Stenwood Hive Happenings

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Hive Happenings Newsletter

Dear Stenwood Families,

We had a great, full five-day week in the Hive!  

Thank you to Ms. Kelso and our wonderful 5th and 6th grade chorus students who delighted us at the Chorus concert

We saw some cold temperatures this week and we will see even colder next week. See the item below if making sure that your child is prepared to go to and from school and participate in outdoor activities at school.

As a reminder, Monday, January 20 is a holiday to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day and for the Inauguration.  Looking forward, Wednesday, January 29 is a student holiday/teacher workday for teachers to work on progress reports for the end of the 2nd quarter.

Below you will find additional information about:

  • End of Day Kiss N Ride Routines - NEW
  • Bell Schedule Reminders - Updated
  • Orthodox Epiphany - NEW
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NEW
  • Community Boundary Review Meetings - Reminder
  • Keeping Kids Warm - NEW
  • Yearbook Ordering Deadline Info - NEW
  • School Meals and Free/Reduced Lunch Applications - Reminder
  • Stenwood is Hiring! - Reminder
  • Stenwood PTA - Reminder


Erica Riley, Principal 

Bryan Case, Assistant Principal

End of Day Kiss N Ride Routines

We have a lot of families that park in the neighborhood and walk up to Kiss N Ride at the end of the day.  We have a couple of requests to make sure everyone stays safe.  Please make sure if you are parking to park legally.  Behind Stenwood is permit parking, please also do not block crosswalks, driveways, and park on the correct side of the road.  We are also going to ask that all parents shift to waiting on the blacktop for your child(ren).  This allows for students who are walking or getting into their car to have a clear path.  

Bell Schedule Reminders

We have been noticing an uptick of late drop-offs at Kiss N Ride in the morning.  All students need to be dropped off by 8:38 to be in class on time by the late bell at 8:40.  Students will be marked tardy if they are not dropped off before 8:38.  If you see the patrols heading to class - you are late.  Kiss N Ride opens at 8:20.  If students arrive after 8:38 they will be given a tardy pass.  

Also, it is very important that only buses use the front entrance of the school from 8:20 to 8:38AM. Please continue to only use the Kiss N Ride for morning drop-offs unless your child is tardy.

Community Boundary Review Meetings 

Virtual Meetings

If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person meeting, please consider participating in one of our virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings. All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the recently held in-person meetings, and the same information will be shared. Join us:

Please register by clicking a date above. Each virtual meeting will be limited to 400 participants, and each participant will receive their own unique Zoom link. Language interpretation will be available. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

Meeting Slide Presentation 

English Other languages coming soon.

Meeting Agenda

Arabic | Chinese | English | Korean | Spanish | Urdu | Vietnamese

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. We monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education.

Visit Fairfax County’s website for Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our family liaison, Adriana Rota at You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care. 

Orthodox Epiphany

A joyous Orthodox Epiphany to those in our community who celebrate! In the Orthodox church, Epiphany celebrates the baptism of Jesus rather than the arrival of the Three Kings.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

On Monday we honor and celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his dedication to equality and serving others.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday

Yearbook Ordering

Help your child remember the moments that made this school year special by ordering your copy of the Stenwood Elementary School Yearbook NOW at! The yearbook will feature memories that you and your child will want to look back on for years to come.

The company has a set amount they will print, so once they hit the limit, they will not print any additional yearbooks. The cutoff date to buy one is February 28th, 2024, if they are not sold out before then. 


School Meals and Free/ Reduced Lunch Applications

FCPS Food Logo

Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast will be $1.75.  Lunch will be $3.25, milk $0.60.  Money can be added to your child(ren)’s accounts using  You can also write a check to Stenwood Food Services and deliver it to our Food Services Manager at Open House.   During the school year, you can find the menu for breakfast and lunch at .

Free and Reduced-Price Status

Students eligible for free or reduced-price meals will continue to receive these benefits through the end of September.   A new application must be filled out each new school year and forms are available  online now:  Applications are accepted at any time, but we encourage you to apply or renew your application before the end of September. Call (703) 813-4800 if you need help. This must be completed for eligible students to receive free meals.  

Stenwood is Hiring!

We are looking to hire Classroom Monitors and Substitutes!  If you are interested in any of these positions, please reach out if you have any questions or if you want more information.  Here is a link to FCPS’ application portal.

Classroom Monitors: Monitors will work every day students attend throughout the 2024-25 school year, and will directly support classrooms by providing additional supervision to students during lunch or in the classroom. The pay is $17.88/hour.  Teachers will provide directions/assignments for monitors and students to complete.  Please apply here and email me at so we can schedule a time to talk more. Please share this opportunity with others who might be interested.

Stenwood Elementary PTA 

We hope you join our amazing PTA!  If you are interested in volunteering to be a class parent, volunteering in our cafeteria or library, OR just looking to stay connected with the great work of our PTA, you can fill out a survey that will be sent out once class placements have been communicated.  

More information about the PTA is available on their website.

Welcome Picture

Stenwood Chorus Concert!

Chorus #1

Chorus #2

Chorus #3

CARES Pizza Luncheon!





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