points for attending the entire event
 Become Unskippable: Practical Guidance for Talking With Teens About Fentanyl
Teens skip things that don't interest them, including lectures from their parents. But young people die from fentanyl overdoses in Fairfax County each year — so it's important to have short, impactful talks with your teen, whether or not you think they’re at risk.
As a parent or caregiver, you have the power to become “unskippable” and talk with your teen in a way they will listen.
See our tips for talking with your teen about fentanyl and other difficult subjects. Watch this video to learn more about becoming unskippable.
📐 Breaking Down the Budget: Supporting Academic Growth and Algebra by Eighth Grade
The FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget invests in academic growth and excellence for each and every student, which is one of the priorities of the FCPS Strategic Plan.
Since the 2023-24 school year, FCPS has seen a 9.5% increase in eighth graders taking Algebra I or more advanced math and a 6.8% increase in fifth graders in advanced math.
Studies show that students who complete algebra in middle school have more opportunities to take advanced math and science courses in high school. This can open up new academic paths for students! Watch a video that shows why eighth grade algebra matters.
Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Proposed Budget.
📑 Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost
FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra learning resources. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes; on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring; essay editing; and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.
District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:
- Middle School Start Times
- New Lunch Items
- Talking to Teens About Tough Topics
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving the weekly newsletter, sign up today.
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