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Dear Dranesville Families,
February has brought us the 100th day of school (February 13th), multiple staff appreciation days, and more winter weather. I wanted to thank you for your patience and cooperation as we navigate these early dismissals, late starts, and snow days. While I am hoping for spring-like warmer weather, it looks like a big storm is headed our way next week.
Last week was National School Counseling Week, and I emailed all the counselors in Dranesville to thank them for their dedication and commitment to helping every student. School counselors are certified, experienced educators with a master’s degree in school counseling. Their training with their experience makes them a key member of the educational team.
This year’s theme was: “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive.” Our school counselors help our students achieve school success and plan for a career through their important, and often behind-the-scenes, work including:
- Helping students examine their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents;
- Partnering with parents as they encounter the challenges of raising children in today’s world;
- Positive ways to enhance students’ academic, career and social/emotional development;
- Collaborating with teachers and other educators to provide an educational system where students can realize their potential and set healthy, realistic, and optimistic aspirations for themselves.
The new Virginia School Accreditation changes include the new “3E Ready for Life” measure as part of Readiness representing college Enrollment, meaningful Employment, and military Enlistment after graduating high school. For high schools, the 3E measure makes up 25% of their overall points, the largest single measure for high school accountability. The role of our secondary schools’ counseling team and the college and career specialists is key in this work.
At last week’s 2023-30 Strategic Plan’s Goal 3- Academic Growth and Excellence report work session, I advocated for our counseling and College and Career Specialists by sharing my desire to:
- Lower the ratio of elementary school counselors;
- Provide professional development for secondary counselors on career and college planning and counseling;
- Increase student access to skill-based surveys like the ASVAB to identify student’s skill sets beyond their interests (see more on the ASVAB below);
- Encourage reconsidering Naviance as the college platform for students and families.
Thank you to all our counselors for all that they do to make our schools better and supporting our students and families across FCPS. At our February 20th school board meeting, we will celebrate our crossing guards, bus drivers, bus attendants, food service employees, and custodians. They too are the center of our school's smooth operation.
I visited our Northern Virginia elected officials in Richmond last week to advocate for implementation of the JLARC recommendations. I appreciate their work to help keep our students safe and at the center of our mission while looking to expand Virginia's funding of our public schools. Look below to learn how to share your priorities with your elected officials as they complete their work in Richmond.
Have a good long weekend,
In this newsletter,
Yesterday's Mountain View HS's Winter Graduation
Calendar Reminders
February 15: National SRO Appreciation Day
February 17: Presidents' Day- No School
February 28: Beginning of Ramadan
March 1: First full day of Ramadan
March 5: Ash Wednesday and Orthodox Ash Wednesday
2024-25 FCPS School Calendar
School Board Updates
February 6, 2025: Regular Meeting Highlights
Meeting Opening
The meeting began with a Moment of Silence for the devastating loss of life in the previous week’s heartbreaking aviation tragedy at Washington National Airport, including three FCPS students and six FCPS parents. Our Board joined the community in grieving and extended its deepest condolences to the families, friends, and school communities of those lost.
The School Board issued the following statement of student support: “The Fairfax County School Board remains steadfast in our commitment to ensuring every child receives a world-class education in a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment. We will uphold our policies supporting educational equity and championing the success of all students, including those receiving special education services, immigrant students and their families, students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, LGBTQIA+ students, and other historically marginalized communities. Our work is guided by the belief that every child deserves access to an exceptional education with the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. We will continue to stand by our students, families, and staff, ensuring that Fairfax County Public Schools remains a place where all feel valued and supported and every learner is empowered to achieve their full potential.”
Annual Capital Improvement Program Update Approved
The Fairfax County School Board approved the annual update to the FCPS Capital Improvement Program (CIP) at their regular board meeting last week. A CIP is a working budget document that shows the timing and costs of improvements to school buildings, such as renovations, additions, and new schools. Learn more about planned improvements.
Capital Projects for Dranesville Students
Armstrong ES Renovation Progress
The Armstrong Elementary project will provide modern amenities and add approximately 27,060 square feet to the building. The project was identified according to the Renovation Queue, approved in 2009. Armstrong ES is ranked 49 of 63 schools in the queue. Planning and Design was funded by the 2021 bond, with construction expected to be funded by the 2023 bond.
