Chantilly HS PTSA - 11/26/24

Chantilly PTSA supports:

The All Night Graduation Party (ANGP)        Senior Scholarships     Teacher / Staff Grants      Science Fair       Staff Appreciation                              Student Volunteer Opportunities          Afterschool Snack bar  Advocacy Opportunities    Purple Tide     Yearbook                                Korean Club and other FCPS Sponsored Afterschool Clubs                        And much more...               


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Students, want service hours?

When you attend a CHS Parent Teacher Student Association meeting (PTSA) you can earn volunteer hours.  We want your input!

The next Executive Board meeting is January 16th in the library at 6:30.

Support our staff in December

As we approach December with the many events and holidays, families can support Chantilly staff and contribute to the joyful atmosphere.  Please consider donating to the Amazon wishlist. Let's make this a

December to Remember!  


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