Celebrating Academic Achievements and Other Updates

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Celebrating Academic Achievements
and Other Updates

Dear Neighbors,

As we begin 2025, I’m thrilled to highlight the incredible accomplishments of our students. This year, 693 FCPS students have been named National Merit Commended Scholars. That’s a 10% increase from 2023! These outstanding young people, including many from our Providence District schools, exemplify the academic excellence that makes our community so proud.

In addition to celebrating our students, this newsletter includes important updates on upcoming boundary review community meetings, applications for the next Student Representative to the School Board, Lunar New Year celebrations, and more. I hope you’ll take a moment to explore the many opportunities to connect with our schools and community this month.

Thank you for your continued support of Fairfax County Public Schools and the work we do together to ensure the success of all students.

In service,

Karl Frisch
Chair and Providence District Representative
Fairfax County School Board

Table of Contents

Boundary Review Community Meetings

During this first phase of the comprehensive boundary review, FCPS is hosting community meetings where families, staff, and community members can share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn more about the review process.

In addition to the six in-person community meetings held in 2024, FCPS is hosting virtual community meetings in 2025. Register for an upcoming meeting and receive your unique Zoom link by clicking one of the dates below:

As a reminder, FCPS is not discussing or developing any specific boundary changes during this initial phase of its work. 

Please visit the Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage for more information, You can also sign up to receive the School Boundary Review newsletter.

Application for the 2025 Student Representative to the School Board

Each year, FCPS students have the opportunity to apply for the position of student representative to the School Board. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity, representing the interests of Fairfax County Public Schools students.

FCPS students currently in grades 9, 10, or 11 and who live in Fairfax County or Fairfax City are eligible to apply. Students interested in pursuing this opportunity should take the following steps:

  1. Review Policy 1802 and the responsibilities of the Student Representative. 
  2. Submit a Student Representative Application no later than February 24, 2025.
  3. Optional: Attend the virtual Primary Election during the school day on April 3.
  4. Candidates who advance beyond the Primary Election are required to attend the in-person General Election during the school day on April 9 at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.

Gap Year Fair

FCPS School Counseling Services and Go Overseas will co-host the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 6-8:30 pm, at Marshall High School. This event is for high school students and their families who are interested in learning about opportunities for the year following high school graduation. Students should register at USA Gap Year Fairs.

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey

Yesterday, Tuesday, January 21, middle and high school students, parents/caregivers, and FCPS staff received invitations via email to participate in a survey assessing community support for proposed options relating to FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage.

The survey is available from Tuesday, January 21, until Monday, February 3, 2025.

Falls Church High School Renovation Update

A community meeting was held last fall at Falls Church High School to present an update on the school renovation and additions. Questions from the community were tracked, and answers are now posted on the Falls Church High Capital Project website along with historical information related to the renovation.

National Merit Commended Scholars Named

Six hundred ninety-three FCPS students have been named National Merit Commended Scholars by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). This represents a 10% increase in Commended Scholars for FCPS compared to 2023. In recognition of their outstanding ability and potential for academic success in college, NMSC will honor these students by sending Letters of Commendation to them through their high schools. Students recognized as National Merit Commended Scholars and attend Providence area high schools include:

  • Marshall High School: Veer Anand, Pritish Chemakura, Amulya Chinnala, Anannya Chinnala, Ryan Clopper, Elise Connelly, Kush Desai, Rohan Desai, Joaquin Fernandez, Liam Foley, Vedansh Garg, Tagouhi Gomtsyan, Elizabeth Greene, Smith Harrell, Hannah Hughes, Rishlka Jain, Emerson Karimi, Eleanor Liang, Ribhav Malhotra, William Messenger, Oluwatoni Oluwehinmi, Lukas Orozco, Naina Rastogi, Abin Rimal, Hanna Rohde, William Schroen, Kovi Sharma, Elijah Smith, Elizabeth Thompson.

  • Oakton High School: Devum Agarwal, Horatio Ai, Kunal Anuje, Elizabeth Brown, Winston Brown, William Bucha, Aditi Burra, Sriram Chalamacharla, Nived Chandramohan, Euan Chase, Rohan Cherukuri, Abigail Chi, Caroline Choi, Gabriella Choi, Alexander Emmerich, Owen Flickinger, Advait Govindani, Arjun Gowder, Alexander Gu, Ozan Gunduz, Amelia Haid, Brandon Ham, Byron Hettler, Kaitlyn Hoang, Ryan Hong, Brandon Hsieh, Patrick Jenkins, Viraj Kamath, Pranati Kashyap, Parisa Khan, Shehroze Kiani, Hyoeun Kim, Eva Klinker, Taryn Knepper, Calvin Kwon, Elizabeth Li, Charlotte Lim, Arjun Malghan, Charlie McArter, Finn McCormack, Augniv Mitra, Sampriti Muthuswamy, Justin Ning, Samantha Oh, Ekin Ozdogan, Anurodh Poudel, Alexis Qin, Minha Quach, Ashwini Ramchandran, Ny Antsa Razafinjatovo, Dale Rumford, Valentina Saer, Musa Shah, Matthew Shelton, Tyler Shin, Joshua Song, Ayan Sudhir, Shreeya Suresh, Joy Szeto, Anvitha Vemuru, Teodor Vretsona, Ashley Wang, Christopher Wang, Isabel Wang, Raymond Xu, Avery Yang, Seungwoo Yoon.