Cooper MS Renovation Progress
The Cooper Middle School project was identified according to the Renovation Queue, approved in 2009. The renovation with additions, will bring the total future building area to approximately 179,000 square feet. Cooper Middle is ranked 34 of 63 schools in the queue. Planning/Design was funded by the 2015 bond, with construction funded by the 2019 bond.
Dranesville ES Renovation Progress
The Dranesville Elementary project was identified according to the Renovation Queue approved in 2009. Dranesville ES is ranked 53 of 63 schools in the queue. Planning and design were funded by the 2021 bond. Construction is expected to be funded with the 2023 bond.
Herndon ES Renovation Progress
The Herndon Elementary project was identified according to the Renovation Queue, approved in 2009. The Herndon Elementary project is ranked 52 of 63 schools in the queue. Planning and design were funded by the 2021 bond, with construction expected to be funded by the 2023 bond. At the February 6th school board meeting's new business, the Award of Contract – Herndon Elementary School Renovation Project where bids will be received on March 5, 2025. Bid tabulations and recommendation for award will be furnished prior to the March 27, 2025 School Board Meeting.
FCPS Proposed Budget Progress
The Fairfax County School Board discussed the FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget at the February 4th work session. They discussed details regarding student enrollment and investments in students requiring additional support, market comparison data for surrounding school divisions, and an update on progress toward achieving the Baldrige Award for Performance Excellence. Baldrige is a framework used to assess and improve organizational performance across various sectors, including education. The School Board also held a public hearing on February 4, where they invited the community to share their feedback on the proposed budget.
The Fairfax County Executive Bryan Hill will present his Advertised Budget on Tuesday, February 18, and the School Board will also hold a budget work session that day. On Thursday, February 20, the School Board will adopt its FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The School Board and Board of Supervisors will hold a joint meeting to discuss the budget on Tuesday, February 25. The complete FY 2026 Budget Development Calendar is available online.
Breaking Down the Budget: Investing in Our Classrooms
Did you know that more than 85% of our budget stays in our classrooms? We’ve reduced our budget by sunsetting programs and not starting new initiatives. 92.5% of our positions are school-based, making it very difficult to make additional cuts without impacting the student experience. As the chart below shows, that is higher than neighboring school districts. We are currently in the middle of the annual budget process, which includes opportunities for you to give feedback. Learn more about the FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget and see the budget timeline.
Dranesville Budget Town Hall with Supervisor Bierman
Please join me and Dranesville District Supervisor Jimmy Bierman for two in-person joint town halls on the proposed the FY 2026 Budgets for FCPS and Fairfax County (shared on 2/18). There will be budget presentations and time for questions and feedback.
Friday, March 28 at 6 p.m.
- McLean Community Center (1234 Ingleside Ave., McLean)- Community Hall
Wednesday, April 2 at 7 p.m.
- Herndon High School (700 Bennett St., Herndon)- cafeteria
Middle School Start Time Work Session- February 18
The school board is scheduled on February 18 to continue work on Middle School Start Times. At the December 3rd School Board work session, staff from Prismatic Services, Inc., presented options for adjusting start times at FCPS middle schools. As a reminder, Prismatic is charged with developing an action plan to help the School Board reach its goal of starting middle school at or after 8 a.m. The presentation includes five options for adjusting middle school start times based on the consultant’s analysis from community forums, surveys, and interviews with staff, parents, associations, and other groups. Watch the work session video, and visit the Middle School Start Times webpage for more information.
Application for the 2025 Student Representative to the School Board- due February 24
The School Board student representative represents the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity. Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply.
Watch this video to learn about the student representative experience from the current representative, Megan Sawant. Both application components are required to be considered for the election. Read more about the election process.
- A written component due Monday, February 24.
- A 30-second candidate video statement due Wednesday, March 26.
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 5 p.m.- Budget Committee Meeting and Work Session
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7 p.m.- Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 25, 3 p.m. - Joint BOS/SB Budget Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 11, 10:30 a.m. - All Day Work Session
Thursday, March 13, 7 p.m.- Regular Meeting
All times and topics subject to change.
