Cougar Connections

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Cougar Calendar

December 15th: AAP Full Time referrals due 

December 16th: Band Concert 6:30 PM

December 23rd-January 3rd: Winter Break-Student Holiday

January 14th: Chorus Concert 6:30 PM

January 20th: Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday- Student Holiday

January 23rd: Family Book Club 8:15 AM (library) 

January 24th: Family Culture Night 6:00 PM 

January 28th: End of Quarter 2

January 29th: Teacher Workday- Student Holiday

Please bookmark the FCPS School Calendar to stay informed about school holidays, breaks, and observances.


 2nd and 3rd graders had a blast exploring the world of math with Woodson Math Honor Society students. They tackled statistics, addition, subtraction, place value, and estimation through engaging activities and games!


Notes from the Administration

Dear CWES Families,

We are incredibly fortunate to have such talented and committed individuals at CWES! We are thrilled to recognize and congratulate our outstanding employees for the 2024-2025 school year. 

  • Outstanding Teacher: Jennifer Rose
  • Outstanding New Teacher: Anna Richey
  • Outstanding Professional Employee: Fran Migdal
  • Outstanding Operational Employee: Martha Berlowitz


Reminder:  Window for Full-Time AAP Referrals Closes on December 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Andrea Warren ( and Erin Quinn ( no later than December 15, 2024

The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 

For more information, please visit the Advanced Academic Programs website.


Have a wonderful weekend,

Leslie Malkowski, Kristi McGeehan, and Mindy Milliron

CWES Administrative Team

Family Book Club 2nd Quarter!



Join us for the Quarter 2 Family Book Club: CWES Loves Food on Thursday, January 23rd at 8:15 am in the library and/or art room. An adult must be in attendance with their student. 

Students and families can choose from one of 2 books: the picture book: Lunch from Home or the chapter book: A Place at the Table. Families are encouraged to read the books alongside their students. You can sign up using the flyer found in Tuesday Folders or the following link: CWES Family Book Club - Quarter 2.

Please contact Mona Mouneimne ( if you have any questions.

Family Culture Night

CWES will host Family Culture Night on Friday, January 24th from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Please share your family’s culture and traditions with the CWES community! All families and cultures are welcome!

  • The culture of your home country
  • The culture of the country or countries of your ancestral heritage or that you’ve lived in or visited
  • The culture of a city or state in the U.S. where you have lived or visited
  • Your family’s traditions and celebrations
  • Any culture to which you feel connected!

If you would like to share about your family’s culture, Please fill out the Google Form by Friday, January 10th. If you have any questions, contact Mona Mouneimne at

Yearbook Cover Contest


CWES Go Club



 Are your kids seeking a fun game that promotes cognitive development, cultural awareness, social skills, and emotional growth? CWES is launching a Go Club for 5th and 6th graders, starting January 16, 2025. The club will meet every Thursday after school for an hour. No experience with Go? Don't worry! Two CWES faculty members and a Go instructor will be there to teach your child. We’re also looking for parent volunteers to help with the club—no prior knowledge of Go required, as you'll learn alongside the students. If you're interested in signing up your child, please complete the Google form. Space is limited!  Please contact Joyce Colobong@ with questions. 

Middle School Start Time Study

⏰ Update on Potential Changes to Middle School Start Times

At Tuesday’s School Board work session, staff from Prismatic Services, Inc., presented options for adjusting start times at FCPS middle schools. As a reminder, Prismatic is charged with developing an action plan to help the School Board reach its goal of starting middle school at or after 8 a.m.

The presentation includes five options for adjusting middle school start times based on the consultant’s analysis from community forums, surveys, and interviews with staff, parents, associations, and other groups. The School Board will provide next steps to the superintendent.

Watch a video of the work session. Visit the Middle School Start Times webpage for more information on the project.

Woodson HS Winter Wonderland for Families!


⛄Student and Family Resources

Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue! 

FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures.

Community Boundary Review Meetings

Boundary graphic for newsletters

If you did not get a chance to attend one of the recent community meetings on the Comprehensive Boundary Review, please consider attending the final meeting in this first phase of the boundary review process. The Region 1 meeting will take place Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m.,in the Madison High School cafeteria. Register today. If you are unable to participate, stay tuned for details about virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings coming early next year.

View FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage for more information. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.