2-21-25-Panther Press

Calendar Reminders

February 24 - 3-hour Early Release 

February 27 - Rock Steady Student Assembly 

February 28-  3rd Grade Parent Coffee -8:30 am Library

                       1st grade field trip - Adventure Theatre 

                       3rd Grade field Trip - Natural History Museum

March 4 -       4th Grade field Trip - Mt. Vernon Estates

March 7-        Multi-Lingual Learner Parent Coffee, 8:30am Library

                       PTO meeting, 9am Cafeteria

March 12-      New Family Orientation, 5-6pm Cafeteria

March 15-      Fun Fair (10am-2pm)

2024-25 FCPS    School Calendar

February 24th is a 3-hour early release.

At this time, Spring Hill will follow the Early Release Monday Dismissal plans identified for every child from the December date.  Should you require a change to your dismissal plan based on how your student went home in December, Please click this link and submit a new response. 

If your child will not go home their usual way, please log in to Pick Up Patrol and change their mode of transportation.

Questions? Please contact our front office at 703-506-3400

Last-minute changes create confusion and disrupt the early release process. To ensure we can safely account for every student, we ask that no changes be made after Friday, February 21. 

Please discuss this plan with your child(ren) so our dismissal runs as smoothly as possible.

As a reminder, Spring Hill will dismiss at 12:35 p.m. on the early-release Mondays below. Moving forward, we will plan for your child to go home the same way on the following early release Mondays.

February 24
March 17
April 28
May 19


I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Amy Briggs


School Hours

As a reminder, our school bell rings at 8:50am. If you are dropping off your child, please make sure it is prior to 8:50am. If you arrive after 8:50am, please plan to park your car and check your child in at the main office. Signs will be put out once staff members are no longer on duty. If the sign is out you will need to escort your child into the office. Thank you.

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28, 2025

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has issued a new, first-time waiver allowing students fasting during the school day from February 28 to March 28, 2025, to request take-home breakfast and lunch meal kits. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) will provide meal kits reflecting the school menu. Meals will be kept cold and must be heated at home. Students may claim one breakfast and one lunch kit per day. If a student purchases breakfast or lunch at school, they cannot pick up a kit that day. Meal kits must be picked up by students at the end of the school day—adults cannot collect them. Parents or guardians must submit a weekly request form via the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:

  • February 24, 2025, for February 28 and the week of March 3, 2025
  • March 3, 2025, for the week of March 10, 2025
  • March 10, 2025, for the week of March 17, 2025
  • March 17, 2025, for the week of March 24, 2025



Kindness Bingo

During the month of February, we would like our Spring Hill Panthers to work on completing acts of kindness.  We have put together a Bingo Board for them to use.  All they need to do is make a BINGO by filling in a row, column, or diagonal.   After they have completed one of the activities they color it in on their board.  If it is an activity they complete outside of school, we are asking a caregiver to initial the box.  Once students have a BINGO, they will return the board to their teacher who will write their name on a special heart.  All hearts will be displayed outside their classroom door for everyone to see.  It is our hope that our entryway will be filled with hearts!    

Thank you so much for your support!

The Spring Hill  Leadership Club

Marshall HS STEAM Night


Marshall High School is hosting a STEM night on Friday, February 28 from 6pm-8pm that is open to all elementary school students and families. There will be a variety of fun STEM related activities including crafts and interactive experiments. The kids will also have a chance to hear about some of the incredible science fair projects that Marshall students are currently working on.


Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activites

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. Schools monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education.


SY 2025-26 registration for Kindergarten and new students


SY 2025-26 registration for kindergarten and new students at Spring Hill ES is open January 27, 2025.

Please submit Intake Form in New Student Registration site on the website then school registrar will send you an email with information about required forms and link to schedule an appointment for registration.

Student’s Intention for the SY 25-26

If your student is not coming back to Spring Hill ES due to moving or transferring to private school for SY 25-26, please contact Young-joo Kim; ykim1@fcps.edu to receive the form. Also this form can be accessed by your students with their school email address. Rising 7th grade students are placed in middle schools in the boundary by their home address. Please submit the form only if your student is moving out of the boundary.”