How to watch meetings and sign up to speak
FCPS Updates
Comprehensive Boundary Review: Next Steps
This week, FCPS completed its final community boundary review meeting for Phase 1. Thanks to the more than 2,500 staff, families, and community members who shared their perspectives. Your engagement ensures that our work remains inclusive, transparent, and impactful.
The comprehensive boundary review remains in Phase 1 through the spring as data collection and analysis continue with the consultant. During this stage, we will assess current boundaries and develop draft boundary scenarios guided by community input. At this time, no boundary changes have been proposed.
Next steps include identifying key themes to shape the boundary scenarios. Draft scenarios will be shared for further community feedback in Phase 2
Please stay informed and involved! Visit the FCPS Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage and sign up to receive the School Boundary Review newsletter. Thank you for your continued participation in this process.
Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee Meeting- February 3
The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee met February 3, 2025.
- Key takeaways from this meeting:
- Education Session and Resource Overview
- The committee received a Resources Document
- Reviewed information available online related to the Capital Improvement Program, Facilities Dashboards, School Profiles, the Budget Book, and various maps.
- Activity: Guiding Next Steps for Reviewing Community Meetings Feedback
- Thru Consulting shared summaries from the January 25, 2025, committee meeting activity.
- The committee reviewed themes from the community meeting feedback and then participated in an activity to inform how the community meeting data could be further summarized.
Please visit FCPS’ website to access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.
Few FCPS Students Contribute to “Nation’s Report Card”
In the Academic Matters section of the February 6 School Board meeting, Dr. Reid discussed the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), which is also called “The Nation’s Report Card.” It was developed as a measure of the educational achievement and progress of students in fourth and eighth grade.
According to NAEP, 30-40% of students are proficient in reading and math in the fourth grade, and less than 30% in eighth grade. However, only 1.8% of FCPS students are included in this sample. Based on SOL data, about 75% of FCPS fourth graders and 76-79% of our eighth graders are proficient in reading and math. Read more in Weekly Reflections.
Fairfax County Health Department- High Flu Activity
Fairfax County is seeing very high levels of influenza (flu) illness. Visits to emergency departments and urgent care centers for flu-like illness have increased, especially among children, and multiple flu outbreaks have occurred in our community and school settings. The flu symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, or feeling tired.
To help prevent or reduce the spread of illness, it is important for individuals who are sick to stay home and away from others until symptoms improve and free of fever for at least 24 hours. If you have any questions, please contact your healthcare provider or school public health nurse.
FC Respiratory Illness Dashboard
This dashboard displays trends in respiratory illnesses in the Fairfax Health District, including COVID-19, flu (influenza), and RSV. They use data from emergency departments (ED) and urgent care (UC) centers to track how many people are visiting these providers for respiratory illnesses. These data help us see how respiratory illnesses are affecting our community over time.
February 11th Respiratory Dashboard Data in Fairfax County
Please also consider the following healthy habits that reduce the spread of flu (and other germs):
Cover coughs and sneezes- If you must be around others while ill, wearing a mask can help reduce spread.
Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds
- Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available (with supervision for younger children).
- Clean frequently touched surfaces
Do not give aspirin to children. Anyone 18 years and younger who might have the flu should not be given aspirin or any products that contain salicylate (e.g. Pepto Bismol)
- This can cause a rare and serious complication called Reye’s syndrome.
Visit FCPS' Health and Safety Guidance webpage for more tips.
Kinder Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…
There’s an easy five-step process for parents wanting to register their child for kindergarten:
- Determine eligibility.
- Identify your local school.
- Gather documents.
- Fill out forms.
- Schedule an appointment.
After the appointment at the school (the student and one guardian must be present), the student will be ready for orientation and any other introductory events your school may host. For additional information or to set up an appointment, please contact your school registrar.
Try Online Registration
Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process. When registering, parents or caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.