  • Fairfax High School: Yousif Al Atbi, Siya Batra, Ainsley Buice, Kyle Cheung, William Choi, Thomas Cothran, Soham Dash, Benjamin Deadman, Kayden Eishen, Jeremiah Falke, Zane Geadah, Fatima Haddi, Rehan Hashimi, Johann Jose, Aaron Khal, Alicia Lee, Joshua Lee, Asha Lowery, Gauri Manocha, Oliver Mishak, Katherine Pascual, Shreyhaan Sarkar, Christopher Sung, Vy Tran.

  • Falls Church High School: Leslie Fon, Kamren Fuard, Christopher Haase, Diego Mahon-Santos, Minh-Vien Nguyen, Isabella Phillips, Katherine Schlageter-Prettyman, Phoebe Wilkes, Benita Xavier.
  • Madison High School: Aryana Bajaj, Sara Becker, Arpita Behera, Natalie Castillo, Neel Chopra, Ethan Dalmet, Jane Ferrara, Matthew Fooks, Advai Govind, London Grant, Caden Green, Riya Gupta, Annebelle Hallworth, Maxwell Hong, Mahmut Inanoglu, Daphne Jaillon, Rohit Kamath, Wesley Kang, Doyeon Kim, Alex Landry, Finnegan Lauro, Josh Lauro, Naomi Layman, Kai Leviyang, Yan Kit Li, Daniel Liu, Alette McNeill, Davin Meggers, Ryan Newman, Adam O'Brien, McKay Pradawong, Vivek Rao, Varenya Rao-Mallela, Noah Roberts, Joshua Sangkharat, Benjamin Schulenberg, Paul Sullivan, Alexander Von Witzleben, Alexandra Wong, Hanlin Zhang.

  • McLean High School: Karsten Basas Crosby, Maximillian Bishop, Angela Chen, Birka Chen, Marcus Choi, Ryan Chun, Michael Chung, Phillip Davis, Allison Deutsch, Yufeng Ding, Rita Dray, Leah Durkee, Graham Evans, Ana Falzone, John Farrell, Marco Femia, Sohail Feroze, Aiden Feyerherm, Isabel Forder, Enrico Guertin, Minsong Ha, Adem Habil, Jonathan Hansen, Yiyang Hong, James Hosken, Aaron Jia, Una Kang, Grace Kasten, Ilana Katwan, Youngchan Kim, John Kirk, Stella Lee, Jill Li, Richard Li, Callie Liao, Lawrence Liu, Isabel Liu, Andrew Lohman, Alexander Mallus, Aneek Mandal, Rohan Master, Ryan McKenzie, Tennyson Miles, Kiana Molina, Charles Murphy, Nathan Park, Colin Park, Samuel Peale, Ariq Rahman, Sophia Ranniger, Jaya Remily, Kiran Rollins, Ishaan Sethi, Jean-Paul Stagarescu, Aaron Stark, Logan Sumida, Carolina Sun, Emily Tarazi, Kyra Taube, Marisa Uttamchandani, Alexandra Vargo, Nora Venetianer, Sophia Werthmuller, Amelie Yan, Grace Yang, Letian Zhang, Sophie Zhang.

  • Woodson High School: William Brenningmeyer, Royce Carroll, Rylan Cave, David Cheney, Emma Cummings-Sulmistras, Grace Degrandez-Mamani, Taraneh Doust, Lucas Ezana, Derek Fisher, Connor Geraghty, Sophia Harris, Richard He, Jackson Healy, Jibran Hutchins, Sarah Hymans, Jared Jessup, Avery Kane, Noah Kang, Andrew Kim, Isaac Kim, Lemuel Kuo, Parker Lau, Matthew Lee, Mia Monroe, Andrew Nguyen, Dylan Nguyen, Mia Richmond, Sonan Sahgal, Holt Schechtel, Preston Schmittou, Max Schulman, Samuel Schumer, Benjamin Scribner, Austin Song, Nicolas Tong, Joseph Tso, Sailee Varde, Jieming Zhang, Brian Zheng.

  • Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST): Namirah Ahmad, Pranav Akiri, June Anderson, Cristian Andrade Vargas, Theodor Andronescu, Marta Anvelt, Nithin Arvind, Mahima Athipatla, Abhi Ram Badia, Erdem Balibek, Arnav Bandam, James Beck, Adarsh Bharadwaj, Arya Bharath, Aben Bhattachan, Kaiwan Bilal, Alexandra Boicu, Krish Bommakanti, Kaavya Borra, Siya Bulusu, Kolos Bundics, Zara Callahan, Darwin Campos, Neha Chandran, Tejasvi Charagundla, Ethan Cheung, Ruhani Chhabra, Medha Chilukuri, Anirudh Chintaluri, Anirudh Chinthakindi, Aidan Cho, Minjun Cho, Ashley Chon, Myra Clark, Penelope Clark, William Coryell, Pollux D'mello, Jacob Dipasupil, Alexander Do, Kesso Doramodou, Aastha Doshi, Christopher Draper, Colleen Duggar, Sean Dwyer, Jarin Earle, Suhas Ekollu, Tiyam Estaki, Sophia Fernandes, Raymond Fu, Hassel Fuentes-Hernandez, Gonzalo Garcia Donoso, Shreyan Ghimire, Alexander Gu, Samira Hammiche, Harisudhan Harish, Egan Heisey-Grove, Brian Ho, Saanvi Indukuri, Shaurya Jain, Jeev Suhas Jambunathan, Vaibhav Janardhan, Chinguun Jargalsaikhan, Anya Jonnala, Isha Joshi, Anvith Kakkera, Aneesh Kalla, Tanush Kallem, Manu Kanneganti, Agasthya Kansal, Anmol Karan, Satik Karki, Raghav Karthikeyan, Japneet Kaur, Anish Khandavalli, Joo-Hun Kim, Madhav Krishnaswamy, Shivam Kumar, Kavya Kuttuva, Nick Lash, Aidan Lee, Yvonne Lien, Marina Lin, Everett Liu, Hannah Liu, Nicole Liu, Dev Makwana, Samhitha Maramreddy, Merrilee McWeeney, Shubhay Mishra, Jia Mody, Ibrahim Mujahid, Adhiti Mukund, Naziha Murad, Dishita Mutthe, Krish Nair, Marcus Nance, Christian Ortuno, Tona Otoro, Arjun Pagidi, Jay Pallepati, Malati Pandey, Micayla Pang, Nishita Paruchuri, Ronith Pasula, Nikhit Rachapudi, Lina Raymond, Vidhi Reddy, Michael Rodriguez, Justin Rogando, Brooke Rogers, Inti Ruiz, Sami Saleh, Ishaan Saran, Anieesh Saravanan, Megan Sawant, Grace Sharma, Augustus Simanson, Rishika Singh, Pratyasa Sinha, Eshwar Vatsal Sivaratri, Ananya Sridhar, Erin Stevens, Kalib Stockmaster, Ellen Summers, Jaydon Sun, Dylan Tallis, Sravya Tathicherla, Elizabeth Thakuri, Mihika Thalluri, Nathan Thomas, Chloe Toda, Ella Tysse, Nikhil Vattathara, Kavya Velaga, Vrishak Vemuri, Aarush Vinod, Amelia Waldman, Andrew Wang, Winston Wang, Maximillian Weinstein, Ryan Wells, James Wright, Chloe Wu, Daniel Wu, Harry Xiao, Taiki Yamauchi, David Yang, Rohith Yelisetty, Kade Yen, Chinmayee Yerraguntla, Yuan Yin, Joshua Yoo, Rita Yu, Zeerak Yusufi, Megan Zhang, Rocco Zhang.

Providence District Supervisor’s Lunar New Year Celebration



Providence Supervisor Dalia Palchik invites the community to her inaugural Lunar New Year Celebration this Thursday, January 23, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at the Jim Scott Community Center. This family-friendly event honors the cultural heritage of our Asian communities and will feature cultural performances, Chinese Calligraphy, arts, traditional cuisines, and fortune cards. The event is a great opportunity to learn about Lunar New Year traditions and welcome a prosperous New Year! [Register Here]

Asian Community Service Center’s Annual Chinese New Year Festival



Join the Asian Community Service Center for its 16th annual Chinese New Year Festival, this Saturday, January 25, from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm at Luther Jackson Middle School. It’s a full day of fun activities for all ages, exciting performances, delicious food, and a Lunar New Year dragon parade. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience a vibrant celebration of culture and tradition. [Additional Information]

Support Oakton’s Inaugural Restaurant Week

Oakton’s inaugural Restaurant Week began Friday, January 17th, and continues through this Sunday, January 26th.

Greater Oakton Community Association encourages the local community to dine at these restaurants during a time of the year that is typically slow for them.

Eleven restaurants have created specials, which you can view here. If you see the logo pictured below in the restaurant's window, you’ll know they are participating, so ask for their special!


Upcoming School Board Meetings

Regular Board Meetings (Luther Jackson Middle School)

  • Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.

Work Sessions (Gatehouse Administration Center)

  • Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 10:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 10:30 a.m.

All meetings are broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and on the FCPS website. Meetings are also recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS YouTube channel. Visit the community participation webpage to sign up to speak at regular meetings or public hearings.

The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia