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اس نیوزلیٹر کو دوسری زبانوں میں پڑھنے کیلئے ، براہ مہربانی ہماری ویب سائیٹ ملاحظہ کیجیئے۔
Rose Hill Families,
As winter break approaches, we hope that it is a safe and restful time for our students and families, and we acknowledge that long breaks might cause stress and changes to routine. Formed Families Forward is an organization that provides free training to families and caregivers with strategies to use with their children to support social emotional health. For this upcoming winter break, Formed Families Forward will be offering a new training for parents and caregivers to boost family safety and wellness to help prepare for all the excitement and disruptions of your children’s break from school and their expectations for winter holiday celebrations. Join them for an interactive workshop with a light meal and get new strategies for managing the winter break and for starting the new year strong. Formed Families Forward will host this training on Monday, December 16 from 11:45-1 with a free light lunch and from 6:45-8pm with a free light dinner at Charles Houston Recreation Center, 901 Wyth St., Alexandria, VA 22314. Families and caregivers can register at the link here. Simultaneous Spanish language interpretation is available upon request.
We also wanted to highlight food pantry locations families and caregivers to use during the winter break. Please see the attached flier in English and Spanish for more information.
Food Distribution Flyer - English
Food Distribution Flyer - Spanish
Form Families Forward Training
Quick Links