Families Invited to Review Potential Math Resources
FCPS will begin using new mathematics instructional resources for the 2025-26 (secondary) and 2026-27 (elementary) school years. A committee of community members, administrators, and teachers will meet to review materials submitted by vendors through a competitive request for proposals process. The community is also invited to review materials and provide comments. Starting today, February 14, resources may be accessed on the FCPS Mathematics webpage and hard copies of instructional materials will be accessible in person. Members of the public can view them Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 8270 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr., Suite 100. In-person public review will not be available on Tuesday, February 25; Thursday, February 27; Tuesday, March 11; and Wednesday, March 12.
Feedback can be submitted through a digital form. All community feedback will be shared with the review committee and with the Fairfax County School Board members before the school board votes in spring 2025.
Literacy Resources for Families
FCPS has created a literacy resource page for families as we have embarked on a new Benchmark curriculum. Please reach out to your child's classroom teacher if you have specific literacy questions.
Learn About Science, Technology, and Arts Magnet Schools
Three FCPS elementary magnet schools, Hunters Woods ES, Bailey’s Primary ES, and Bailey’s Upper ES, provide enhanced learning programs in science, technology, and performing arts. Registration for the 2025-26 elementary magnet lottery is open Tuesday, March 4, through Friday, April 4.
Continue Your Public Service Journey at FCPS- Feb. 19
Looking for job opportunities or a career path supporting education? Join us on Wednesday, February 19: 6- 7:30 p.m., for a job and career information fair at Willow Oaks Administrative Center.
FCPS offers a wealth of opportunities for professionals transitioning from federal and state government roles into the public education sector. A dedication to public service could make you a strong candidate for both educational and operational positions.
If you hold a bachelor’s degree, you can become provisionally licensed to teach in just a few weeks. Beyond teaching, FCPS offers a variety of operational roles in departments such as finance, human resources, safety and security, food service, transportation, and facilities.
Family Resource Center Webinars- February and March
The Family Resource Center offers a variety of free webinars to help children and families succeed. Speakers are invited from academic fields and from within FCPS experts.
2/18- FCPS Risk Prevention Series: Part 1 Risk Prevention
2/21- Nurturing Adolescent Growth: Part 4 – Supporting Mental Health: Recognizing & Addressing Anxiety and Depression in Teens
2/22- SibShops (for children grades 2-6)
2/25- FCPS Risk Prevention Series: Suicide Prevention – Supporting Your Child
3/4- Part 3: Violence Prevention: Responding to Threats of Harm to Others
3/7- Anxiety in the Context of Autism: What Parents Need to Know
3/14- Understand Executive Function Milestones, Challenges, & Implement Effective Strategies at Home for Children in Middle School
3/19- Supporting Mental Health: Recognizing and Addressing Anxiety and Depression in Teens
3/25- Calming the Chaos: Teaching Emotional Regulation to Twice – Exceptional (2e) Students
February Audit Buzz
In this issue of the Audit Buzz, we provide an update on current engagements; assist with Understanding the Three Lines of Defense in the Knowledge Hive; and offer a training opportunity for Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) employees. Prior editions of Audit Buzz are archived here on OAG website.
Community Updates
Sign up for Your Elected Officials' Newsletters
You can find your elected officials by visiting My Neighborhood. Federal elected officials, such as Representative Connolly, Representative Beyer, Senator Kaine, and Senator Warner, offer newsletters and communications with up-to-date information.
Supervisor Bierman's Newsletter
Please sign up for Supervisor Bierman's Thursday Dranesville Dispatch newsletter to keep up to date on Dranesville and Fairfax County news and events.
Virginia Delegate Rip Sullivan
Please sign up for Delegate Rip Sullivan's informative newsletter to receive Virginia and Northern Virginia updates and information.
My Richmond visit with Delegate Sullivan, Delegate Shin, Delegate Helmer, and Sully School Board member Ms. Dixit
Cooper MS's New Principal Maureen McLoughlin
Maureen McLoughlin has been selected as the principal of Cooper Middle School. Ms. McLoughlin brings over two decades of experience as an educator to this role. She started her career in education as a 7th and 8th grade English teacher at Katherine Johnson Middle School. In 2020, Ms. McLoughlin was named an assistant principal at Cooper Middle School. In this role, she has led an increase in the enrollment of 8th graders in Algebra 1. Ms. McLoughlin’s instructional leadership and support of math teachers led to all students who were recommended for Math 7 Honors successfully passing the course and advancing to Algebra 1 in the 8th grade. Ms. McLoughlin will start in her new role as principal on February 18, 2025.