Spring Hill is excited to announce two fun student events coming up in early 2025: 


There is still time to sign up for the Science Fair! The sign-up link will be active through Next Wednesday. Due to the large number of students participating, our teams has decided to hold a variety of raffles in place of individual awards. Students will be able to visit a variety of different stations to enter in the raffles. Winners will be drawn the following day.

STEAM Night needs your help.

If you would like to support the first annual STEAM Night visit this
Sign Up Genuis to see what we need. Each item has an Amazon link attached that you can use for your convenience. Thank you in advance for helping us make this night a success!

If you are interested in volunteering at the Science Fair and/or STEAM night please reach out to Kendra Roman krroman@fcps.edu

Science Fair/Steam Night Wish List

Click on the button below to check out the Science Fair/Steam Night Wish List - and help make the evening a huge success!

Click Here to Donate

FCPS Trust Policy

April 28, 2022, the School Board voted to adopt the Trust Policy affirming our commitment to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all students and their families. This policy aligns Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) policy with Fairfax County Government's Public Trust and Confidentiality Policy. This policy ensures that students and families can access the division’s benefits and services without fear of information being disclosed, directly or indirectly, to federal immigration officials.

To review the FCPS Trust Policy, please click here


  • In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
  • Middle School Start Times
  • New Lunch Items
  • Talking to Teens About Tough Topics

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today

A Message from the PTO


This is your last chance! Today is the LAST FULL DAY to place your bids during the Spring Hill PTO Online Auction! Bidding closes at 8:00 PM tomorrow, Saturday 2/22.

View the catalog and enter to win here: https://www.auctria.events/BFK2025

Amazing items include: - Free House Listing with FASS Results - Washington Wizards Tickets  - One Overnight and Dinner Certificate at the Clifton - Reserved seats for the end-of-year Orchestra Concert  - $250 Gift Card to The Palm - Injections, Treatments, and Facials at Aura MedSpa - Themed Baskets donated by Spring Hill families - Front Row Seats to the 6th Grade Promotion Ceremony - Art Teacher for an Afternoon  - and more! View the catalog and place your bids here: https://auctria.events/bfk2025 Don't delay - the Online Auction closes at 8:00 PM tomorrow, Saturday 2/22!



WHEN: Saturday, March 15 from 10 AM to 2 PM WHERE: Spring Hill Elementary School WHAT: Fun Fair is one of the most exciting days of the year at Spring Hill Elementary School, when we transform our school building into a carnival - every area becomes part of the fun and games! This beloved Spring Hill tradition brings smiles to everyone's faces with hours of games, raffles, prizes and so much more!


We Need Your Help!  Sign Up to Volunteer!

A successful Fun Fair requires nearly 200 adult volunteers to help with food and run games and activities (we have three shifts!).  Join in putting smiles on kids' faces by volunteering! No experience necessary--it's so easy a caveman could do it.

Sign up for a volunteer slot by SATURDAY, MARCH 1st and receive 15 free tickets! Click the button below to volunteer!


Click here to put the FUN in Fun Fair! 

>>Does your high school or middle school student need to fulfill volunteer hours?  Click here - we'd love their help to make Fun Fair 2025 a huge success!<<

Questions?  Contact our Fun Fair Committee Chair, Kate Golden at springhillptofunfair@gmail.com.




The Lost & Found Committee has updated the PDF catalog of lost items!  We are not out of winter yet – so, if your child is missing anything, please have a look by clicking here!



Yearbook orders are due by April 4th!  Online orders only.

Get your yearbook now with all your memories; no extra yearbooks will be available later.

To order a yearbook, visit www.strawbridge.net and use the order code: YB31541. See this link for more details.

📑Family Handbook

Please take some time to review our Parent Handbook. We wanted to provide our families with this resource as it will help assist you with pertinent information in regards to the 2024-2025 school year.