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We are a family.
We are capable.
We are caring.
We all belong!
Happy New Year, 2025!
Jan. 06 School back in session, doors open at 9:00 a.m.
Jan. 09 Family Market, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Jan. 20 No School - MLK, Jr. Holiday
Jan. 29 No School - Teacher Workday
Jan. 30 Title 1 Family Night: Celebrating Cultural Stories, 6:00 p.m.
Feb. 10 Limited Early Release Monday, School Ends at 1:00 p.m.
As we embark upon 2025, this is a good time to remind families of some important BMP policies and procedures. Please remember:
- School attendance is important. Please schedule family vacations and trips on days in which there is no school for students. If your child has an appointment, please bring your child to school before or after the appointment.
- Always bring a government-issued, photo ID when picking up your child.
- Early student pick up should be completed no later than 3:30 p.m. to avoid conflicts with dismissal.
- Students who are brought to or picked up from school should go through Kiss & Ride and not be let out or met on the surrounding streets unless walked with a parent/guardian.
- Due to no staff supervision, children should not be on school grounds before 9:00 a.m. unless they are with a supervising adult.
- Track your child's bus by signing up for the free Here Comes the Bus app using FCPS code 28982. the password is the same as your SIS parent account.
When there is bad weather, it may be necessary to cancel, delay, or close schools early. Parents and students should have a well-communicated plan in place in the event of these emergency situations. Children need to know what to do if a parent will not be home in the case that school should close early.
FCPS provides information about closings and delays in many ways including:
Please join us on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. to learn more! Details about in-person and virtual participation will come soon.
Learn more at https://www.fcps.edu/bren-mar-park-elementary-capital-project
Stay updated by signing up for the newsletter at https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/vaedufcps/subscriber/new
Our next Family Market is Thursday, January 9, 2025 from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Bren Mar Park partners with Capitol Area Food Bank and Trader Joe's to host this event each month to ensure that food insecurities within our BMP community are addressed. We ask community members to volunteer, including high school students who are completing community service hours. Volunteer opportunities and contacts are below:
- 8:15 - 9:00 a.m. - We need 2 people with a van or truck who can drive to the new Trader Joe's in Springfield to pick up and deliver to Bren Mar Park the donations they provide; contact Nora Joy at nljoy@fcps.edu
- 3:15 - 4:00 p.m. We need 2 people to help set up the donated food items for the Family Market in the cafeteria; contact Belle Arze at bbarze@fcps.edu
- 4:15 - 6:00 p.m. We need people to distribute food items or help with other tasks during the Family Market; contact Belle Arze at bbarze@fcps.edu
Bren Mar Park is hosting its annual Celebrating Cultural Stories Night on January 30, 2025. This is an evening event that encourages students to experience new cultures by listening to stories in different languages. We welcome all community members to volunteer to read to the students in their home language. If you are interested in volunteering to read aloud for Celebrating Cultural Stories Night, please contact our Family Liaison, Belle Arze, at bbarze@fcps.edu for more details.
We are thrilled to announce the selected Outstanding BMP Staff of the Year for the 2024-25 school year!
Outstanding Principal: Elizabeth Williams, principal
Outstanding Leader: LaTonya Floyd, assistant principal
Outstanding Teacher (3+ year): Kim Robinson, grade 1 teacher
Outstanding New Year (3 or less years): Ben Clock, grade 3 teacher
Outstanding Professional: Mona Chweikani, sped ed instructional assistant
Outstanding Operational: Nora Joy, social worker
Many thanks to the families and staff who nominated 30 staff members for this special recognition:
Mo Abughaliah, student monitor Jose Fonseca, custodian
Amna Al Jaad, gr 2 teacher Heather Hale, gr 4 teacher
Stacy Birkenstock, K teacher Brandon Harding, gr 3 teacher
Scarlett Bishop, K teacher Monica Holmes, IDS teacher
Ariel Brathewaite, counselor Tia Jenkins, gr 5 teacher
Jackie Camargo, registrar Anne Jennings, gr 4 teacher
Shawreika Carter, school health aide Alice Lim, instructional assistant
Megan Chu, gr 1 teacher Karlina Molina Lozano, ID teacher
Michelle Domingo, PE teacher Diana McGeough, PreK teacher
Tonya Edlow, Preschool Autism teacher Mogy Pazoki, instructional assistant
Leanne Entz, gr 2 teacher Caroline Shampang, gr 3 teacher
Denise Fields, Spec Ed Dept Chair Mayra Velasco, front office
Our next Limited Early Release Monday is coming up on Monday, February 10, 2025. School ends at 1:00 p.m.
During this time, our BMP staff will be using the 3 hours of time to meet Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) professional learning responsibilities, planning, engaging in school-led professional development. Staff without VLA responsibilities will support student supervision and engage in planning and other professional development.
After-school supervision is available only for students who do not have a safe place to be during the early release. A confirmation of plan will be sent home to parents/guardians no later than February 3, 2025. Please be sure to notify your child's teacher and/or the BMP front office of any changes no later than the Friday prior to the Early Release day.