2025 Regional Scholastic Art Awards
The 2025 Regional Scholastic Art Awards program has awarded 809 FCPS students (grades 7-12) for outstanding artwork, including 210 Gold Key, 235 Silver Key, and 364 Honorable Mention awards. An exhibition of Gold Key artworks will be displayed at Northern Virginia Community College’s Ernst Community Cultural Center in Annandale from February 17 to March 13.
Four works by FCPS students were nominated for the best-in-show American Visions Award including these 2 McLean HS students:
Pearfections of a Woman by Cindy Chan, McLean High School
The Road Not Taken by Alan Wang, McLean High School
Speech & Debate Tournament at Robinson SS
My Visit to Robinsson Speech and Debate Tournament and Langley student Inger Logan, 2nd place winner in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate
The Robinson speech and debate tournament combined Student Congress, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Policy Debate, and 7 Speech events. They had 526 competitors from 46 schools from across the DMV region including 15 FCPS schools.
Final results for Dranesville students' schools:
Speech Events
- In Declamation, additional qualifiers for Metrofinals: Rishima Sahoo (Westfield HS).
- In Dramatic Performance, 4th place Ameerah Byfield (Westfield HS)
- In Duo Interpretation, additional qualifier the team of Ganguli & Peng (Langley HS).
- In Extemporaneous Speaking, 5th place Gabriel Elferrane (Langley HS).
- In Impromptu, 1st Risha Potluri (Langley HS)
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
- Varsity Division
- 1st Aayush Katoch (TJHSST), 2nd Inger Logan (Langley HS)
- Junior Varsity Division
- 1st Elakshi Nedungottil (Langley HS), 2nd Abhinav Eadhara (Langley HS), 3rd Johannes Jangam (George Marshall HS), 4th Lindsay Walker (George Marshall HS), 5th Polina Anfilofyev (George Marshall HS), and 6th Shrayanthi Balaji (Westfield HS).
- Novice Division
- 2nd Abigail Ndumu (Westfield HS)
Policy Debate
- Junior Varsity Division
- 1st team of Orpha & Russell (TJHSST), 3rd team of Doddabendigere & McKelvey (TJHSST), 4th team of Seth & Pathak (TJHSST), and 5th team of Trachtenberg & Mahmud (TJHSST).
- Novice Division
- 1st team of Sultan & Ajmera (TJHSST) and 2nd team of Golden & Karthik (TJHSST). Additionally, Joseph Sultan (TJHSST) was the 1st place top speaker.
Student Congress
- Chamber 2: additional qualifier Maya Umerov-Todoroki (TJHSST).
- Chamber 3: 3rd Mateen Chaudhary (TJHSST), and top novice Yeni Akinrinlola (TJHSST).
- Chamber 5: 3rd and Outstanding Representative Ray Zhang (TJHSST).
- Chamber 6: 1st Soham Jain (TJHSST), 3rd Soren Johnson (TJHSST), additional qualifier Aryan Garg (TJHSST), and top novice Kamel Elshaer (TJHSST).
- Chamber 7: 3rd and Outstanding Representative Sonia Qiao (Langley HS), additional qualifier Krithik Rahinikanth (TJHSST) and top novice Roma Joshi (TJHSST).
Langley Pyramid Rise Against Hunger Event
My visit to the Langley Pyramid Rise Against Hunger event
Our Langley Pyramid students raised nearly $25,000 in schools with a total of over $35,000 collected as a Langley Pyramid community. We had over 350 volunteers in attendance at Colvin Run Elementary School as we packaged 82,000 meals. By working together, we made it possible for nearly 500,000 people to have a meal. The pyramid met its goal and has provided more than 1,000,000 meals since 2012. Bravo!
