Willow Springs News Special Edition: Friday Night Movie & Winter Activities Reminders

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Willow Springs PTA will host a movie night this Friday, January 17th in the cafeteria,

Movie Night on Friday 

Pre-Order Your Pizza Today

All are invited to join us for Movie Night this Friday, January 17th in the cafeteria to watch the movie, "Sing".

Admission to the event is free, and concessions will be sold by the Fairfax High School Music Honor Society (Tri M) in order to support Willow Springs' music program. The proceeds will allow the school to purchase new instruments and equipment.

Pizza is available for pre order and will also be sold by the slice at the event. We strongly encourage parents to preorder their pizza(s). Pre orders are available in the PTA store: https://wses1.givebacks.com

The movie will begin at 7:00 PM, but come half an hour early at 6:30 PM to participate in fun games before the film, buy concessions, and secure your spot in the "theater"!

Wear PJs and bring a blanket or towel to sit on.

We hope to see you there!

All students and families are invited to join us this Friday in the cafeteria as we watch the movie, SING.

Family Math Week Activities


ST Math Family Math Week

MIND Research is hosting family math week THIS WEEK; January 13 - January 17, 2025.

During this time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish. 

 FCPS Family Math Week | MathMINDs

Join the Mindfulness Movement & Mindset Program, holding sessions Wednesday mornings 8:00-9:00 AM from January 22 through March 12

Mindfulness Mindset Movement Program

Join the Mindfulness Movement & Mindset Program, holding sessions Wednesday mornings 8:00-9:00 AM from January 22 through March 12.

This new club will help kids build a deeper connection between the mind, the body, and the heart.

Program Details:

WHO? 2nd to 6th graders

WHEN? January 22 – March 12 (8 weeks), Wednesdays from 8:00 – 9:00am

How Much? – $80 per student; students will be responsible for bringing their own yoga mat.

NOTE: A parent/guardian and student waiver will be shared in advance of the first session. This must be signed and returned per instructions that will be emailed in advance.

As with all PTA sponsored clubs, scholarships are available to cover all costs associated with this club for students that qualify for free or reduced lunches. Please contact PTA President Elizabeth Shapiro at president@willowspringspta.net to request a scholarship. Your confidentiality will be maintained.

Details are available on our registration webpage in the PTA store. The link below has been corrected and is now working. 


Spring Sports Sign Up with SYA

Spring Sports Sign Up with SYA

Spring sports sign-ups are now open and available to you

via SYA.

Sign up is now open for spring sports.

Willow Springs logo.

Important Dates

January 17: PTA Movie Night

January 20: Holiday - MLK Day & Inauguration Day

January 28: Second Quarter Ends

January 29: No School-Student Holiday/Teacher Workday, Lunar New Year

January 30: Third Quarter Begins

February 17: No School- Presidents’ Day

February 24: 3 Hour Early Dismissal

March 17: 3 Hour Early Dismissal

April 28: 3 Hour Early Dismissal

May 19: 3 Hour Early Dismissal


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