The Liberty Ledger
Providing students and parents with the important updates and report of events happening at LMS.
Important Dates:
- December 23 - January 3 - School Closed (Winter Break)
- Wednesday, January 8- Rising 7th and 8th Curriculum Night
- Friday, January 17- CVHS 8th Grade Field Trip

Liberty Middle School offices will be closed for Winter Break December 23 - January 3
Kiss and Ride:
Kiss and Ride Procedures with Updates
Parents, please be patient with kiss and ride. We are experiencing some of our largest numbers ever with kiss and ride. In the mornings, please pull all the way around to the last kiss and ride sign that tells you to stop. This allows us to unload several cars at once instead of only a few when cars stop in the middle of the loop. Give other cars time and wait for them to pull out. This means do not pass on the inside lane. Staff will direct you around slow or stalled cars. Safety is our #1 priority.
**Starting in January after the break, we will start letting students out at 7:08. Students are to go to door #8 to enter the building.**
General Procedures for Kiss and Ride
Parents should enter and exit from the entrance closest to Compton Road. The bus entrance is for buses, not kiss and ride. Please follow the signs and directions of school staff. Students may exit their vehicles starting at 7:08AM.
Please remember SAFETY and PATIENCE when dropping off (7:08AM) or picking up your student in the Kiss and Ride loop. In the mornings, please do not pull to the inside and pass cars as students are getting out. If there is a slow or stalled vehicle, a staff member will direct you around when it is safe to do so. 30 seconds seems like forever when you are in a rush. If possible, your student may walk or ride the bus.
In the afternoons, drivers may line up in the kiss and ride circle. Students will be dismissed at 2:15 and report to the kiss and ride circle. Staff will direct cars out safely, as soon as the student is in the car. Thank you very much for your patience and cooperation!
Centreville High School Academic Advising Field Trip
On Friday, January 17th 8th Grade students will be visiting Centreville High School for an Academic Advising Field Trip. Students will be taking a building tour, hearing about 9th Grade course options and attending an Electives Fair and an Activities Fair. In order to participate in the Field Trip a Parent/Guardian must complete the online permission slip:
If you are unable to complete or access the online form please contact Raychal Hart rlhart@fcps.edu.
Thank you!
Liberty Middle School PTA
Thank you to the many families that participated in Drive-in Movie Night Last Week and Supported LMS at the Domino Spirit Night Yesterday!
Department of the Month: Specialist
Please consider supporting our great educators this month by purchasing items from their classroom wish lists:
Events coming up:
Color Street Fundraiser:
20% of sales will be donated to the LMS PTA! Shop under the Beaty Social: LMS PTA Fundraiser. Click here to shop.
This fundraiser is brought to you by Michelle Winston, Independent Color Street Stylist, LMS parent, and PTA volunteer.
Taco Bamba Spirit Night in Fairfax, Braddock Rd: Tuesday January 14, 2025
Dine-in: Mention "GIVE20" or Liberty Middle School when ordering
Take-out: Order online and use code "GIVE20" at checkout
Save the Date for our Paint Night Event: January 17, 2025, from 5-8 P.M. Price is $35/person
Come with the whole family or drop off your children with us!
Reserve your spot by signing -up today!
PTA Meeting:
ATTENTION: There will be NO DECEMBER PTA MEETING- See you in January!
Not a Member Yet?
Click to join the PTA today
Stay Connected and Follow us on Social Media:
PTA Sponsors:
After-School Program:
There will be no After-School 12/19 and 12/20.
Liberty Library Amazon Wishlist:
Please consider helping the Liberty Library by purchasing off our Amazon wish list. Students love to use these items in the library makerspace and during lunches. Additionally, if you have MagnaTiles or PicassoTiles that your family is no longer using, I would love them for the library!
Click here for Amazon Wishlist!
Materials Review Committee
We are seeking parent volunteers to serve on our Materials Review Committee. Committee members will read or watch the texts that teachers submit for approval to ensure that it is age appropriate for students. We will also meet monthly to discuss the texts prior to completing the required forms.
Please reach out to Maggie Wickham at mpwickham@fcps.edu if interested in serving on the committee this year.
Free and Reduced-Price Meals:
Learn more about the criteria and process to apply for free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch.
If you have children eligible for the federal Free and Reduced-Price Meals program, they may also be eligible to participate in other Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) fee-based programs without paying a fee or by paying a reduced fee (e.g fees associated with elective classes).
To learn more and apply online click here : https://www.fcps.edu/frm
The free and reduced-price meals application also includes a section where you provide consent to share information allowing FCPS staff (School Principal, school counselors and other FCPS program staff) to share information about your children's meal eligibility status.
Information received by FCPS staff will only be used for the purposes described in the application.
Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions regarding resources like food and family assistance, please contact Sarah Hughes, School Social Worker at shughes@fcps.edu or visit our Social Worker Page.
Helpful Resources
LMS Administrative Team
Principal: Adam Erbrecht | AWErbrecht@fcps.edu
Assistant Principal: Gregory Hall | GHall3@fcps.edu
Assistant Principal: Jennifer Filsinger | JLFilsinger@fcps.edu
Assistant Principal: Sarah Letina | SCLetina@fcps.edu
Director of Student Services: Valerie Peters | VCPeters@fcps.edu