Langley HS
Congratulations to the talented FCPS students, staff, and teams recognized by VHSL for the fall 2024 season. Here are the Dranesville school fall champion teams:
- Langley High School, Class 6 Golf Champion (repeat champion)
- Langley High School, Class 6 Girls Volleyball Champion (repeat champion)
The Celebration of the Langley Girls Volleyball team and Langely Golf Team at the Febrauary 6th Regular Meeting
McLean HS
Ten Reasons McLean is Exceptional
Highly Competitive AP Program- McLean has earned Platinum recognition on the 2024 AP School Honor Roll (AP/College Board).
National Merit Scholars- In 2024, McLean had 16 National Merit Semifinalists and 67 Commended students
Exceptional Marching Band- At the USBands Annapolis Competition, McLean’s Marching Band finished in 1st place in Class 5.
Community Minded at McLean- McDance-A-Thon is a club that raises money for our local Children's Miracle Network Hospital.
- McLean Performing Arts Students Hit All the Right Notes
- Beyond the Bell: Exceptional Athletics & Extracurricular Programs
Award-Winning Publications- McLean was the only school in the state to earn Trophy Class Ratings for four publications from the VHSL's Publications Evaluation Services.
Highlander Internship Program- A unique opportunity for seniors to gain valuable real-world experience through a two-week internship program at the end of the school year.
Global Citizenship- Sixteen dedicated students attended the Virginia Model United Nations Conference hosted by UVA in Charlottesville.
McLean Students Think Business- This year, twenty McLean students placed at the DECA District Competition earning them an invitation to States in February.
McLean Orchestra's German Adventure- the McLean Philharmonic Orchestra traveled to Detmold, Germany to participate in their annual exchange program with the Grabbe Gymnasium. The trip came to its peak with a side-by-side concert featuring the American and German orchestras performing Schubert’s “Unfinished Symphony,” Grieg’s “Sigurd Jorsalfar Suite,” Polar Express, and more.
McLean Choir's Icelandic Expedition- The Choir department's tour to Reykjavík, Iceland, was an unforgettable adventure filled with breathtaking landscapes and inspiring performance.
Herndon HS
The NJROTC Annual Military Inspection (AMI) was held on Wednesday, February 5th. This mandatory event is where a Navy-appointed manager inspects the unit to ensure it meets Navy standards. The inspection includes a review of the cadets' uniforms, personal appearance, knowledge, and the unit's facilities. congratulating these outstanding students and their instructors on a successful inspection!
Hornets on the Hill- On February 5th and 6th, a few US VA Government classes took their seniors to Capitol Hill to attend various hearings. Additional classes will go throughout this month.
Herndon MS
Calling All Retro Gamers!- Do you have any old video game consoles, games, or controllers gathering dust? Herndon Middle School's After-School program is looking for donations to enhance our Wii Club and provide more gaming opportunities for our students. Your unused gaming systems and games can make a real difference! Help us create a fun and engaging after-school experience. Thank you for your support!
Churchill Road ES
Congratulations to the Churchill Road MathCounts Team. Churchill Road ranked fifth in the NOVA chapter, among 18 elementary and middle schools, and the second among all elementary schools. Way to go team!
Forestville ES
We were thrilled to host NBC4 Chief Meteorologist Doug Kammerer at Forestville! He held a school-wide assembly and we learned about his start, his attendance at Herndon High and the likelihood of a weather delay!
Doug Kammerer visit to Forestville ES
Disclaimer: Opportunities and events offered by organizations other than Fairfax County Public Schools are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific school. These opportunities may utilize technology tools that have not been assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parent or guardian before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity and families should review the Terms of Service, User Agreements, and Privacy Policy for any technology platform that the enrichment opportunity may use before participating.
Student Voices at Family Summit
The 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, at South Lakes High School (1400 South Lakes Dr, Reston). FCPS students are invited to showcase projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. Students may share their work in a share-fair environment using posters, essays, videos, songs, or art. They will interact with attendees through conversations about their work, ideas, and efforts to foster inclusivity in school communities while earning service hours.
To participate, students must fill out this Google Form. by Monday, February 17. A list of possible projects is also on the form. More information will be provided after the student’s submission is received. Please contact Manuel Gomez Portillo with any questions.
