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Hello, Scottie families!
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we started our temporary kiss and ride traffic flow yesterday. Parents and caregivers, please be mindful of Bonnie Brae staff directing traffic and supporting students as they enter and exit vehicles. Thank you for staying alert and keeping our students and staff safe at kiss and ride!
It has been a very cold week, and we are looking forward to warming up inside tonight for PTO Bingo Night, starting at 6 PM! See the PTO section below for more information on this fun PTO community event and 6th grade fundraiser.
The last day of the 2nd quarter is Tuesday, January 28, and there is no school on Wednesday due to the teacher workday. Finally, next week on Friday, January 31 is our next SCA Spirit Day - Sports Day! Wear a jersey or shirt to cheer your favorite team (any sport, any level) or Bonnie Brae blue and white!
Have a great weekend with your family and friends!
Morgan Birge, Principal
Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal
Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal
Family. Relationships. Success.
January 28 - Second Quarter Ends
January 28 - Winter Strings Concert (Grades 5 & 6 Strings Students), 6:30-7:30 PM (Oak View Elementary)
January 29 - Teacher Workday (no school for students)
January 30 - Third Quarter Begins
January 31 - SCA Spirit Day: Sports Day
Upcoming Weekly Focus: Social Intelligence
Character Strengths: You are aware of other people’s thoughts and feelings. You understand why they do things.
Quote of the Week: “The single most important lesson I learned in 25 years of talking every single day to people, was that there’s a common denominator in our human experience. The common denominator I found in every single interview is we want to be validated. We want to be understood.”
Positivity Project for Families
Families can find resources to help continue the discussion of character strengths at home by visiting the Positivity Project for Families webpage.
A few amazing highlights that happened this week...
Students busy learning and having fun in PE class this week.
Quarter End and Teacher Workday
Tuesday, January 28, is the last day of the quarter. Wednesday, January 29 is a teacher work day and there will be no school for students. See the complete school year calendar.
SCA Spirit Day: Sports Day Friday, January, 31
Sports Fans! Wear a jersey or shirt to cheer your favorite team (any sport, any level) or Bonnie Brae blue and white on Friday, January 31.
Valentine's Day Lunch
We are excited to invite Bonnie Brae families in for lunch on Valentine’s Day, February 14! Parents and guardians are invited to attend lunch during their child’s lunch period, as we celebrate the Positivity Project character strength of Love the week of February 10-14. Students will be able to purchase lunch from the cafeteria on February 14, and while we do not have enough for parents to purchase from Bonnie Brae, we encourage any family members who attend to bring a lunch to eat with their child. (On this day, family members can also bring a lunch for their child if they wish.)
If you would like to join your child/children for lunch on Valentine’s Day, please complete this form so we can plan for seating. We look forward to seeing you!
Lunch Schedule:
- Kindergarten --- 10:55-11:25
- Grade 2 --- 11:05-11:35
- Grade 3 --- 11:40-12:10
- Grade 1 --- 11:50-12:20
- EAC --- 12:10-12:40
- Grade 4 --- 12:15-12:45
- Grade 6 --- 12:25-12:55
- Grade 5 --- 12:55-1:25
If you would like to volunteer to support before, during, or after lunch on February 14, please email the PTO at secretary@bonniebraepto.org to let them know you can help!
Temporary Kiss and Ride Traffic Flow Changes
The flow of kiss and ride traffic around the parking lot loop is reversed due to construction needs. Please see our Bonnie Brae Kiss and Ride webpage to view a larger image.
HESS has shared with us that this should be in place for approximately eight (8) weeks, and we will then return to the previous kiss and ride traffic flow.
Order Our 2024-2025 Bonnie Brae Yearbook!
Bonnie Brae yearbooks are officially on sale! All orders (online only) are due by April 4, 2025. Soft cover yearbooks are $18, hard cover yearbooks are $24, and there is an option to add a foil name stamp for an additional $4. These prices are for all yearbooks purchased by April 4, 2025.
To order a Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook via credit card online, visit https://www.buytheyearbook.com/en/bty/findmyschool and use School ID Number 725788.
We will have a limited number of yearbooks for sale on-site in June at a cost of $20 per soft cover yearbook (no hard cover yearbooks will be sold on-site).
Yearbooks are expected to arrive late-May/early June.
Visit the Bonnie Brae Yearbook webpage for details.
FCPS’ Proposed Construction Projects Offer Community-Wide Benefits
Fairfax County Public Schools updated plans for new school construction, capacity enhancements, and renovations are outlined in the proposed FY 2026-30 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Projects include constructing two new elementary schools; renovations at 18 elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools; and relocation of modular buildings.
The proposed CIP was presented to the School Board at the January 14 work session. A public hearing was also held January 14. The School Board will take action on the proposed CIP at its Thursday, February 6, meeting
Opioid Crisis -What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse
FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.
