1-9-24-Panther Press-Snow day Edition!


Dear Spring Hill families,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! HAPPY SNOW DAYS! What fun to have some time at the end of the winter break to celebrate the snow!

I hope you and your family had a restful winter break and have enjoyed your time together! We are ready to get back into a routine! Our custodians have been working tirelessly to clear the sidewalks and be ready to re-open! 

A few updates looking ahead:

  • Our PTO meeting scheduled tomorrow will be rescheduled for next Friday, January 17th at 9am. 
  • Picture day retakes are coming up on Monday, January 13th. Please see below for more information.
  • STEAM/Science Fair will be March 26th
  • Bingo Night is changed to April 10th!

As we look at returning back to school, please remind your students that phones must be silenced and in backpacks for the duration of the school day. Watches that serve a dual purpose (e.g., smart watch) may be worn; however, phone features (e.g., texting, Internet, calls, etc.) are to be off when phone use is prohibited. If your child is not feeling well, please remind them to let an adult know and proceed to the clinic. For safety and security, students should not contact parents directly, via phones or watches and request that parents pick them up from school. The office or clinic will reach out to parents via our office phones, with such information. Please reach out the administrative team if you have any questions.       



Amy Briggs



Picture Day Make-Up-Monday Jan. 13th!

Please plan to have your child(ren) have their picture taken for the yearbook if they were not here in the Fall. Click here to sign up for email updates about your child's school picture after picture day.

Calendar Reminders


Jan. 13               Picture Make-Up day

Jan. 17               PTO Meeting, 9am

                           4th Grade Field Trip (African American History Museum)

Jan. 20               Martin Luther King holiday (no school)

Jan. 21               Cooper MS Field Trip

2024-25 FCPS    School Calendar


Spring Hill is excited to announce two fun student events coming up in early 2025: 

The Spring Hill STEAM/Science Fair - March 26 from 5:30 - 7:30 PM
This event is open to all students.  More information will be handed out to students soon.


Science Fair and STEAM Night – March 26, 2025


PTO and SHES are proud to announce the return of the SHES Science Fair and the introduction of STEAM Night.   Both events will be 5:30 – 7:00 pm on March 26, 2025.  The science Fair is open to all students K – 6 using this link.  Attached is the SHES Science Fair Handbook, this will help to guide your child through the process for their age group.  Here are a few highlights from the Handbook:

  • All students are encouraged to participate.
  • Sign up using this google form; sign-ups will be open until 2/26/25.
  • Science Projects are for singles or partners – no groups 3 or more.
  • All displays will be presented on a trifold – No digital displays.
  • $50 budget for each project
  • Prizes and awards will be given.
  • Handbook is posted on the SHES Schoology page.


If you or your company would like to sponsor a prize or award, please reach out to Anna our PTO President.   We are looking for donations and fun awards for each group. For other questions about the science fair please reach out to Morgan Ackourey, Connie Rinker, or Kendra Roman.


Our first annual STEAM Night will be a fun night for families to come together to build and play in the STEAM realm.  Please be on the lookout for our STEAM Night Wishlist though PTO.  We hope you will consider joining us and supporting our new SHES tradition!     If you have specific questions, ideas to make this night the best it can be or would like to volunteer please reach out to Kendra Roman


We look forward to seeing you there!


⏰🔔⏰🔔 I think it is important that all of you are informed about the discussion on Middle School Start Times, which don’t just affect Middle School! At Tuesday’s School Board work session, staff from Prismatic Services, Inc., presented options for adjusting start times at FCPS middle schools. As a reminder, Prismatic is charged with developing an action plan to help the School Board reach its goal of starting middle school at or after 8 a.m.

The presentation includes five options for adjusting middle school start times based on the consultant’s analysis from community forums, surveys, and interviews with staff, parents, associations, and other groups. The School Board will provide next steps to the superintendent. Watch a video of the work session. Visit the Middle School Start Times webpage for more information on the project.


  • In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

    • Family Academy Orientation
    • Literacy Resources
    • Winter Programs and Activities

    Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  


The Spring Hill Spelling Bee - Friday, February 7 at 2:15 PM
This event is open to students in Grades 4-6.  Students will be entered into the overall Spring Hill Spelling Bee based on the results of classroom spelling bees coordinated by each classroom teacher.  Stay tuned for more information!

A Message from the PTO


 PTO MEETING – Rescheduled to Friday, January 17!

Please join us for the first PTO meeting of 2025 on Friday, January 17 at 9 AM in the Spring Hill Cafeteria!  We will be talking about the Bids for Kids online and live auction and the annual Fun Fair – two perennial favorites…so come, grab a coffee and a bite to eat and find out more!





SPRING OSA registration is around the corner!

Be on the lookout for the Spring OSA calendar preview next week, with registrations to follow shortly.




Bids for Kids annual online and live fundraising auctions are right around the corner! We can't wait to celebrate with you! 


The online auction will take place from Monday, February 17 - Saturday, February 22. Our adults-only Live Auction Party will be held on the evening of Saturday, February 22 at the VFW Post on Spring Hill Road. This year's theme is a Black and White Affair.


We are seeking volunteers to help secure donations, and plan and execute the event. We need your help! Please click here to sign up. 

Questions? Please email Anna and Marcy at springhillbidsforkids@gmail.com!




Mark your calendars for March 15, 2025 when our school building will be transformed into a carnival, bringing our community together to support the school. This tradition includes games, raffles, face painting, prizes, cotton candy and so much more! Get involved in this highly-anticipated annual event! We need help organizing and preparing the activities and infrastructure that make this event so terrific. Please click here to view the list of volunteer opportunities and sign up to be part of the FUN! Check YES for any activity that you would like to learn more about. There's lots you can do to help - before, during and after Fun Fair on March 15th! 


Questions? Contact our Fun Fair Committee Co-Chairs, Kate Golden and Jodi Haug at springhillptofunfair@gmail.com.




Spring Hill is excited to announce two fun student events coming up in early 2025:  The Spring Hill STEAM/Science Fair - March 26 from 5:30 - 7:30 PM This event is open to all students.  More information will be handed out to students soon. The Spring Hill Spelling Bee - Friday, February 7 at 2:15 PM This event is open to students in Grades 4-6.  Students will be entered into the overall Spring Hill Spelling Bee based on the results of classroom spelling bees coordinated by each classroom teacher.  Stay tuned for more information!




The Lost and Found page of the PTO website is now updated with photos…If you haven’t yet, please take a few moments to scroll through the PDFs.  And…check back regularly since the photos will be updated periodically with new lost items!

Community Corner

SHES makes it to NAQT Middle School Nationals

We had a great NAQT middle School tournament on Dec 7, 2024! Details below:



The SHES team ranked first and qualified for the middle school nationals to be held in Chicago on May 9-11, 2025. The SHES team represented by Mayan Ramanujan (5th grade) single-handedly outranked 7 other school teams of 4-7 students each from 5th to 8th grades and won first place for the SHES team. So, for the first time in history, SHES is now in the NAQT middle school nationals. For his brilliant performance, Mayan will also find a place in the NAQT individual/team hall of fame records.

📑Family Handbook

Please take some time to review our Parent Handbook. We wanted to provide our families with this resource as it will help assist you with pertinent information in regards to the 2024-2025 school year.