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Dear Clermont Families,
Winter Break is here! On behalf of all the staff at CES, I want to extend our best wishes for a joyful and relaxing winter break, as well as wishes for a peaceful transition into the New Year. May your break be filled with making great memories with your families and friends.
In order for our staff to rejuvenate and spend quality time with their families, I am asking them to disconnect from email over the Winter Break. Staff will be back online Monday, January 6. Wishing you a safe and happy break and we look forward to welcoming your children back in the new year!
Ms. Salata, Principal
 As a reminder, winter break will be held Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3. To help make sure you and your children have a restful break, we have asked that no homework be assigned during this time. Teachers may assign long-range assignments in the weeks ahead of the break, allowing students to practice time management skills, but no assignments will be due immediately following the break. The Clermont office will be closed over winter break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year. Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025.
This week the Clermont PTA treated staff with hot cocoa from The Little Well. It was a delicious midweek treat. Thank you to our amazing PTA!!!
Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.
School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue!
FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures.
Bundle Up With Books Reading Challenge
Cozy up with a good book with Fairfax County Public Library until January 31st. Visit fairfaxcounty.gov/reading-challenges/Winter-Reading to learn more about the Bundle Up With Books Reading Challenge! You can complete the challenge online using Beanstack on any device or you can pick up paper reading logs at any Fairfax Public Library. Prizes are awarded for all ages.
 The yearbook cover contest is here! Submit your original artwork to the drop box in the front lobby from now until January 10, 2025.
Choose one of the below themes for your artwork:
Option 1: Unlocking Greatness
Option 2: Clermont Eagles C.A.R.E (Cooperation, Acceptance, Responsibility, Effort)
- 8.5 x 11 inch
- Portrait Orientation
- Handmade Artwork (No digital artwork please)
- Please write student's name and teacher on the back.
- Please include the following on the cover:
- Clermont Elementary School
- Year 2023-2024
The winning design will be featured on the front cover of the yearbook!
The Clermont PTA is hosting its 5th & 6th Grade Math Night on January 21, 2025 from 5:30-7:00 pm in the Clermont cafeteria.. Registration is free!
The PTA needs many volunteers to make this event a success. Please consider donating your time. Thank you in advance!
***Please note that all students must be accompanied by an adult when attending the Math Night.***
Volunteer for 5th & 6th Grade Math Night!
Register for 5th & 6th Grade Math Night!
 Members of Clermont's Military Kids Club made cards for service-members overseas as well as family members at their monthly meeting this week.
- December 23-January 5: Winter Break - No School
- January 20: Martin Luther King Jr Day & Inauguration Day - No School
- January 28: End of Second Quarter
- January 29: Teacher Workday - Lunar New Year - No School
- February 10: Early Release Monday - Dismissal at 12:50 pm