Joint Statement About Proposed FY2026 Budget; Math Resources Review Volunteers Needed

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Proposed FY2026 Budget Released

Includes 7 percent raise for all teachers and staff

School Board Budget Committee Chair Kyle McDaniel, Member At-Large,
and Vice Chair Rachna Sizemore Heizer, Braddock District

As the Chair and Vice Chair of the Budget Committee for the School Board, we want to take this opportunity to share our perspective on the Superintendent's proposed budget and the current fiscal moment.

We are facing a tremendous funding gap from the state, as well as escalating student needs as our population changes, with the continued expectation that FCPS provide the best public education in America. Our schools are an important economic driver for the County and often cited as a major reason businesses and families relocate here. Schools today are expected to do much more than they have in the past - from providing meals, addressing root causes of absenteeism, engaging families, providing technology, and acting as community centers. Finally, as we have learned more about what our students need, demand for new and different services have increased, from the mental health resources that we make available to all students to a higher percentage of students who require greater levels of support. While maintaining high educational standards, our teachers and principals are also expected, much like our public safety professionals, to serve as social workers, counselors, technology experts, and security personnel while engaging families at higher levels than before. 


We must also recognize the fiscal reality that we find ourselves in. Local taxpayers understandably are fatigued. We recognize that, more than ever, we must be good stewards of public funds. In preparing this budget, the Superintendent has considered ways that she can save costs and provide services in a more efficient manner. That consideration is something that we welcome as School Board Members and it will be a part of the dialogue we have with her. We know also that our partners in the state legislature and at the County Board of Supervisors believe in strong schools and are committed to funding them. We understand the realities they face and we are committed to being responsible partners.

As a commitment to managing resources effectively, FCPS’s overhead is much lower than surrounding jurisdictions while the bulk of our staff directly supports students in the classroom. FCPS has the lowest ratio of central administrative staff in the region and the second lowest ratio of school-based administrative staff in the region (WABE Guide). FCPS spends below the median per pupil cost for school systems in the region. We are also the lowest in the region in terms of teachers to school-based administrators - for every 100 teachers, there are less than five administrators providing support and professional development.

We recognize that excellent schools require excellent teachers. This budget places a significant priority on recruiting and retaining teachers as the driver of student success, with compensation increases that are in line with our surrounding jurisdictions. We cannot fall behind our surrounding jurisdictions without risking losing our best teachers and staff.

FCPS’ fiscally responsible proposed budget presents what is needed to maintain our current level of educational services. We are at a crossroads with respect to the quality of our public schools and as a community must decide if we want to continue the excellence for which FCPS is known. We are confident our community and elected leaders believe in the power and promise of our schools and will continue to fund this important community resource.

Read the Full Budget Presentation

Volunteers Sought for Math Resources Review

Are you interested in participating in the review of potential K-12 Mathematics resources? FCPS is engaging the basal resource (e.g., textbooks, online materials) adoption process for K-12 Mathematics, and I am seeking a community member to participate on this committee. The process, governed by Regulation 3004.5, includes a 30 day public review period and a deep review by an Instructional Resource Review Committee (IRRC), made up of representatives from a variety of stakeholder groups - teachers, administrators, and community members. The process may lead to identified Mathematics resources (e.g., textbooks, digital materials) for some or all grade levels and courses in school year 2025-2026. 

The review process is designed to ensure:

  • Resources align with Virginia Standards of Learning and FCPS Learning Model; 
  • Resources meet the educational needs of a variety of learners;
  • Resources reflect culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy;
  • Students gain equitable access to high-quality, dynamic resources; and
  • Input from multiple stakeholder groups is collected and valued.

Appointed community representatives must be able to meet the following participation criteria for a total commitment of 25 hours. Dates will be confirmed in February.

Participation on the committee requires the following:

  • Attend two in-person meetings (March 3, 8 a.m.–3 p.m. and March 24, 8 a.m.–3 p.m.) at Gatehouse Administrative Center, three subcommittee meetings via Zoom (dates TBD), and two vendor demos via Zoom (dates TBD) during March. Subcommittee meetings will be scheduled by the members at a time convenient for all.
  • Conduct approximately five hours of independent review of the materials during March.
  • Keep information on vendors, materials reviewed, and recommendations confidential.
  • Respond to email communication with subcommittee members.
  • Hold no conflict of interest with instructional vendors under consideration.

Recommendation:  If you are interested in representing the Braddok District on the Mathematics Instructional Resource Review Committee, please send me a statement of interest by Feb. 5.

The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© 2025 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia