Gator Bytes: News and General Information for Kings Glen ES
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A Message from Principal Ritter
Dear Kings Glen Families,
What a wintry start to 2025! In Gator Nation, we have many teams which work together to make the school run smoothly. This week, we want to give a special shout-out to our custodial team who has been working hard to clear the snow and ice around the building so that students and staff may return to school. Additionally, our team has been cleaning the inside of our building so that it is fresh and ready for our return. Thank you so much for your dedication to our school!
As we welcome 2025, we extend our gratitude to our amazing students, dedicated staff, and supportive families. We've already accomplished so much together, and we are looking forward to what 2025 will bring! We are incredibly proud of the growth of our students and their desire to learn.
Attendance Matters!
Welcome to the new year! It's important to remember the value of regular school attendance. Every day in school counts! Consistent attendance helps students:
Build strong academic foundations: Missing even a few days of school can disrupt learning and make it harder to keep up with their classmates.
Develop important social skills: School is a place where children learn to interact with others, resolve conflicts, and build friendships.
Foster a love of learning: Regular attendance encourages a positive attitude towards education and a lifelong love of learning.
We understand that unexpected illnesses and emergencies can occur. However, please make every effort to minimize absences and tardiness.
Save the Date: Student-Led STEAM Night at Kings Glen!!
Wednesday, March 19, 6-7:30 p.m.
I am excited to announce Kings Glen will have a Student-Led STEAM Night on Wednesday, March 19th from 6-7:30 p.m. This event will showcase the incredible creativity and innovation of our students as they run interactive stations for their peers and share their STEAM projects. If you are interested in participating in this event, please complete the STEAM Night Project Plan form. Please reach out to Mrs. Rode if you have any questions.
School Climate Survey
In cooperation with the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services and the Virginia Department of Education, is conducting the Virginia School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions. We will survey students in 6th grade as well as classroom instructors and staff, beginning in January 2025. The purpose of the student survey is to measure student support, student engagement, school discipline, and safety conditions in each school. This information will be used to guide educational practices that produce a safe and supportive school environment.
The survey does not ask for your child’s name and all answers are anonymous. No one, including teachers and administrators, will know how your child answered the survey questions. You will not have access to your child’s survey answers. You may preview the questions asked in the student survey at this website: .
The survey will ask questions such as how students feel about their school, how students get along with one another and their teachers, how students feel about school rules, and their perceptions of their teachers’ willingness to help them. Please note that there are questions about topics that may be sensitive to some, including questions about bullying, mental health, and suicide. This is a great time to talk to your child about these important issues. For guidance and more resources on these topics, please see: or
All students in 6th grade are eligible to participate in the survey. The survey is voluntary, and you and/or your child can decide they prefer not to participate. No action will be taken against you, your child, or the school if your child does not participate. If you do not wish for your child to participate, please notify the school office by telephone, email or a letter to the office by Monday, January 13th, 2025.
The Virginia School Survey results are provided each towards the end of the school year. You can find survey results individual schools and divisions here: The results are used by the Kings Glen, Fairfax County Public Schools, and the state of Virginia to identify strengths and to address relevant needs to improve learning environments for your child as well as students across the state.
ST Math Family Math Week
January 13-17
MIND Research is hosting Family Math Week January 13-17, 2025. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish.
Webinar on Overcoming School Resistance
Friday, January 10, 10-11:30 a.m.
During the winter, students can feel tired, cold, and at times want to stay home. Our teachers at Kings Glen work to ensure every classroom is a warm, welcoming environment for all students. It is important that students come to school every day to stay on pace with their learning.
Does your child resist going to school? If so, join the Family Resource Center’s School Resistance webinar on Friday, January 10th, 10-11:30 a.m. The webinar will explore how to take care of yourself and set supportive boundaries at home. Register in advance.
✨ Student attendance is one measure of Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered.
Free Webinar for Families: Supporting Your Child’s Executive Function Skills
January 17, 2025 form 10-11:30 a.m.
Discover how to support your child’s executive function skills in our webinar series. We will present information on understanding your child’s developmental milestones, recognizing signs of executive dysfunction, and implementing effective strategies to support their learning at home and in school. (Register Here)
Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage
FCPS Cares
FCPS Cares is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story so we can all acknowledge the good work of our Kings Glen Elementary staff members.
Upcoming Family Academy Events
You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings.
Food Assistance and Resource Guide
Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.

Mark your calendars - our free Summer Camp Fair is coming up on January 15th at 6PM at Kings Park. Come meet with local vendors and explore their summer camp offerings for 2025!
We are finalizing details for our winter after school activities. Sessions will start mid-January and run 6-7 weeks. A flier will be coming home soon, and more information is available on our website.
Baskets and Bingo 2025 is coming on March 21st!! Planning has begun and the PTA is in search of committee members. This is a low-burden commitment in which you will get to be a part of a group of veteran and new KP/KG parents to help plan a much-loved event. Email if you're interested in being included in the first committee meeting this January.
We are searching for volunteers who would like to serve on our 2025 Staff Appreciation Week Committee. Staff Appreciation Week is May 4-9, 2025 and committee meetings will begin in January. If you are interested, please sign up and reach out to Jen at if you have any questions.
Thanks to Jen Argenta for organizing such a fun free virtual Tiny Chefs class! We hope you enjoyed baking with us! Thanks also to those that attended our General Membership Meeting last week - it was lovely to hear the KG strings perform, and we were also able to amend our budget to allocate the extra resources we raised during Booster.
The KP/KG PTA Board is looking forward to an exciting calendar year ahead. Please reach out to if you are interested in volunteering or being involved in any way with the PTA.
Jan. 10: Overcoming School Resistance Webinar (10-11:30 a.m.; See Above)
Jan. 13-17: ST Math Family Math Week (See Above)
Jan. 15: Summer Camp Fair (6 p.m. at Kings Park ES)
Jan. 17: Supporting Your Child’s Executive Function Skills Webinar (10-11:30 a.m.; See Above)
Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Day/Inauguration Day (No School)
Jan. 28: Quarter 2 Ends
Jan. 29: Teacher Workday (No School for Students)