Bonnie Brae ES PTO: Bingo Night & Spirit Wear

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Bingo Night

6th Grade Promotion Fundraiser - BINGO NIGHT IS FRIDAY!

Come support the 6th Grade Promotion fundraiser for a fun filled night of BINGO!

When: 1/24 from 6-8PM

Where: BBES Cafeteria

Bingo Cards: $2 each or 10 for $10

Hotdog combo for $5 (hotdog/drink/chips)

All students must be accompanied by an adult, this is not a drop-off event.

Spirit Wear

Scottie Love Spiritwear Store CLOSES SOON!!!

Show your Scottie LOVE and get your limited release Valentine's themed spiritwear here today! The store is only open until January 26th, so place your order now! Orders will be sent home with your student before Valentine's Day.