1/10/25 News From the Nest: Family Edition

New Year’s Day

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اذا كننتم بحاجة ان تستلموا هذه الرسالة بلغة اخرى  فنرجوا زيارة موقع ا مدرستنا  على هذا الرابط.                  


January 10, 2025

Happy New Year! We hope you and your children had a wonderful winter break and enjoyed the recent snow. As we step into this new year, we are excited to welcome your students back to school.

Attendance plays a critical role in your child's learning and overall success. Each day provides opportunities for growth, connection, and achievement. Please make every effort to ensure your child attends school daily, as every moment matters.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership and support. We look forward to an amazing second half of the school year!

mark your calendars

Mark Your Calendars!

Monday, January 13th - PTO Meeting via Zoom 7:30pm-8:00pm https://myfcpsk12.zoom.us/j/92982945083

Wednesday, January 15th - Family Food Market 5:00pm-6:00pm

Monday, January 20th - No School - Martin Luther King Jr Day

Tuesday, January 28th - Second Quarter Ends 

Wednesday, January 29th - Teacher Workday - No School for Students 

Thursday, January 29th - Family Enegement Event - inova I

Thursday, January 30th - Rising 6th Grade Night at Glasgow MS 6:00pm-8:00pm

bundle up

With winter weather upon us, please make sure your child is clothed appropriately.  All coats, hats, and gloves should be labeled with their name.  If you need assistance securing necessary outerwear, please contact our school social worker, Michelle Wenz, at mdwenz@fcps.edu and she can assist in connecting you with available resources.


Literacy Resources for Families 

A new Literacy Resources for Families webpage has been published to the external web to provide families with information about how to support their children with developing literacy knowledge and skills at home. It provides valuable information about the reading and writing resources to be used at home, the VALLSS, Reading Plans, guidance for Parent Teacher Conferences, and training available through the Family Academy.  There is also a Family-Facing Curriculum web page that explains what your children are learning and when they are learning it. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any clarifying questions.  

admin team

Glen Forest ES Administrative Team

Pictured from left to right:

Jessica Green, Assistant Principal for Pre-K, 1st Grade and Special Education, jgreen@fcps.edu

Alexandra Bowman, Assistant Principal for 2nd and 3rd Grade, akbowman@fcps.edu

Dee Dee Herndon-Wilson, Principal, dlherndonwi1@fcps.edu

Chris Musgnug, Assistant Principal for Kindergarten, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade, ccmusgnug@fcps.edu

If you have any comments, concerns, questions, or compliments, please email me at dlherndonwi1@fcps.edu.  Thank you for sharing your children with us and for your continued partnership in their education.  

From Many, We are ONE!  Team Glen Forest!  #GFeaglessoar


Dee Dee Herndon-Wilson, Your Proud Principal