Weekly Wave: February 14, 2025

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Principals' Message

Hello, Dolphin Families!

Today was a truly wonderful day! Lake Anne was filled with kindness, joy, and friendship as our students celebrated Valentine’s Day together. It’s always heartwarming to see the care they show for one another, and we are grateful to be part of such a supportive and compassionate community.

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for Family Game Night! It was wonderful to see so many families laughing, playing, and spending quality time together. A special shout-out to Mr. Johnson for his incredible contributions in making the night a success. His dedication to our school does not go unnoticed!

We also want to recognize our amazing PTA for organizing such fantastic events this month. We are incredibly lucky to have such an engaged parent group working to bring our school community together. If you haven’t joined yet, we’d love to have you!

Looking ahead, don’t miss our final PTA event of the month – Family Science Night on Tuesday, February 18, from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria. It’s sure to be a fun and interactive evening for all!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Jill D. Stewart, principal

Melanie N. Porter, assistant principal

Calendar Reminders

❄️February Calendar Events and Reminders

Black History Month

Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change)

FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.   

The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community. 

For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.


February- Black History Month / Love the Bus Month

15- National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day

17- Presidents Day (Holiday) / NO SCHOOL

18- PTA Family Science Night, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

24-28 - Public Schools Week

28- Ramadan begins at sundown (Evening-only O Day)


Lake Anne ES Local News

Math Night

Dolphin Academy- Math Night at Lake Anne!

Join us for Dolphin Academy, on Thursday, March 6th from 6:00-7:30pm for a fun, interactive event for students and their families! Discover your inner Super Learner with hands-on math and reading activities that build skills, boost confidence, and make learning an adventure! Pizza will be served from 6:00-6:30pm. Please RSVP HERE. We hope to see you there!

Math Night Flyer


Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28

Thanks to a new program from the Virginia Department of Education, students who are fasting during the school day between February 28 and March 28 can now take school meal kits home at the end of the day. Families will need to fill out a weekly Fasting Meals Request Form for their child or children to receive school meal kits. A separate form must be filled out for each week and each student. To receive meal kits for Friday, February 28, and the week of March 3, please submit the first request form by Monday, February 24. Visit the FNS webpage for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.


🐻 It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives. Fairfax County public schools typically conduct kindergarten registration events, including orientation, between January and April. Eligible children can also be registered throughout the summer, but registering your child early helps us prepare and ensure we have the teachers and resources needed on the first day of school. 

Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage. FCPS offers support and resources for all families to help with registration and the transition to kindergarten. For support in other languages, visit the kindergarten registration webpage.

✨ A strong start is Goal 1 of the 2023-30 Strategic Plan


Learn More About How Your Child Feels at School

The Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener will be administered to students in grades 3-12 in March. Students use the SEL Screener twice a year to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop the skills they need to succeed. The screener works by asking questions or presenting statements that students can think about and respond to. This gives students a way to share how well their school community makes them feel valued, included, and supported.

After each screening, results are available in the Documents tab of SIS ParentVUE and mailed to families who do not have a ParentVUE account. For more information, including SEL Screener questions and opt-out information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. 


Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!


🤧 Protect Yourself and Your Community From the Flu

Fairfax County is experiencing very high levels of influenza (flu) illness. The Fairfax County Health Department reports that visits to emergency departments and urgent care centers for flu-like illness have increased, especially among children, and multiple flu outbreaks have occurred in our community and school settings. Read a letter from the health department

The health department suggests taking the following steps to reduce the spread of flu and other germs:    

  • Cover coughs and sneezes. If you must be around others while ill, wearing a mask can help reduce spread.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available (with supervision for younger children).
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces.

According to the health department, to help prevent or reduce the spread of illness it is important for individuals who are sick to stay home and away from others until symptoms improve and until they have been free of fever for at least 24 hours. Visit this Attendance webpage for guidance on when your child should go to school. 


Lice Prevention Information

Should all family members be treated?

ALL family members residing with an infested person should be examined for the presence of head lice.

Treat ANY family member with a head lice infestation.

Does the household environment need to be treated?

  • Routine cleaning of the child’s environment, including washing recently used clothing, bedding and towels in hot water is recommended.
  • Items that can not be washed should be sealed in plastic bags for 2 weeks.
  • Vacuum carpeting, upholstery and car seats.

REMEMBER: Head lice can survive off a human host for up to 48  ours and nits will hatch within 7–10 days.

Warm Coat event

Warm Coat Event

Does you student need a warm coat? Kids R First and Stohlman Subaru have partnered together to purchased coats for students. If your student is in need of a warm coat, join them at Langston Hughes Middle School by Door #10 on February 19, 2025.

High School 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 

Elementary 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

If you have anu questions, you may contact Marina Chavez 

Upcoming PTA Events

Family Science Night

Save the date for Family Science Night. It's an event you won't want you Dolphin or the family miss! We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, February 18 at 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria.

Family Science Night SpanishFamily Science Night English

Budget Banner

FCPS District News

Breaking Down the Budget: Investing in Our Classrooms

Did you know that more than 85% of FCPS’ budget stays in our classrooms? Currently, 92.5% of FCPS staff are school-based, more than neighboring school districts. We are in the middle of FCPS’ annual budget process, which includes opportunities for you to give feedback. Learn more about the proposed FCPS FY 2026 Proposed Budget and see the budget timeline.

Catch the Wave of Appreciation!

This week, which Lake Anne Elementary staff member(s) did you see making a SPLASH doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way?! Please help us in recognizing their outstanding contributions by submitting an FCPS CARES for them.

For questions, please email employeeawards@fcps.edu.