Board Meeting Recap: Local Investments and Ratification of First Collective Bargaining Agreements

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Board Meeting Recap: January 9, 2025

Dear Neighbor,

Last Thursday, the Fairfax County School Board held a scaled-back Regular Meeting thanks to the winter weather (agenda | video). We still considered a few important topics, including local investments in the Mosaic Elementary School and Falls Church High School renovations and ratification of the school division’s first collectively bargained contract for teachers and support staff. In sponsoring approval of the contract, I said, in part (video): 

“Fairfax County’s educators have long gone above and beyond for our students, often with fewer resources than they deserve. They have shown true resilience. This contract is an acknowledgment of their sacrifices and a step toward a more equitable future. But this contract is not just about fairness for our staff—it is also about outcomes for our students. Research tells us that students thrive in schools where educators are supported, respected, and empowered. Tonight’s vote sends a clear message: Fairfax County is committed to fostering an environment where both staff and students can excel. Because teachers’ working conditions are studentslearning conditions.”

Collective Bargaining


As always, you are welcome to attend School Board meetings (schedule) and register to share your thoughts with us during community participation (sign-up).

In service,

Karl Frisch
Chair and Providence District Representative
Fairfax County School Board

Table of Contents

Local Investments: Mosaic Elementary and Falls Church High

  • Mosaic Elementary School: The Board approved a $199,123 contract amendment for Intertek-PSI’s work providing construction testing and inspection services for Mosaic’s renovation project due to increased demands, including poor soil and unforeseen overtime necessities not accounted for in their hour-based proposal [Full Details].
  • Falls Church High School: The Board approved a $136,317.82 contract amendment for Specialized Engineering’s work providing construction testing and inspection services for the Falls Church renovation project due to increased demands, including unforeseen conditions, poor soils, and overtime necessities [Full Details].

Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements

Video | Meeting Materials

As previously noted, the Fairfax County School Board unanimously ratified two Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) with the Fairfax Education Unions (FEU), marking a significant step in the cooperative relationship between the school division and its employees. These agreements were reached through a collaborative process, reflecting a shared commitment to support high quality educational environments for all students. The key terms of the CBAs are:

  • 7% Market Scale Adjustment (MSA) to salary scales in FY 26
  • 3% MSA and step increase in FY 27 and FY 28.
  • Additional step at top of all salary scales added in FY 27 and FY 28
  • 30-minute minimum block for teacher planning time
  • Continuation of extended-day contract for special education teachers
  • Three days of bereavement leave separate from sick leave
  • Creation of Health Care Advisory Committee to consider affordable healthcare plans

The first CBAs for both the Licensed Instructional Unit and the Operational Unit will go into effect July 1, 2025.



Motion: Frisch, Second: Meren  / Vote: Yes 12, No 0

Superintendent Performance Review 

The School Board judges the overall success of the Superintendent on the school division’s reasonable progress toward achieving the 2023-30 Strategic Plan goals and adherence to a set of thirteen Executive Limitations found on pages 14-31 of the Board’s Strategic Governance Manual. The Superintendent provides annual monitoring reports to the Board for each Executive Limitation. The Board then votes on whether the provided reports are in compliance with the given Executive Limitation. If the report is found not to be in compliance, the Superintendent provides a corrective action memo addressing the Board’s concerns.

Executive Limitation 11: Facilities and Transportation 

Video | Meeting Materials

The Superintendent provided her annual monitoring report on Executive Limitation 11: Facilities and Transportation. As outlined on page 28 of the Board’s Strategic Governance Manual, Executive Limitation 11 stipulates, in short, that the Superintendent shall not fail to ensure the physical facilities, transportation systems, and nutrition programs align with the Division’s Strategic Plan goals and adhere to FCPS policies and equity, sustainability, and environmental stewardship commitments. Following the Superintendent’s presentation and a thorough discussion, the Board found that the monitoring report was in compliance with EL-11.



Motion: McDaniel, Second: Sizemore-Heizer  / Vote: Yes 10, No 1, Absent 1

Student Performance of the National Anthem

The Board meeting began with a beautiful pre-recorded performance of the National Anthem by the Stone Middle School Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Tracy Magwire:

National Anthem

Upcoming School Board Meetings

Regular Board Meetings (Luther Jackson Middle School)

  • Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.

Work Sessions (Gatehouse Administration Center)

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 10:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 10:30 a.m.

All meetings are broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and on the FCPS website. Meetings are also recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS YouTube channel. Visit the community participation webpage to sign up to speak at regular meetings or public hearings.

Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español: Para ver las reuniones de la Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las reuniones regulares en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal de YouTube de FCPS en Español.

The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia