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- Calendar
- Cell Phone Policy Reminder
- Updated Transportation Information
- Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night
- Cold Weather Assistance
- News from the Family Liaison
- For Our Military Families: Military Matters
- PTA News
- Community Events - Sensory Friendly Holiday Events
- Useful Links
From the Hayfield Elementary School family to yours, have a wonderful winter break! School will resume for students on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025.

- December 23 - January 3 - Winter Break (No School)
- January 9 - Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night at HSS
- January 10 - Military Families Pizza Night, 5-7pm Cafeteria
- January 16 - PTA Meeting
Please be reminded of the Cell Phone Policy for FCPS Elementary Schools.
Phones must be silenced and in backpacks for the duration of the school day. Watches that serve a dual purpose (e.g. smart watch) may be worn; however, phone features (e.g. texting, Internet, calls, etc.) are to be off when phone use is prohibited. Students are prohibited from using phones, tablets, and other mobile devices in restrooms and locker rooms, unless there is a medical necessity or emergency. With the approval of the principal or their designee, teachers may allow usage of cell phones for instructional activities where they are the most appropriate tool; however, one-to-one FCPS devices should meet most needs. Cell phones may be used on campus before and after school only. Violations of this policy could result in confiscation of the item.
Effective January 6, 2025, on two-hour early release days, temporary transportation changes must be received by 12:30 p.m. and students may not be checked out after 1:00 p.m.
On three-hour early release days, temporary transportation changes must be received by 11:30 a.m., and students may not be checked out after 12:00 p.m.
And as a reminder, on normal school days, temporary transportation changes must be received by 2:30 p.m., and students may not be checked out after 3:00 p.m.
Temporary transportation changes must be made through the online transportation form.
As it gets closer to dismissal time, it is very challenging trying to reach teachers for last minute transportation changes, and safety is our number one concern as we want to be sure that we are sending all students home in the correct way. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
January 9th, 6-8pm, HSS Auditorium
Rising 7th grade parents and guardians will have the opportunity to participate in curriculum night at Hayfield Secondary School on January, 9th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the HSS auditorium. There will also be additional information sessions available for families in the upcoming months. Please see the flyer below from the Hayfield Middle School student services team. You should have also received a field trip form in your student’s Thursday folder for our visit to the middle school on January 15th. This will be a time for students to hear about the different courses and activities available and participate in a tour of the building led by current students and staff. Please ensure that you return this form so that your student may participate.
Thank you!
Erin Smith, School Counselor
 If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing or need additional assistance over the winter break, please contact Koinonia: a non-profit organization that supports families in our community. For families outside Franconia/Springfield area, you may contact Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.
Family Resource Center (FRC) webinars for families:
January 10, 2025 10-11:30 a.m. - Help! My Kids Won’t Go To School!
A roadmap to help parents unravel the underlying causes of their child’s school resistance. Parents will learn how to take care of themselves in the heat of the moment and how to set supportive boundaries at home. In addition, families will discover key facts and root causes for school refusal.
Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage. If you register you will receive a recording of the presentation even if you cannot participate in the live webinar!
🍲 Food Assistance and Resource Guide
Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.
Free and Reduced Meals (FRM)
Be sure to apply (and reapply annually) for Free and Reduced Meals (FRM) especially if your financial situation changes during the school year. It's important to keep a copy of the award letter for future reference which will be necessary to apply for scholarships to camps. FRM can also make students eligible for discounts on testing and class registration fees, tuition waivers for camps through FCPS, Neighborhood and Community Services, and the Park Authority.
Ways to Give Back - Department of Family Services
The Department of Family Services needs your help during tax season! Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is a program through Fairfax County that offers free Income Tax preparation. Volunteers are needed to help individuals and families who made less than $67,000 in 2024 prepare their taxes in spring 2025. Some experience preparing taxes is recommended and additional training will be provided. You can have a big impact! Last year, volunteers helped secure a total federal tax refund amount of $2,888,787 across 2,151 returns. Learn more about the VITA program. Sign up now or contact DFSVITA@fairfaxcounty.gov to volunteer.
Marily Grotz, Family Liaison Phone: 703-924-4553 Cell: 571-296-6011 Email: mgrotz@fcps.edu Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm
January 10 - Military Families Pizza Night, 5-7pm in the Cafeteria
Shelly Oberst, LCSW Military & Family Life Counselor Hayfield Elementary School Cell: 571-386-7884 obersts@magellanfederal.com
January 10 - Military Families Pizza Night, 5-7pm in the Cafeteria
January 16 - PTA Meeting at 7pm in the school Library
January 24 - Community Connection: Glow Dance
 📚 Bundle Up With Books Over Break
Fairfax County Public Library’s (FCPL) winter reading adventure has begun and will continue through Friday, January 31, 2025. Visit your local FCPL library branch or visit their website to register and get a sneak peek at the prizes being offered.
Check out their Winter Reading Events webpage to learn about laser tag, movie nights, crafting sessions, Noon-Year Eve celebrations, and book discussions.
⛄ Get Outdoors for Winter Fun!
The Fairfax County Park Authority has rounded up its seasonal fun into a handy list of events happening across the county.
Learn more about the Winter Wonderland and the Holiday Train at Burke Lake Park, Holiday on the Farm at Frying Pan Farm Park, and many more fun events.
Family Skate and Dance Night
Saturday, December 21 ~ 6:00-9:00pm
Celebrate the holiday in style by wearing your brightest, most festive sweater (or holiday outfit) of the season! Make the season bright by taking laps around the skate floor with friends and family at this Holiday and Ugly Sweater Family Skate and Dance Night.
Have an evening of fun and enjoy music by the live DJ, refreshments and fun decorations. Tickets cost $10 for everyone (skaters, dancers, spectators and chaperones).
Remember to bring your own skates. Please note that outside food and drinks are not permitted. Park in the lower parking lot and enter through the gym door. Drive past the front of the Rec Center — the gym doors and the parking lot will be located to the right.
Registration: Register Now
Franconia Rec Center Location
6601 Telegraph Rd Alexandria, VA , VA, 22310
Click on the images for links to the Holiday Events below.