Mustang Message - February 14, 2025

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We are a community of learners... thriving in a diverse world!

We are a family.

We are capable.

We are caring.

We all belong!



Celebrating Valentine's Day - Something Sweet with Someone You Love breakfast at BMP

Important Dates

Feb. 17                   NO SCHOOL:  President's Day Holiday

March 31                NO SCHOOL: Eid-al-Fitr

April 1                     NO SCHOOL: Teacher Workday

April 14-18              NO SCHOOL:  Spring Break


Specialist Spotlight - Technology

Want to keep the learning going after school? Coding is a fantastic way to boost problem-solving skills and creativity! Here are a few fun and free resources you can explore with your child at home:

  • ScratchJr (Ages 5-7): This block-based coding app (available on tablets and phones) lets kids create interactive stories and games by snapping together colorful blocks. It's super visual and perfect for beginners.
  • Scratch (Ages 8+): The next step up from ScratchJr, this platform ( allows kids to build more complex projects. If your child is using their school laptop, Scratch is available as an application. Simply type in “Scratch” in the search bar.
  • (All Ages): This website ( offers a variety of coding courses and activities for all ages, including "Hour of Code" tutorials featuring popular characters and themes. They even have unplugged activities that don't require a computer!

Coding doesn't have to be intimidating! Start simple, have fun, and watch your child's digital literacy blossom.


Family Dance Night

Family Dance

Admission is free. Pizza, snacks, and drinks as well as glow accessories and spirit wear will all be available for purchase starting at 6:00pm. Dancing begins at 6:30pm. 

Families are encouraged to wear white and/or neon colors and comfortable shoes as our P.E. teachers will be leading party dances as well as Zumba-style dances. 

Note: Students attending must be accompanied by an adult who will supervise them throughout the event.


Rescheduled Pre-Construction Community Meeting

Due to inclement weather and school closures the Bren Mar Park Elementary School Pre-Construction Community Meeting originally scheduled for Wednesday, February 12 has been postponed. It will now take place on Thursday, February 27, at 6:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Language interpretation services will be available.


K-12 Mathematics Basal Public Review

Fairfax County Public Schools will adopt new Mathematics Instructional Resources for the 2025-2026 (secondary) and 2026-2027 (elementary) school years. A review committee composed of community members, administrators, and teachers will be meeting to review materials submitted by vendors. The public is also invited to review materials and provide comments.

Mathematics basal instructional resources may be accessed in-person and online from February 14, 2025 – March 21, 2025, for public feedback. Those reviewing instructional materials in-person or on-line will give feedback via a digital input form.

Hard copies of instructional materials will be available for review at Willow Oaks Welcome Center Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Note: If review hours are needed outside of these hours please email

FCPS Administrative Building 8270 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr., Suite 100 Falls Church, VA 22031

Electronic materials for public review will be available on the FCPS Mathematics web site.

All community feedback will be shared with the review committee and with School Board members before a vote at the School Board regular meeting in 2025.


Upcoming Student Experience Survey at Bren Mar Park ES

Student Survey

Our school will participate in the FCPS Student Experience Survey. This survey will gather important feedback from students about their school experiences to help FCPS make meaningful improvements.

All students in grades 3-6, except those who have opted out, will receive a link to the survey in their FCPS email on February 24. We will administer the survey during the school day between Monday, February 24, and Friday, March 7. Any student may take the survey at home, if they are unable to take the survey during the school day. You will receive a communication with details on how to preview the survey and opt your child out, if you choose. 

We believe it's important to hear from our students about what we're doing well and where we can improve. This work also aligns with the five equity commitments in FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan, which focus on amplifying student voice and experiences as we work toward meeting plan goals.


New Pre-Arranged Absence Process

Good attendance will help our children do well in high school, college, and in life!

Extended absences are discouraged because:

  • Children can suffer academically if they miss too much school.  18 days of absent is considered chronically absent.
  • Some absences are unavoidable. Children will get sick and need to stay home occasionally; we need your child at school as often as possible.
  • If too many absences occur, there is lost learning time.
  • Attendance matters as early as kindergarten. Studies show many children who miss too many days in kindergarten and grade 1 can struggle academically in later years.
  • It's important that extended vacations that require children to miss school should be aligned with scheduled holidays and vacations.

Getting to Know Your BMP Staff

Mayra Velasco, Office Assistant


Hello BMP!  I was born in Alexandria, VA.  In 2007, I joined the United States Marine Corps for 8 years, 4 years were active duty.  I have BA in Public Health and an AAS in Allied Health Science. I started with FCPS in 2021.  This is my third year at Bren Mar Park.  I am a mother of 2, my oldest is an 8th grader and youngest a 4th grader.  I enjoy long walks, hikes, dancing, traveling and spending time with my family.