Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.
 We want to highlight that January is National Mentoring Month
The FCPS MentorWorks program matches mentors with students in schools near where they live or work. They meet for at least 30 minutes a week. Learn more about how to become a mentor for an FCPS student. Contact Martha Macdonald, mentoring specialist, for additional information at
Robinson Curriculum Night
We invite parents of all rising 7th-12th graders to attend our curriculum night and learn more about the wide array of courses available to students.
This will take place on January 15th from 5:00pm-8:00pm but we encourage you to visit this link to find more information about the event.
Robinson International Show
The Robinson International Show unfortunately needed to postpone their show due to school closures. We will communicate and advertise the new date and time as soon as we are able.
All Night Grad Party Fundraiser
Please see the flyers below about a fundraiser for all night grad party at Chipotle!

Rams Minds Matter Meetings
All-Night Grad Party Tickets on Sale Now!
All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings
If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:
1/23; 2/20; 3/27; 4/24; 5/22
Location: Recital Hall
Time: 7:30-9pm
Lightspeed Parent Reports
FCPS has tools to help parents know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided at no cost to families by Lightspeed, the school division’s internet content filtering service.
Parents may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites your child visited. The report also offers parents the ability to sign up for free access to the Internet Use Parent Portal. Through the portal, parents may pause their child’s access to the internet on their FCPS device during non-school hours.
Learn more about Lightspeed Parent Reports.
Weather Related Closures and Delays
Information regarding school delays and closures can be found in a variety of ways (email, website, twitter, etc.). Please see the resources on this page to learn more about school closures and access resources if needed.
Afternoon Solutions
Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.
 Welcome Back! As we set intentions for 2025, we invite you and your family to participate in this Gratitude Challenge.
Happy New Year! Robinson’s Librarians
Upcoming Calendar Reminders
January 20 - Inauguration Day (Holiday)
January 28 - End of Quarter 2
January 29 - Teacher Work Day (Student Holiday)
Helpful Resources
Student Services Department Contacts
High School Administration
Activities and Athletics