What can families do?
- Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink.
- Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success.
- Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage.
- Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors.
- Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”
Get more information on opioid awareness.
Virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings
If you have not been able to attend a Community Boundary Review meeting yet, it’s not too late! The following virtual meetings will have the same format and information available as the previous in-person meetings:
Click one of the dates above to register and receive your unique Zoom link. Please note that each virtual meeting will be capped at 400 participants to help provide a meaningful experience for all. Language interpretation will be available. Learn about FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.
VA SOL Summary - Virginia’s Student Assessment Summary for Families
This month, families of students who took any Standards of Learning (SOL) test between school years 2015-16 and 2023-24 will receive a Student Assessment Summary Report. The report shows a student’s state percentile ranking for each test. This allows families to see how their child ranked compared to all Virginia students who took the same test that year.
Reports are available now in SIS ParentVUE Documents. They will be distributed by schools this month to students whose families do not have ParentVUE access. Learn how to access ParentVUE.
The report is intended to help families reflect on how their child performed across all tested subjects over the years. Our schools and staff are committed to working with families to support every student to succeed at their highest potential. Learn more about student assessments in FCPS.
SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey
All FCPS families and middle and high school students have received an invitation to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available through Monday, February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!
6th Grade Promotion Fundraiser - BINGO NIGHT IS TONIGHT!
Come support the 6th Grade Promotion fundraiser for a fun filled night of BINGO!
When: 1/24 from 6-8PM
Where: BBES Cafeteria
Bingo Cards: $2 each or 10 for $10
Hotdog combo for $5 (hotdog/drink/chips)
All students must be accompanied by an adult, this is not a drop-off event.
Scottie Love Spiritwear Store CLOSES SOON!!!
Show your Scottie LOVE and get your limited release Valentine's themed spiritwear here today! The store is only open until January 26th, so place your order now! Orders will be sent home with your student before Valentine's Day.
Spring Session After School Clubs Update
Due to several factors (scheduling, renovations, and volunteer availability), the PTO will not be running a spring session of the After School Club program. We intend to bring these back in the 2025-26 school year. The current winter session will run as scheduled.
If your family has benefitted from these programs, we encourage you to volunteer on the ASP committee and consider submitting your name for the PTO Board position of VP of Programs, whose focus is on running these wonderful clubs.
Open Board Positions
Be a part of making our Scottie community so amazing by joining the PTO! Make new friends, serve your community, and help make magical memories for your kiddos!
Nominations will be made at the March PTO Meeting (3/19) and Voting will occur at the May PTO Meeting (5/21). The following board positions are open for 2025-2026:
Treasurer Backfill: Learn from the BEST! Our current Treasurer will roll off next year as she says farewell to Bonnie Brae, so train under her and offer support for next year!
Co-VP Programs: Do you love our awesome after school clubs? We'll need a new lead to keep them running next year!
Co-VP Fundraising: Help raise funds for all the amazing things we offer throughout the year!
President-Elect: Train under the 25-26 President so you'll be ready to rock and roll as President the following year!
Staff Basketball Game - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
If you had fun last year at the BBES Staff Basketball Game and want to help make it even bigger and better, please join the planning committee! Your fun ideas and help will grow this event and make it super special!
Send an email to president@bonniebraepto.org to sign up today. You'll be contacted by the Events Lead shortly.
Papa John's Fundraiser - EVERY MONDAY!!
Support the PTO with this great deal!
Order online and get 40% OFF all regular menu prices and Papa John's will donate 10% of sales to the PTO! View the Papa John's Fundraiser flyer for more details.
When: EVERY MONDAY (expires June 9, 2025)
Where: Papa John's Burke
Dave and Buster's Family Fun Night - COMING SOON!
Mark your calendars for an exciting night full of family fun! We're partnering with Dave and Buster's for a fundraiser where the PTO will receive 20% of all food and game-play sales! More details coming soon!
When: Monday, February 10th from 5-8 PM
Where: Dave and Buster's Fair Oaks
PTO Subscription Calendar
We're catching up with technology and cutting down on paper waste! Help us save trees and reduce flyers for every event/fundraiser by subscribing to the PTO Calendar. Visit our website here for instructions: https://www.bonniebraepto.org/calendar
February 7 - Clubs and Candids Photos
February 10 - Dave & Busters PTO Family Fun Night, 5-8 PM (Fair Oaks)
February 12 - 100th Day of School
February 14 - Valentine's Day Luncheon
February 17 - Washington's Birthday/Presidents' Day Holiday (no school for students and staff)
February 19 - PTO Meeting, 6-7:30 PM (Cafeteria)
February 24 - Three-Hour Early Release Monday, 12:15 PM
March 4 - 3rd Quarter Interims Sent Home
Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.
FCPS Standard School Year Calendar
Printable FCPS 2024-25 School Calendar (PDF)