Cedar Connection

A Word from Mr. Bohnert

Hello Cedar Lane families!

There are only two more weeks of school before winter break takes us into the new year! Cedar Lane has several events planned to make these last two weeks of the year fun and exciting for our students, including a winter music concert, a field trip, and a PBIS game day!

The winter music concert will feature several students and staff members as they showcase their musical talents and skills. The stage will be delightfully decorated, the lights will bright, and the music will be sweet! We are super excited for the opportunity to share our artistry with the Cedar Lane Community!

Wishing you a warm and wonderful weekend!

Mr. Bohnert


Cedar Lane School Outstanding Teacher - Ms. Bouzaher!

Cedar Lane School’s outstanding teacher for the 2024-2025 school year is Ms. Sadia Bouzaher! Ms. B, as she is sometimes known, is an experienced teacher who works to instill in her students a desire to learn and achieve. When she is working with her WAT students, whether on the job site, in the community, or in the classroom, she does what she can to understand the individual needs of each student in order to encourage them to build their skills and their self-esteem.

As one of her colleagues shared, “Last year there was a student in Ms. B’s class… the encouragement that she gave him was tremendous. He was a student who didn’t go by himself to the bus, due to lack of confidence. Ms. B persisted in teaching him the skills that he needed to be successful in a job and also talked to him in a way that only a few teachers have. Now, the student in question is in the STEP program doing his internship in a government office!”

Not only does she support her students and the general Cedar Lane/Vienna community while she is at work, as a member of the Cedar Lane staff she is often available to assist her colleagues in whichever way is possible. At times, she will stop by to check in on co-workers with an ear to hear their concerns and a treat to warm their stomach. Ms. B also strives to demonstrate inclusivity and equity in her work here at Cedar Lane. Congratulations, Ms. B!!

SOL Testing

SOL Grade 9-12 Assessments

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Your student will be taking one or more Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) End-of-Course (EOC) assessments between December 11 and December 20. Some SOL assessments are required under federal law, and some may be needed to verify credit for high school graduation. The table below shows the SOL EOC tests available to fulfill federal participation and/or verified credit requirements.

  • Federal law requires schools to provide students one SOL test in reading, in mathematics, and in science during grades 9-12. These assessments provide information about student achievement to the parent/guardian, school, division, and state.
  • State law requires students to verify credits to fulfill Standard and Advanced Studies diploma requirements, as outlined on the Graduation Requirements and Course Planning webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/academics/graduation-requirements-and-course-planning). SOL tests are the most common way students earn the verified credits they need. However, performance assessments (social studies only) or substitute assessments approved by the Virginia Board of Education may be another option available for your student to verify certain credits.

Content Area




Social Studies

Available Tests

Algebra 1


Algebra 2



Earth Science



Virginia and U.S. History 

World History 1

World History 2

A SOL Tests in High School webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/node/35021) provides more information about SOL EOC tests in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). Information about timing and process for accessing SOL test results can be found on the SOL Grade 9-12 Results webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/node/35200). 

All SOL assessments are taken in-person at school. School staff will schedule and communicate specific testing dates for your student based on their individual assessment needs. If you do not want your student to participate in SOL assessments, you may choose to refuse testing. However, any decision to refuse SOL tests should be made in consultation with school staff to allow full consideration of any potential implications for on-time graduation. See the Right to Refuse Assessments webpage section (https://www.fcps.edu/node/34277) for information to support this decision.

If you have questions about SOL testing, please contact your student’s school counselor or the assessment coach/school test coordinator at your student’s school.

Middle School Start Time Study

  • ⏰ Update on Potential Changes to Middle School Start Times

At Tuesday’s School Board work session, staff from Prismatic Services, Inc., presented options for adjusting start times at FCPS middle schools. As a reminder, Prismatic is charged with developing an action plan to help the School Board reach its goal of starting middle school at or after 8 a.m.

The presentation includes five options for adjusting middle school start times based on the consultant’s analysis from community forums, surveys, and interviews with staff, parents, associations, and other groups. The School Board will provide next steps to the superintendent.

Watch a video of the work session. Visit the Middle School Start Times webpage for more information on the project.

Spanish: Actualización de Cambios Potenciales a los Horarios de Comienzo de las Escuelas IntermediasEn la sesión de trabajo de la Junta Escolar del martes, personal de Prismatic Services, Inc. presentó opciones para ajustar las horas de comienzo en las escuelas intermedias de FCPS. Como recordatorio, Prismatic está encargado de desarrollar un plan de acción para ayudar a la Junta Escolar a alcanzar su meta de empezar las escuelas intermedias a las 8 a.m. o después.La presentación incluye cinco opciones para ajustar las horas de comienzo de las escuelas intermedias basado en el análisis del consultor de los foros de la comunidad, encuestas, y entrevistas con el personal, padres, asociaciones, y otros grupos. El Consejo Escolar proporcionará los próximos pasos al superintendente.Vea un video de la sesión de trabajo. Visite la página web sobre el Horario de Inicio de las Escuelas Intermedias para obtener más información sobre el proyecto.


  • 2025-26 FAFSA Form Now Available

The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA.

The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.

Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax

Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.

In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email appointments@CollegeAccessFairfax.org.

Spanish:Ya está disponible el formulario FAFSA 2025-26La Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA) 2025-26 ya está disponible. Cualquier estudiante de último año de secundaria que vaya a la universidad - independientemente de sus ingresos - que quiera ser considerado para los programas de ayuda financiera federal, estatal y escolar debe completar un formulario FAFSA. Se anima a los padres y tutores a trabajar con sus hijos para completar la solicitud de FAFSA lo antes posible. Consulte la página web de la oficina de ayuda financiera de cada universidad para conocer los plazos y los formularios de ayuda financiera. A continuación, cree una cuenta, si aún no lo ha hecho, y complete la FAFSALa solicitud de Ayuda Estatal Alternativa de Virginia (VASA) estará disponible a finales de enero para los estudiantes que no puedan completar la FAFSA. Para ayudarte a determinar qué opción de ayuda es la más adecuada para ti, visita el sitio web del Consejo Estatal de Educación Superior de Virginia.Obtenga ayuda para llenar la FAFSA de College Access FairfaxEn los próximos meses, College Access Fairfax ofrecerá varios programas sobre cómo llenar la FAFSA/VASA y cómo encontrar y solicitar becas. Obtenga información sobre estos programas y cómo acceder a ellos en el sitio web de College Access Fairfax.Además, el personal de College Access Fairfax está disponible para sesiones virtuales de ayuda individual para completar la FAFSA/VASA. Para solicitar una cita, las familias deben enviar un correo electrónico a appointments@CollegeAccessFairfax.org.

Mental Health Teletherapy

  • 💻 No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage for information on this service. 

  • Spanish: 💻 Teleterapia de Salud Mental Sin Costo para Todos los Estudiantes de Secundaria

Su hijo de secundaria está teniendo ansiedad, cambios de comportamiento o dificultades con las relaciones familiares o con sus compañeros? Si es así, los padres/cuidadores pueden referir a sus hijos a terapia semanal con un terapeuta licenciado a través de Hazel Health. Visite la página web Teletherapy para obtener información por este servicio.

  • Korean: 💻 모든 고등학생을 위한 무료 정신 건강 텔레테라피(Teletherapy: 유선/온라인) 상담 서비스

고등학생 자녀가 불안, 행동 변화, 또래 및 가족 관계에 어려움을 겪고 있나요? 그렇다면 부모/보호자는 자녀가 Hazel Health를 통해 면허를 소지한 전문 상담사와 매주 상담을 받도록 추천할 수 있습니다. 이 서비스를 신청하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 텔레테라피 웹페이지를 참조하세요.

Boundary Meetings

Boundary graphic for newsletters
  • Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m., at Madison High School Cafeteria.

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage.

  • Spanish: Reunión Comunitaria de Revisión de Límites

Las reuniones comunitarias sobre la Revisión de Límites de FCPS se llevarán a cabo en cada una de las seis regiones de la división. Le animamos a asistir a la reunión en nuestra región, que tendrá lugar el Miércoles, 18 de diciembre, 6:30-8 p.m., en la cafetería de la Escuela Secundaria de Madison.

Por favor, inscríbase con antelación haciendo clic en la fecha. Habrá servicio de interpretación. 

Si no puede asistir en esta fecha, consulte la lista completa de reuniones en el sitio web de la Revisión integral de límites escolares.

Cedar Chips

Cedar Lane students have been working hard to produce our monthly newsletter. Take a look at their work and check out the latest news around the Lane.

Food Assistance/Resource Guide

  • Food Assistance and Resource Guide

Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.

Spanish:🍲 Asistencia Alimentaria y Guía de RecursosLa inseguridad alimentaria impacta a más de 96,000 residentes del Condado de Fairfax. Hay muchos recursos disponibles para apoyar a aquellos que necesitan asistencia alimentaria. Aprenda cómo ayudar a estas familias y los muchos recursos disponibles para apoyar a aquellos que necesitan asistencia alimentaria en el sitio web del Condado de Fairfax, o consulte la Guía de Recursos de Servicios Humanos del condado.

Books Over Break

  • 📚 Bundle Up With Books Over Break

Fairfax County Public Library’s (FCPL) winter reading adventure has begun and will continue through Friday, January 31, 2025. Visit your local FCPL library branch or visit their website to register and get a sneak peek at the prizes being offered.

Check out their Winter Reading Events webpage to learn about laser tag, movie nights, crafting sessions, Noon-Year Eve celebrations, and book discussions.

  • Spanish:📚 Entretenerse con libros durante las vacaciones de invierno

La aventura de lectura de invierno de la Biblioteca Pública del Condado de Fairfax (FCPL) ha comenzado y continuará hasta el viernes 31 de enero de 2025. Visite su biblioteca local del Condado de Fairfax (FCPL) o visite su sitio web para inscribirse y obtener un adelanto de los premios que se ofrecen.

Outdoor Winter Fun!

School buses in snow.
  • ⛄ Get Outdoors for Winter Fun!

The Fairfax County Park Authority has rounded up its seasonal fun into a handy list of events happening across the county

Learn more about the Winter Wonderland and the Holiday Train at Burke Lake Park, Holiday on the Farm at Frying Pan Farm Park, and many more fun events.

  • Spanish:

⛄ ¡Diviértete al aire libre durante este invierno!

La Autoridad de Parques del Condado de Fairfax ha organizado una lista de los eventos de temporada que se celebrarán en todo el condado. 

Obtenga más información sobre Winter Wonderland y Holiday Train en Burke Lake Park, Holiday on the Farm en Frying Pan Farm Park, y muchos más eventos divertidos.

District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

  • FCPS NewsIn case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
  • Family Academy Orientation
  • Literacy Resources
  • Winter Programs and Activities

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  

  • Spanish: En caso de que se lo haya perdido en FCPS This Week, la división escolar compartió actualizaciones sobre los siguientes temas y otros:
  • Orientación de la Academia Familiar
  • Recursos de alfabetización
  • Programas y actividades de invierno

Lea FCPS Esta Semana para aprender más sobre estos temas. Si aún no recibe este boletín semanal, suscríbase hoy mismo.