Accepting First-Class Awards Nominations
Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is seeking nominations for the 2025 First-Class Awards. The First-Class Awards are an annual celebration of individuals in Fairfax County who support, implement, or design programs and activities which include students with disabilities that result in improving outcomes for all students. Nominations must be received by February 19. Award winners will be recognized at the March 15th Family Summit.
Make a Difference in McLean- MCC Governing Board
Run for a McLean Community Center's all-volunteer governing board- three adult board seats and two youth board seats! We're looking for residents of Small District 1A–Dranesville to serve their community by playing a lead role in helping to carry out MCC's mission.
Adult qualification is being 18 years of age or older on May 16, 2025. Youths must be 15-17 years old by May 16, 2025 (McLean Day Carnival Rides and Festival)—that is, born May 17, 2007 to May 16, 2010. Candidate petition packets will be available starting February 18, at 9 a.m. and completed by March 17, at 5 p.m.
Consider ASVAB Testing for your Student
The United States Military uses the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) to determine if an individual is qualified to enlist in the military and to assign that individual to an appropriate military vocation. The assessment itself helps to identify areas of strength across four domains (Verbal, Math, Science and Technical, and Spatial) and matches students' skills to potential careers.
While the ASVAB test is primarily intended for students seeking enlistment in the military, it can also serve additional purposes for students not considering military careers. Several FCPS high schools already use the ASVAB in high schools as a component of a career exploration program. Students completing the ASVAB test receive customized score reports and information explaining how scores can help identify potential career areas of strength. As with other components of the 3E Framework of the new Virginia accreditation, a student’s ASVAB scores do not count toward their individual grade point average or other measures of student performance, they only impact a high school’s performance category within state reporting.
Hispanic Leadership Alliance Scholarships
The Hispanic Leadership Alliance (HLA) scholarship is for a first-generation Latino/Hispanic FCPS graduating seniors from Fairfax County Public Schools. The scholarship deadline is February 25, 2025. Email jane.ellen.cruz@gmail.com (Jane Cruz) the completed Word-based application.
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities YLA
The Youth Leadership Academy (YLA), is one of the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities flagship training programs. This year's YLA will be held at Virginia State University Monday, July 14 - Thursday, July 17, 2025. The deadline to submit an application is Friday, March 28, 2025. Rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are interested in becoming leaders in their school communities are strongly encouraged to apply as YLA delegates. Refer to the YLA Application - Virginia Board for People with Disabilities for additional details and to apply.
NVSWCD College Scholarship- due April 1
Fairfax County high school seniors or college freshmen are eligible to receive a $1,000 Future Conservation Leaders Scholarship from NVSWCD. This scholarship supports studies related to natural resource conservation and invests in the talented youth of Fairfax County. Apply by Tuesday, April 1.
FCCPTA Student Scholarship Applications - due April 1
FCCPTA Scholarships Applications are now open and are due by April 1st. These are open to High School Seniors who were members (by Dec. 1, 2024) of PTSAs that are currently in “Good Standing” with FCCPTA/VAPTA. Scholarships are $500 for students continuing their education through an Academic, Technical, Fine Arts, or Special Education program.
Disclaimer: Opportunities and events offered by organizations other than Fairfax County Public Schools are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific school. These opportunities may utilize technology tools that have not been assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parent or guardian before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity and families should review the Terms of Service, User Agreements, and Privacy Policy for any technology platform that the enrichment opportunity may use before participating.
Stuff the Bus- February 15
Stuff the Bus (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.)- Visit Herndon, Alexandria and McLean Giant supermarkets and the Fairfax Walmart to drop off food and gift card donations. Help fill the shelves of area food banks.
Riverbend Park- February 16
Winter Bird Walk (10 - 11 a.m.)- Take a hike through the woods at Riverbend Park with a naturalist to listen and look for the park’s winter avian residents and migrants.
Mount Vernon- Washington's Birthday, February 17
Free Admission to Mount Vernon (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.)- Celebrate the United States' first president at his beloved home, Mount Vernon. Enjoy free admission on President's Day.
