Dear Spring Hill families,
We hope your student is enjoying our spirit weeks! We are looking forward to a guest speaker on Monday on 'How to be Super'!
Congratulations to our Spring Hill Chorus. Our chorus students applied their Portrait of a Graduate Skills and gave a fine performance.
6th graders focused on the POG skill of being goal-directed and resilient. Learning a song and improving vocal technique is a goal. Much resilience is needed for meeting this long-term POG goal.
5th graders focused on the POG skill of being ethical and global citizens. Being part of an ensemble involves respecting others in the group, including listening to each other and taking turns. Learning and performing music from a variety of cultures is part of being a global citizen. We are proud of our chorus students with their performances as well as with their application of our school-wide and county-wide Portrait of a Graduate skills.
Community Corner
We are so excited to announce we have received over 200 sweatshirts/ hoodies for Saltville Elementary School! Thank you so much for your donations! Your support means the world to our partner school.
Amy Briggs
Calendar Reminders
Dec. 16 4th Grade Orchestra Concert, 6:30pm
Dec. 17 5th & 6th Grade Orchestra Concert, 6:30pm
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 Winter Break
Jan. 13 Picture Make-Up day
Jan. 17 4th Grade Field Trip (African American History Museum)
Jan. 20 Martin Luther King holiday (no school)
Jan. 21 Cooper MS Field Trip
2024-25 FCPS School Calendar
Attendance Is Important Every Day!
The weeks surrounding winter break often include more empty seats in classrooms. Every hour of every school day is a unique opportunity for students to learn, connect, and grow. Let’s nurture a rock-solid attendance habit.
A big thank you to:
- 🌟 Students who show up daily and the parents/caregivers supporting them.
- 👩🏫 Teachers who create a welcoming environment for learning.
- 👨💼 Administrators who provide a safe and engaging place to grow.
- 👏 Bus drivers, support staff, and volunteers who help our learners.
If you or your child need support, please contact a school counselor, social worker, or family liaison.
If your child is not feeling well, please refer to our guidance on when to keep your child home.
Find more attendance resources.
Winter Break (Student Holiday)
As a reminder, winter break will be held Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3. To help make sure you and your children have a restful break, we have asked that no homework be assigned during this time. Teachers may assign long-range assignments in the weeks ahead of the break, allowing students to practice time management skills, but no assignments will be due immediately following the break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year.
Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025. See the complete school year calendar.
Food Allergies: Form Required for Cafeteria
Starting School Year 2024-2025, the Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) implemented a standardized process for dietary accommodations to ensure the provision of safe and healthy food for our students. If your child will need a medical accommodation (food allergies, texture modifications, or other dietary needs) or a milk substitution in the cafeteria, this a reminder to submit your completed accommodation form if you have not already done so. This form only needs to be filled out once while your child is enrolled at FCPS. The completed form should be sent to More information including the form can be found here: If you have any questions, please contact FCPS Food and Nutrition Services at: 703-813-4800
Advanced Academics Referral Deadline
Please note that if you are looking to have your child considered for Full Time Advanced Academic Services, the referral is due December 15th. Any forms will need to be submitted directly to Mr. Solsberry, our Assistant Principal, via email at, Mrs. O'Connor is out on Maternity Leave and will not have access to emails. Our SHES AAP webpage also has helpful information and links to guide you through this process. If you are a parent of a student who is already receiving services and are looking to contact the Long Term Substitute, Carrie Reinders, you may reach her at I look forward to reconnecting with you in the Spring!
Spring Hill is excited to announce two fun student events coming up in early 2025:
The Spring Hill STEAM/Science Fair - March 26 from 5:30 - 7:30 PM This event is open to all students. More information will be handed out to students soon. |
The Spring Hill Spelling Bee - Friday, February 7 at 2:15 PM This event is open to students in Grades 4-6. Students will be entered into the overall Spring Hill Spelling Bee based on the results of classroom spelling bees coordinated by each classroom teacher. Stay tuned for more information!
Return Your Federal Impact Aid Survey
FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.
For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.
Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.
For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.
Need to Register for ParentVUE?
Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account, so you can easily submit your survey.
Technical support for using ParentVUE or completing the survey online is available by submitting a Parent Support Request ticket. Select SISParent in the Application dropdown menu and type Federal Impact Aid Survey under Issue Description. Or, call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We are so grateful to Sophie Townend and Jackie Delaney for stepping up to co-chair Bingo Night for 2025 so that we don't have to cancel this fun community event! New Year! New Chairs! NEW DATE!
The date for Bingo Night this year is Thursday, April 10, 2025! Keep your eyes open for more information coming in the new year! What is Bingo Night? Our annual Bingo Night is a great time to gather with friends and family at Spring Hill, play Bingo, eat dinner, dance and win prizes! don't need to know how to play Bingo to enjoy the night - we will guide you through it all!
Bids for Kids annual online and live fundraising auctions are right around the corner! We can't wait to celebrate with you!
The online auction will take place from Monday, February 17 - Saturday, February 22. Our adults-only Live Auction Party will be held on the evening of Saturday, February 22 at the VFW Post on Spring Hill Road. This year's theme is a Black and White Affair.
We are seeking volunteers to help secure donations, and plan and execute the event. We need your help! Please click here to sign up.
Questions? Please email Anna and Marcy at!
Mark your calendars for March 15, 2025 when our school building will be transformed into a carnival, bringing our community together to support the school. This tradition includes games, raffles, face painting, prizes, cotton candy and so much more! Get involved in this highly-anticipated annual event! We need help organizing and preparing the activities and infrastructure that make this event so terrific. Please click here to view the list of volunteer opportunities and sign up to be part of the FUN! Check YES for any activity that you would like to learn more about. There's lots you can do to help - before, during and after Fun Fair on March 15th!
Questions? Contact our Fun Fair Committee Co-Chairs, Kate Golden and Jodi Haug at
Spring Hill is excited to announce two fun student events coming up in early 2025: The Spring Hill STEAM/Science Fair - March 26 from 5:30 - 7:30 PM This event is open to all students. More information will be handed out to students soon. The Spring Hill Spelling Bee - Friday, February 7 at 2:15 PM This event is open to students in Grades 4-6. Students will be entered into the overall Spring Hill Spelling Bee based on the results of classroom spelling bees coordinated by each classroom teacher. Stay tuned for more information!
The Lost and Found page of the PTO website is now updated with photos…If you haven’t yet, please take a few moments to scroll through the PDFs. And…check back regularly since the photos will be updated periodically with new lost items! Also, just a friendly reminder - items are only in Lost & Found if they don't have name tags in them! Consider purchasing Mabel's Labels to get your kid's mislaid items returned to them automatically.
📑Family Handbook
Please take some time to review our Parent Handbook. We wanted to provide our families with this resource as it will help assist you with pertinent information in regards to the 2024-2025 school year.