Bailey's ES News- Snowy Songs and Sing Alongs Information


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.يرجى زيارة موقعنا الألكتروني لقراءة هذه النشرة الإخبارية بلغات أخرى

❄️Important Information❄️

Snowy Songs and Sing Alongs

We are looking forward to families joining us for our Snowy Songs and Sing Alongs this Wednesday and Thursday!  The following information is for families who are attending the 2nd session, 2:30-3:15pm on either Wednesday or Thursday.

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

2:30 - 3:15: Jemison, Desrosiers, Ishfaq, Holmes, Glovier, Cabrera, Flintoft, Alayza, Tracey

Thursday, December 20th, 2024

2:30 - 3:15: E. Molina Homeroom, Simons, Mukumbuta, Rabinovitz, Brown, Meeker, Speicher, Lopez, Grant

If you plan on taking your child home after the performance, instead of their normal dismissal (school bus or boys and girls club, etc.), please let your child’s teacher know in advance. Also, please meet your child’s teacher out on the soccer field at their designated cone number at 3:45pm to receive your child.  Please see the attached picture of the soccer field to see where your child’s class will be lined up.

soccer field