McLean Community Center Events
Black History Month at Herndon Depot Museum- Feb. 26
Come to the Herndon Depot Museum to see author and Herndon Historical Society Historian, Barbara Glakas, give an encore presentation of her talk entitled, "The Freedom of Henry Simms.” Wednesday, February 26, 7 p.m. Herndon Depot Museum (717 Lynn Street, Herndon)
Marshall HS STEAM Night- February 28
Marshall High School (7731 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church) is hosting a STEM night on Friday, February 28: 6- 8 p.m. that is open to all elementary school students and families. There will be a variety of fun STEM crafts and interactive experiments. There will be Marshall HS students sharing some of the incredible science fair projects.
Legacy on Ice- March 2
“Legacy on Ice” is a live figure skating tribute taking place on March 2, 2025, 3 p.m. at Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C. The event will honor those affected by the tragic aviation incident at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport on January 29, 2025. The event will feature performances from a star-studded lineup of figure skaters, including Ilia Malinin, a three-time U.S. champion, two-time ISU Grand Prix Final champion, 2024 World champion, and Fairfax County resident. Proceeds from the event will support the victims' families, first responders, and aviation professionals affected by the tragic aviation incident
Fairfax County Teen Job Fair Series- March 8 and 15
All students are invited to attend the 2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fair Series and Career Building Workshops sponsored by Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity in collaboration with FCPS.
Saturday, March 8, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m., at West Springfield HS
Saturday, March 15, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m., at Chantilly HS.
At each fair, students will have the opportunity to engage with employers offering part-time, full-time, seasonal, and volunteer positions, and they can also attend career-building workshops. Please visit the Teen Job Fair webpage for more information and to register.
Middle School Transition Fair- March 12
For families, caregivers, and educators of students receiving special education services, join Career and Transition Services (CTS) to learn about planning for life in and after high school! It’s never too early or too late to start preparing for your future. We want to help you start planning for a successful transition from school to life as a young adult. Ensuring postsecondary success of our students with disabilities is dependent on what is known as transition planning.
March 12, 2025 6:30- 8:30 p.m.
- Luther Jackson Middle School (3020 Gallows Road, Falls Church)
2025 Family Summit- March 15
We are pleased to announce the 2025 FCPS Family Summit - Beyond Labels: Nurturing a Culture of Belonging, an event hosted by FCPS in collaboration with community partners. This in-person summit will be held on Saturday, March 15th, from 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. at South Lakes High School (11400 South Lakes Drive, Reston).
We invite you to join us as we come together to create a safer, more supportive, and inclusive community for all. Childcare will be provided during both the morning and afternoon sessions. Special education staff will be available to care for children with high support needs. Language interpretation will be provided.
Black History Month
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Learn more about Black History month.
Black History Month at the Meeting House February 15 (12- 3 p.m.)
In honor of Black History Month, the Frying Pan Baptist Meeting House is open and has interpretive signage for guests to read about Black History and stories of the people from the community.
Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change)
FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30- 7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson HS.
The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community. For more information, contact Nina Thomas.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month
By enrolling in a CTE course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. There are academies at six FCPS high schools. An academy is a center within an existing high school that offers advanced technical and specialized courses that successfully integrate career and academic preparation.
February 6th Regular Meeting's Career and Technical Education, Disability Employment, and Adult and Community Education Appreciation Month Proclamation
Thank you to our Dranesville representatives: ACEAC- Kelly Oakley and CTEAC- Betty Ende.
Ramadan- begins sunset February 28
Ramadan begins at sundown on Friday, February 28. This day is an evening-only observance day. There is school on these days, but certain activities that cannot be made up can not take place after school. Throughout the year, as we celebrate and recognize various cultural holidays and observances, families are encouraged to contact their child’s principal regarding accommodations, including but not limited to those around lunch, prayer/meditation and silent reflection spaces and times, and instruction.
Ash Wednesday- March 5
Ash Wednesday is observed as a holy day of prayer and fasting in many Western Christian denominations. It marks the beginning of Lent, a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving leading up to Easter. Many Christians attend special Ash Wednesday church services, at which churchgoers receive ashes on their foreheads as a sign of penance
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© 2025 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia