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Board Meeting Recap: December 5, 2024
Dear Providence District Families,
At last Thursday’s Regular Meeting of the Fairfax County School Board (agenda | video), we considered several important items, most notably, the midyear budget review that included school security enhancements, conducting an independent examination of student athlete transfers and eligibility, and investing nearly $370,000 in new playground equipment for an elementary school attended by many Providence District students.
As always, you are welcome to attend School Board meetings (schedule) and register to share your thoughts with us during community participation at Regular Meetings and Public Hearings (sign-up).
In service,
Karl Frisch Chair and Providence District Representative Fairfax County School Board
Table of Contents
Midyear Budget Review (FY 2025)
Video | Meeting Materials
FCPS Chief Financial Officer Leigh Burden presented the Midyear Budget Review, providing an update on the revenue and expenditure adjustments for the 2025 financial year. In the School Operating Fund, funds available are increasing by $3.8 million due to adjustments made after the FY 2024 Final Budget Review, primarily from sales tax revenue based on actual receipts and other funding due to a settled class-action lawsuit. Expenditure adjustments for FY 2025 include funds for the Esports stipends, Licensure Pathway (iTeach), and Safety and Security initiatives.
Superintendent Performance Evaluation
The School Board judges the overall success of the Superintendent on the school division’s reasonable progress toward achieving the 2023-30 Strategic Plan goals and adherence to a set of thirteen Executive Limitations found on pages 14-31 of the Board’s Strategic Governance Manual.
The Superintendent provides annual monitoring reports to the Board for each Executive Limitation. The Board then votes on whether the provided reports are in compliance with the given Executive Limitation. If the report is found not to be in compliance, the Superintendent provides a corrective action memo addressing the Board’s concerns.
Executive Limitation 4: Human Resources
Video | Meeting Materials
The Superintendent provided her annual monitoring report on Executive Limitation 4: Human Resources. As outlined on page 18 of the Board’s Strategic Governance Manual, Executive Limitation 4 stipulates, in short, that the Superintendent shall not fail to recruit, select, retain, and appropriately compensate a highly qualified and diverse workforce that enables FCPS to deliver a world-class education to every student in an environment characterized by high staff morale; and shall not fail to ensure employees are able to work in a collaborative manner towards achieving the Division’s Strategic Plan goals, that they have avenues for providing input and feedback, and that they receive relevant professional learning to support their performance and growth.
Following the Superintendent’s presentation, the Board found that the Superintendent is in non-compliance and requested a corrective action memo by the Board’s next Regular Meeting on December 19, 2024, that addresses the following concerns related to high school athletics and other division programs and practices:
- Addresses the lack of consistency related to training and personnel development regarding the rights and responsibilities of staff under Division policy.
- Additional measures are taken to ensure adherence to all governing codes and legal requirements.
- Explains measures taken to ensure employees are prepared to perform the duties of their position.
- Increases consistency of expectations and accountability for employee behaviors and explains the expectations for further accountability on the part of colleagues.
- Addresses plans for increased valuable training opportunities.
Motion: S. Anderson, Second: Sizemore-Heizer / Vote: Yes 11, No 0
Examination of Student Athlete Transfers and Eligibility Practices
Video | Meeting Materials

The School Board unanimously voted to engage an external law firm to conduct a comprehensive and independent examination (to include but not limited to student athlete transfers and eligibility practices) for all high school athletics across FCPS schools, starting with an examination of Hayfield Secondary School, and to report its findings and make recommendations to the School Board and Superintendent.
Motion: St John-Cunning, Second: McDaniel / Vote: Yes 11, No 0
Academic Matters: Inclusive Schools
Video | Meeting Materials
The Superintendent presented her academic matters report on the school division’s efforts around inclusive schools, emphasizing the ongoing implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), an educational approach that meets the needs of every student by minimizing barriers to learning. The practice is based on brain research and uses flexible methods and materials that embrace learner variability.
Dr. Reid also explained that FCPS is engaging an inclusive schooling expert to provide guidance for a 3-5 year action plan to enhance inclusive opportunities in every school by redesigning the special education service delivery model and student experience to better meet the needs and goals of students identified through the IEP process.
Additionally, the Superintendent encouraged families to save the date for the 2025 Family Summit on March 15, 2025.
Strategic Plan Update: Diverse, Adaptive, and Supportive Workforce
Video | Meeting Materials
For the Strategic Plan Update, the Superintendent and Jenny Cunneen, Director of Leadership Development, offered an update about efforts to achieve a diverse, adaptive, and supportive workforce. They detailed the school division's efforts to create pathways for current and aspiring leaders and a strong pipeline of future instructional and operational leaders.
Local Investments: Flint Hill Elementary Playground Equipment
The Board approved a $369,117.50 contract for playground equipment Installation at Flint Hill Elementary School, which many Providence District students attend. The contract was awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Funding for this project will be provided by the ADA Playground Improvement Fund and Site Improvement Fund. (More information)
Inclusive Schools Week Proclamation
Video | Meeting Materials
The Board unanimously proclaimed the week of December 2-6, 2024, as Inclusive Schools Week and reaffirmed its commitment to creating an inclusive, supportive, and equitable learning community where all students are engaged, inspired, and thrive. The Board encourages the Fairfax County community to participate in activities that celebrate inclusion, diversity, equity, and belonging.
Motion: Moon, Second: S. Anderson / Vote: Yes 11, No 0
Student Performance of the National Anthem
The Board meeting began with a beautiful performance of the National Anthem by the Island Creek Elementary School Chorus under the direction of Sarah Laird:
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Regular Board Meetings (Luther Jackson Middle School)
- Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
- Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.
Work Sessions (Gatehouse Administration Center)
- Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 10:30 a.m.
- Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 10:30 a.m.
All meetings are broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and on the FCPS website. Meetings are also recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS YouTube channel. Visit the community participation webpage to sign up to speak at regular meetings or public hearings.
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia